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Posts posted by NickyB

  1. Hi everyone,

    I'm marie, i have a 10 year old son who was diagnosed with AS a year ago. It's great to find a forum with people who know what your going through. I'm looking forward to picking your brains and sometimes having a general rant!! :thumbs:


    Hello Marie and welcome :thumbs:



  2. Hi Kez


    It's infuriating. I feel you are right, they are stalling. They did exactly the same with us. Definitely go ahead and put your appeal in anyway - if nothing else it will let them know that you are not going away! You can withdraw the appeal at any time. If they do decide to assess, make sure you have it in writing before you withdraw the appeal.


    I really hope you get it sorted soon - my LA changed their minds after they heard about our appeal, so fingers crossed they do the same for you. Mind you, appealing, in itself, is not supposed to be a reason for them deciding to assess :wallbash:


    Good luck >:D<<'>

  3. hi all.,


    just wanted to say hi, i am new.

    amanda, live in east riding of yorkshire with my partner marc, and our 3 children age 9,5, and 3.


    son age 5, undergoing assessment at the moment for asd.

    look forward to chatting. xxx


    Hi amanda and welcome :)


    I have 2 boys - the eldest is 12 and the other is 7 and was diagnosed with Autism when he was 4.


    I look forward to getting to know you >:D<<'>


    Nicky :D


  4. please please can anyone help i dotn want to mess this up x


    Hi bensmum :thumbs:


    I got to the same stage myself a few months ago, but the LA backed down the day before the telephone case management hearing. I posted on this forum about it and I had a reply from Kathryn which might be of some help :


    'Hi Nicky,


    The case management system is still quite new and they don't do telephone hearings for all appeals anyway, so not many people will have first hand experience of this, I expect.


    Remember you don't have to prove your entire case over the phone: if you've been told that the call is just to discuss bringing the hearing forward, focus on that issue. To prepare yourself I think it would help if you have clear in your mind all the reasons why you believe an earlier hearing is essential: and any important evidence which supports that (especially recent evidence about the exclusions, and other difficulties at school, for example). Might help to have your reasons for appeal in front of you as well, just to remind yourself of the overall issues.


    From what you say, the LEA seem to be making slightly more encouraging noises. Don't want to raise false hopes here, but if they know they don't have a strong case, they might back down before the 24th rather than go through the double hassle of a phone hearing and preparing their response. I do hope so. praying.gif


    K x'


    Hope that helps >:D<<'>


  5. Hi KezT


    Have the school been keeping a diary of concerns and incidents? Have they given you a copy of the evidence they sent in to the LEA in support of the application?


    If you can get hold of as much information as possible, you can try to pick out the bits which support the points in your letter. Also, go through the LA's reasons for refusal (which should be noted on the purple sheet they sent you) and try to find some evidence relating to those reasons.


    I sent in loads of extra sheets of paper and evidence - I don't think you can ever have enough!


    Just like caci, our appeal went up to 4pm the day before the hearing, so you probably won't even get to that stage. IMO the LEAs just want to see whether you are going to fight them - personally, I was only too happy to oblige :D



    Best of luck >:D<<'>

  6. Is it on a sliding scale ie. if you earn a certain amount you get part of the carers allowance??


    Hi Sally. No, it's fixed, so you either get the full amount or nothing. You are right about having to find out for yourself - I missed out on 2 years worth of CA because I didn't know about it.

  7. I thought carer's allowance was for caring for someone on certain benefits for over 35 hours a week rather than a low income family?


    Surely they will back date it if they agree in your favour?


    Hi :)


    It's for the main carer if they care for the person for over 35 hours a week and they earn less than £95 a week. I'm sure they will backdate but as it's awarded on the basis of a low income, I am a bit miffed that they can stop it suddenly. It's a lot of money to lose, even if it is temporary.



  8. interestingly our seat is so very conservative that the only leaflet we've recieved through the post is for UKIP noone else is bothering, including the conservatives!


    Much the same here NobbyNobbs, we've seen no leaflets and no sign of anyone (not that I mind :) )


  9. Hi all :)


    OK, now I'm getting really angry :angry:


    I sent in my proof of income to the Carer's Allowance office 3 weeks ago. They have stopped my payments while they work out whether I'm still entitled (which I clearly am to anyone who looks at my income figures). I called them after a week or so to be told that 'it won't take long' in a less than convincing tone!!


    I called them again today because they now owe me over £200 and I have bills to pay. The woman said the case had been sent to the 'decision makers' (sounds like something out of Big Brother :lol:) and they will write to me when they have made their decision. I asked again how long it would take and she said 'I don't know'.


    I am hopping mad that they can be so vague when it comes to a benefit which is for low-income families. I have just written a letter of complaint but I have discovered that they have 10 days to reply, which will mean at least another £100 will go unpaid.


    Once the election is over, I will be getting in touch with my MP!!


    Anyone else had this problem?


