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Posts posted by NickyB

  1. Oh Smiley this is such a worry for you :(


    Just a thought - and they may have tested for this already - but my Dad had lots of the symptoms you mentioned, and it turned out to be kidney stones. This was completely missed by more than one GP and it was only when he went to hospital with a nosebleed that wouldn't stop that they discovered the stones :wallbash: He's fine now.


    I hope your Dad recovers soon >:D<<'>

  2. Hi BD :)


    I did notice that it said in the article that they had chosen photos of children who 'looked different' to poke fun at. That doesn't mean they are necessarily all disabled, so I think there may at the least have been some assumptions made about that.


    I must admit I did wonder why it took so long for someone to say something. I'm absolutely sure that if it had been me, I would have immediately removed the photos and 'blown the whistle' straight away. One wonders where the 'management' were?


    As you say, though, none of that makes it any less horrible :angry:

  3. Hello all :)


    We had DS's Annual Review for his statement on Tuesday.


    He is making brilliant progress in all areas of the curriculum, and his social skills have improved too :D


    Now that he's been at the ASD unit for a few months, they have noted that he has the full range of sensory issues - sight, smell, touch, personal space and noise. No wonder he had so many problems at mainstream school, bless him!


    He is attending the mainstream school next door for assembly, lunchtime and one lesson in the main year 3 class per week, with 1:1 support, to try to help him learn to deal with his 'sensory overload' issues. I am so pleased at the way they are approaching this, as it is very important for him to develop strategies to cope with his problems, otherwise the real world will be a big shock when he leaves school!


    It's such a relief, after all the battles, to know that he is in the right place. Hopefully we can relax a little bit now (I may regret saying that lol!)


    Thanks to everyone for your advice and support - it's been a big help in getting us to this point :)


    Nicky - a very happy and proud Mummy >:D<<'>

  4. Hello Lucie.


    My DS was first asessed 4 years ago. The consultant asked me and hubby about our family circumstances, the support we give DS at home, his medical history etc. The thing we found the most difficult was when she asked about milestones, like what age he said his first word, and when he started walking. It was so hard to remeber by the time he was 4 :o


    There was another person there who played some games with DS to try and see where his problems were. It was done very gently and DS seemed to enjoy it!


    I hope it all goes well.


    Nicky x

  5. Hi peppa :)


    I'd start by getting together any reports and assessments that have been completed for your dd. I went right back to when DS was at nursery, when he had his initial visit from the Specialist Teaching service. Then it may be an idea to put it all in order by date so that you and the LA can see exactly what's ben done and when. You can never have too much paperwork :o


    You might want to ask the school exactly what they are putting as the reasons for asking for a statement, and then look through what you have and highlight anything which relates to those specific issues.


    Also, if you don't already do so, you could keep a diary for a couple of weeks of how your dd's issues affect her day-to-day, so that you have examples to refer to when you send in all of your paperwork.


    I hope the process runs smoothly for you, and if you need any more help, just ask :)


    Nicky >:D<<'>

  6. Thank you BD - food for thought as always :D


    I have had a chat with him and I haven't got much out of him yet! He just says 'I don't know' when I ask why he's hitting etc.


    I have asked him what his favourite thing to do is and he said playing with his toy robots. So, I've made a behaviour chart, and if he stays in his seat on the bus and doesn't hit, then he can have his robots. He REALLY doesn't like the idea of not playing with them, so let's hope it has an effect.


    It would be a good idea to have a proper talk with the driver - I think I'll give her my number tomorrow.


    He seems to get on fine with the other kids. The journey is quite long - about an hour by the time they've picked up all the kids. There's not much they can do about the timing of the pick ups because of where they are geographically.


    Here's hoping for better things tomorrow :pray:

  7. Thanks Bid >:D<<'>


    His current favourite thing is to watch Toy Story, so I've gone with that this evening - he is not happy that he can't watch it!!


    A visual reminder would certainly help to re-inforce the message, and keeping a specific sanction for a particular behaviour is a good idea too.


    Thanks again >:D<<'>

  8. Hello all :)


    DS is having some problems in the taxi to school. It's a minibus-style taxi with 5 children - 2 are in wheelchairs. There is an escort who sits in the back with them.


    He is being very aggressive towards the driver and escort, physically and verbally. I have spoken to him again and again about how I expect him to behave, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I've sent him to the 'naughty step' today and told him he can't watch TV or have any treats. I've explained in plain language that he needs to sit quietly on the bus and do as the driver and escort say with no hitting or rude words. He's told me he understands and he will do as he's told tomorrow. However, he's said that before and it's not been any better :wallbash:


    I thought it may be partly to do with sensory issues, as he said it was too noisy, so I got him some ear defenders, which seemed to work quite well at first,but only for a while.


    Today, the driver got him of the bus and was obvoiusly not happy. I asked her what the problem was and she said she didn't want to talk about it - she said that she didn't want to keep telling me as it's making no difference. I did explain that I do punish him and talk to him about his behaviour. I really don't want her to think that I'm not trying.


    Eventually she did tell me that he barged her while she was attending to one of the children in a wheelchair, and when she spoke to him about it, he pinched her. While she was telling me about this, he shoved his hand into her face to try to stop her :o


    The escort comes to the door in the mornings to pick him up, but when they come home, she doesn't get out of the taxi and the driver brings him to the door. The driver said that DS and the escort do not get on and, in her words, 'they are both very similar and they try to get the better of each other'. That does sound like rather childish behaviour for an adult. I do find that she can be quite 'short' with the children (her voice is quite piercing) and she doesn't appear to have much patience with them. There does seem to be an odd relationship between the driver and escort - I could be looking for things that aren't there, but I get the feeling they don't get on either.


