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Everything posted by happymonday

  1. I have 5 kids 4 have adhd but only one has a DX. One has a dx for ASD but 2 have ASD. I have un-dx ahdh and my family is full of mental health problems, I only admit to it as you dont know me IRL... The shame that society inflicts upon us that dont fit the mold.
  2. What happen to an inclusive society? Bet raciest comments would be out lawed?????
  3. Yer nightmare here to EVERYDAY seems to end in a screaming session..... But thats from dh as Ds can never sort himself out on a bad day it can take an hr to dress at least.
  4. I ma not at your stage yet as my DS is only 6 but we have had a yr of traila and error on meds. I don't think t hat I could restrain my son I know i did a few months ago as his meds were not working and he is only a little thing and I found him a struggle. To be honest I am not sure that restraining is the best option. What I mean is does your son have a sound of area or his own room? I have had to cram my kids in together to give my ASD son his own space at least this means that I can tell him to go and sound off upstairs (smash up his one room and then feel sorry!) Does your ds understand why he has to have meds? That is makes him a much nicer person to be arpound? It could just be that he had a rubbish day, maybe something at school had set him off? The main thing is he calmed down, keep up the hard work lol Take care.
  5. Hmmm looks like that whatever the case we all seem to know by 5 at the latest. I do wonder if it depends how much asd thy have as to weather us as parents notice it sooner.I can remember at 1 really not liking my now 6 yr old who is ADHD and HFA. I felt the same way about my 2 yr old at age one and I am sure he is on the spectrum. Not that there is anything wrong with the spectrum but I for onc found life easier once I knew for sure, in writing, he has a problem and it was not just me, IYKWIM. Kinda wish that dx dis not take so long...
  6. My ds who is almost 7, I have known since he was 18 months he had a problem but it was not until he was 6 that the pead finally agreed. I now have a situation here, i know my 2 yr old has ASD and although Im just getting into the system I know we have a long road ahead. When I already have once with ASD it would be nice if I could get a DX for my second one quicker than a 6 yr wait!
  7. Hi, I new here.. Mummy of 5, at least one has ASD with ADHD a couple have ADHD and I have one who is 2 and at a currently unknow but im watching stage! But my main special nightmare is K aged 6 who has ADHD and ASD looking like HFA. Well life is a challenge and I try not to take things to seriously anymore it was making me grow old! I shall enjoy getting to know you all, ta ta for now!
  8. Hiya, Tis fun to be a mum of the special ones eh? My son is also 6 with ADS and ADHD so I know where you are, mine gave the dog a huge kick yesterday.. had a melt down is tesco over a transformer etc etc you know the kinda stuff I am sure. Well I am not you but I tend to ignore SOOOOOOOOOO much its not worth the agro. You need to choose your battles and decide if its really worth letting something end up in a full blown meltdown or if letting him have his own way could work. Yes against every parenting guild line in the world eh? A yr ago I had a boy who wanted to be dead who was causing lots of damage and hurting people. Today I have a happy boy, who does not have me round his finger but does get a few more things than his siblings. Self estime has rocketed and I dont often tell him how naughty or bad he is, I praise for good and let him have space when he needs it. My ds does have rages and tantrums but letting him be and guiding from teh back seat works for you softly softly. In the mean time these things take time and you could do with call ss as your a family in crises and get some help family link workers, play scheme or activities perhaps, ds needs building up. You can have a happy boy its just takes time and understanding... Now anybody know about 11 yr daughters??? lol
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