    Right, rant over - I'm off to work (although I don't know why I bother! :o)


    Nicky x

  10. Hello and welcome :)


    I can identify with your feelings - it is a difficult time just after dx. There are so many things going through your head, it's difficult to take it all in. Try to give youurself time to let it all sink in. My DS was diagnosed 3 years ago, and although we knew it was coming, it was still a shock. We have learned so much over that time, and have come to understand him much better. He still has behaviour issues but we have learned better how to deal with them. The biggest tip I could give is to always be consistent in the way you approach things.

    It is daunting but you have found a great forum here and there are lots of people who can give you good advice, so just ask :)


    Look after yourself >:D<<'>


  11. Hi

    Just a quick question.I got Sams DLA about 3/4 weeks ago,this morning I got a letter about an increase and on the letter its written indefinatley does this mean I wont have to re-apply?

    Thank you.


    Hi justine


    I'm looking at the letter I got last year about an increase in payment amount. The rate increases every April. On my letter it says the amount of benefit is going up, then tells me how much I will be getting. Then it says what I am entitled to and gives an expiry date, at which point I will have to renew. I would imagine that the expiry date on your original award letter would still stand but I'm sure if you give them a call they will confirm it either way.


  12. Definitely give them a call. I did so and was granted a telephone hearing to decide whether to bring forward the date. It was at that point that the LA backed down and granted our request, so we didn't need to go to SEND at all.


    Good luck x

  13. Hello Nicky B,


    Sorry you had to go through that today. It can play on your mind for the rest of the day when things happen like that. I have had people speak to me and my son to. Unfortunately i always think of something smart to say when the moments gone. There was a book called 'Facing the crowd' how to handle peoples nasty comments and those who are well meaning but not understanding. I have tried to get hold of it but unfortunatly its out of print. I am still looking about for something similar. I always try now and turn comments around.


    I know you can't always have the time to say something when dealing with physical situations. If i had been there, i would have offered help at least.


    Its the sort of day that makes you want to cry. Hope you both have a better day tomorrow.


    best wishes



    Thank you >:D<<'>

  14. Thanks guys :thumbs:


    BD thanks for that suggestion. I have tried a DS but he's not really into games. I will try the MP3 player.


    I didn't actually see the person who said 'retard' but it sounded like a young voice (if that makes any sense :blink: )


    Sadly, the other two comments came from middle-aged people, which doesn't bode well for the attitude of any kids they have :(


    I have moved on from feeling shocked and upset and now I just feel angry :angry:

  15. Hello everyone >:D<<'>


    I took DS on the bus today, then to the train station to get to his swimming lesson.


    We got on the bus and it was just us, so he sat on the back row of seats in the middle. He doesn't like it if someone sits next to him, so I had a chat with him about other people needing to get on the bus and sit down. This has been an issue before and we've used social stories to try and help him understand. The bus gradually filled up as we got nearer to the town.

    Anyway, we got to the stop before the station and someone got on and sat next to him. To his credit, he didn't lash out as he used to do, but he did burst into tears. Unfortunately, when we got to the station, he refused to get off the bus :o

    I tried to reason with him while the bus driver patiently waited, but he wasn't going to budge. I realised we were going to miss the train if we didn't hurry up, so I made the decision to pick him up and carry him off, kicking and screaming, whilst also struggling with my bags.

    Obviously I was the centre of attention by this point with lots of people staring and tutting.

    That doesn't really bother me as I realise most people have no idea what's going on and just see a badly behaved child kicking his Mum!


    What REALLY upset me was what happened next. As I struggled down the bus, someone said 'retard' very loudly. Then a man said to DS 'you - behave'. Then someone else said 'you need to give him a good hiding'. It was as if that first comment had opened the floodgates. I got him off the bus and then turned round and suggested that a little understanding wouldn't go amiss. The bus driver was great and asked if I was OK.


    As I say, I understand that people are going to stare and I would be a hypocrite if I said I'd never done that myself many years ago, but I was very shocked by what they said. Why do people have to be so spiteful? :tearful:


    Thanks for letting me rant - I feel so much better for getting it off my chest >:D<<'>

  16. Having had J at home since July last year because we refused to send our lovely boy to be further damaged in a mainstream school, we fought to get the statement, then spent £18,000 taking the LEA to tribunal for the school of our choice. BTW there are no AS specific schools in County....And I am thrilled that finally we won!


    J begins his life on Monday at a super school near Andover, he is so excited and so are we!


    The school passed the information about this forum to me as another parent helps to run it. Whoever you are I look forward to meeting you because, as a family we have felt so alone. I can't wait to be part of a community.


    That's brilliant :notworthy:


    I hope J has a wonderful time at his new school :thumbs:


    Nicky x

  17. Hi KezT


    We had exactly the same - the LA refused to assess and said that they needed another report before they would reconsider. Then when they got that report they started the process all over again which gave them another 6 weeks. I must admit we didn't qeury it so I don't know if they followed the correct procedure.

    When they wrote to you, they should have given the reasons for not assessing, in detail, along with details of your right to appeal. If they haven't done this, then they haven't followed the correct procedure, so I would contact them and ask for an immediate reconsideration.

    The procedure they have to follow is set out in the SEN code of practice (sections 7.69 to 7.71). You can download it from HERE


    Hope that helps >:D<<'>


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