    I am in no way excusing DSs behavoiur but I feel that the atmosphere on the bus isn't helping at all.


    I will continue to put sanctions in place for DSs behaviour as it's not acceptable to be abusive, no matter what the situation. I just don't know wat else I can do - any suggestions?


    I'm not sure what would happen about getting him to school if they refuse to have him on the bus any more :tearful:


    Thanks for reading my ramblings :blink:


    Nicky x

  9. Hello >:D<<'> >:D<


    I can remember having much the same feelings when DS was diagnosed, four years ago now. It is a difficult thing to deal with, even if you do know it is coming. You are bound to have many questions and worries, but as the others have said, it's best to take it one day at a time.


    I still have days where it all seems too much, but I try to remember that as long as he's making progress, then that's all that matters right now. If there's one thing that it's taught me, it is to live for today, and enjoy my children.


    Take care


    Nicky >:D<<'>

  10. Hi Janey :)


    I've had a look at the SEN Code of Practice and it says:


    - the head teacher must prepare a report, and submit it

    to the LEA no later than 10 school days after the annual review meeting or the end of that

    school term, whichever is the earlier. The review report should be written as quickly as possible.


    - Where the decision is to amend the statement, the LEA should start the process of

    amendment without delay.



    I really think that nearly 5 months cannot be described as 'without delay. I'd suggest calling the LA on Monday, and ask them what's going on - it may halp to quote the Code (it's section 9.32 to 9.35 :D)


    Hope that helps


    Nicky >:D<<'>

  11. I think there is lots of positive stuff in the Green Paper but it does depend on the details and how the proposals are actually implemented in practise. It does say in the Paper that the Government will be consulting with LA's and health professionals etc. about how things will actually be done. Let's hope they actually listen to those who will have to implement these changes.


    I like the idea of the 'Education and Care Plan' which will be replacing Statements, as it will bring together all the person's needs in one document, from early years to adulthood. There is most certainly a need for people to be properly supported once they leave education - something which doesn't work too well right now. There is a need, though, for regular reviews, as people's needs change so much throughout their lives - I couldn't find any mention of this in the Paper.


    It does say in the Paper that the new Plans will 'provide the same statutory protection to parents as the statement of SEN and will include a commitment from all parties to provide their services', so as long as this bit makes it into the final Bill, then the contents of the Plan will still be binding.


    I also really hope they deliver on the promise of less bureaucracy, as I do seem to have given the same information over and over again on many different documents over the last couple of years.


    One thing that doesn't add up for me is their promise to end the bias toward mainstream education, and give parents greater choice in the type of school they can choose for their child. But there is no explanation as to where these alternative school places are going to come from, apart from the offer to allow people to start their own 'free' schools. I cannot see any commitment to making more specialist school places available, and I really don't think there will be enough people opening 'free' schools to make up the shortfall. Parental choice is wonderful in principle but means nothing if the services are just not there.


    Overall I think there's lots to be positive about, though.


    Nicky x

  12. Thanks guys :thumbs:



    Didn't go so far as buying the local paper, but did notice on the front page that some other good news re school has emerged recently, so some more of these for that too :thumbs::thumbs:




    BD :D


    Yes - the new building will be ready by September (so long as the plans get signed off :pray: ) and it's going to be lovely!

    It's about time they moved out of the 'temporary' building they are in at the moment.

  13. Hi all


    I went to meet with the SENCO at the ASD unit this morning for DSs interim review.

    I can't tell you how pleased and proud I am :thumbs: He's settled in extremely well. He's excelling at reading, maths and IT. He is a reluctant writer, but getting better all the time.

    Socially, his meltdowns are much less frequent, and he's started to show empathy and understanding towards other children.


    He joined in with the school play at Christmas, and even did a little song and dance on the stage - he'd never even go into the hall at his old school.


    It may be some time before I stop grinning like the Cheshire Cat :D


    Nicky >:D<<'>

  14. Hello Sarah. Sorry that you are having such a hard time at the moment :(


    I've tried looking at the NHS patient's charter, and the only thing I can find is that the GP should refer you to the PCT and they will find an alternative GP. Thast seems to be what they have already done, although their alternatives don't seem to be of much use to you.


    It may be an idea to contact the Citizen's Advice Bureaux - http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk


    If you are in a lot of pain, would it be possible to get to hospital?


    I also found a charity called Verity, for women with PCOS. They are at http://www.verity-pcos.org.uk


    I really hope you feel better soon >:D<<'>

  15. Hello Sally


    I found this in a document called 'how to appeal an SEN decision', on the SENDIST website:


    What if the local authority does not

    send us or you a response?


    If the local authority does not send a response

    by the end of the time in which they have to

    reply, we can do a number of things, including

    barring them from taking further part in the

    appeal. Before deciding what to do, we will

    write to the local authority asking for an

    explanation of why they have not responded,

    or not responded in time. A tribunal judge will

    consider any reply the local authority gives and

    will decide what should happen. If the local

    authority is barred from further involvement,

    we will decide whether your case can be

    dealt with on the papers or whether there

    should still be a hearing, but without the local



    I hope that helps - the link to the document is HERE


    Nicky >:D<<'>

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