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teresa london

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Everything posted by teresa london

  1. Hi poll, I so do understand what you are going through. I just this year understand part of all this system with SEN and schools. If it wasn't for a parent at the Autistic Society saying: "He needs a statment" and me asking what is a statment? and then going to a PP to find out also advised by a parents Aut. Soc. meeting. I would not even know was on Action Plus and school should do certain things to suport them. My son is only in year two and since I asked SENco Is $ on Action or Action Plus the problem statted with SENco. The more knowlege I have the more I understand they school has the obligation of informing you of every step. The thing is again it is on paper on the IEP which I now know what it is but nothing is done. They call him stuborn and so on... Met with head and said he would apply for assesment to LEA and all involved had a meting and agreed EP, etc and then in a meeting with EP she said she would never support a statment because he was achiving according to teacher. Yesterday, teacher showed that he is on a low year 1 ($ atends year 2) and I should work with him on this that and the other for him to improve. I continue to get contradiction of information. I thought to expose it to Board of Governors and did but never got an answer. Even when I asked for school records under the DATA PROTECTION ACT they sent me some IEP copies and leter I wrote to school. So having a statment does not seem to work anyway. It is all over the country this problem of parents fighting for their kids rights. I think we all should think of a way to come toghether (even parents of kids with other disabilities not beeing ASD) and make a protest to the goverment. The Lamb report did not work either. I hope you get through to get the school to understand but ..... it is very sad that people who have a responsability and duty to children let them down. All the best and let us know how you get on. Kind Regards
  2. Thank's JS mum. That was a straight foward response. I supposed that was why I posted such an ignorante post.... SLEEP Deprived after all it was 4 in the morning when I posted it. I feel more confidante that should be ok to give it to my son. It seems it might be the case I am in fact exhausted......
  3. I am glad there is the two sides. The disbelivers and the ones who know it has happened. Could anyone tell me, please, what was that of my son seeing two of me when I was just waking up? As I mentionned before, he was only around two and he mentioned it now again with 7. Kind of 'freaks' me out. Even more because two year olds don't lie. I clearly remember him mentioning this at the time he was 2. I am a scary cat, I chose to ignore it. He explainned well now that he is 7. Any insight into this is welcome. Dekaspace sorry I am 'highjacking you post. All the best to all.
  4. I apologise if I came across insensative and judgmental. I can understand that giving'drugs' to a kid would be the last resource. Possible I am very anxious that I will be advised for my son to take 'drugs' to control his sleep and anxiety. It frightens me, just to think about it. It's a fobia with quemicals. Though we can not get away from them. Cumir, thanks for not assuming I was insensative. I was merely expressing an opinion and possibly awereness. Lisac I am certtainly not perfect, if anything imperfect acording to 'normal' people as I also have AS. And trust me my children are not, unfortunetly easely controllable. Like many AS/ADHD/Dispraxia children they have a lot of medical problems. I have 3 children so I, I possibly know what it is to walk in your shoes. Once again, I AM SORRY IF I OFFENDED ANY OF YOU. Al lthe best to you all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. - Samuel Beckett
  5. With all the respect to you all and consultants, I can not belive you give these type of drugs to children. I also have an AS child. He could not sleep that's why I am up. I would never in my mind would give him drugs, that mess with the brain. Most of this drugs have not enough back up in research to prove they will be beneficial in the long run. They might indeed be very harmfull. The same goes for antidepressents and all this type of brain related drugs. The guinea pigs are the people or children who take them and then 30/40 years latter, research comes to the conclusion it did more harm then good. And Obviosly a big court battle with Pharmaceutical industry. Think about the big money all this big brands, who make medicines which they have no assured evidence is not going to afect a child long term. Most possibly kids are awake because of all the addictives and preservatives in food this days. Go to http://www.ukfoodguide.net/enumeric.htm and check how damaging this are for our kids. Kids with AS usually react differently from anyone, with medicenes. Also read books by Luke Jackson on food and AS and a very good book for parents and children, 'Freeks, Geeks, and Aspergers Syndrome', Also Tony Attwood. Can find this books on Amazone. If you haven't got them yet. Adding to this, look up Big Pharma, a company who makes the sort of medicine you give to your kids, see what other scientists say. If you still think you are doing good then fine. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Hopefully I am wrong and all will end up well. All the best
  6. Hi, I have those a lot. of beeing here and now and knowing you seen it before. or experienced the same feeling situation. My kids have more then that for a long time, and they are ony 6 and 7 say they go all over when they sleep and can discripe details. One of them when he was 2 and a half called me one morgning as kids do to wake parents up. And as I was waking up he said 'I can see two mums. Oh! the other one just disapeared'. Not long ago I told, my three boys, they need two mums one is not enough. The seven year old said: You are two mums remember when I was very small I saw two of you. I told him to explain what it was and he said it was me same clothes, same hair same face, and as I woke up the other one disapeared. Now, what do you make of this?!!! I told the doc he rmembers things when 2, she loooked at me in a funny way. I did not even mention this she would thing , I am total lunny. There is a lot of things that others can precive more then many people. Is just the majority don't have this abilities, so live in disbelive. One day possibly scientists will be able to prove this. Science always prevails, I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing. I used to have dreams that came true as well. To answer you question is it with AS peopole. Possibly due to brain beein wired differently and therefore have different preceptions. But can not obviously say for sure. I do not think has been researched. As I am thinking to go back to university that could be a good research issue. All readind this don't take my idea. Only joking All the best
  7. This boy sounds very much like my son. It is a shame that the parents seem 'ignorante' about the condition. My son has AS and used to do the same in school. Though, I used to have those comments from the teacher not, obviously from myself. I would urge you to find information, simple information, easy to read and pass it on to the parents. I have come a cross a lot of simple info. I will try to keep an e-mail from you and pass same info. to yourself. Hopefully the parents will listen. If you whan I can send a e-mail to, you as a parent, and you can read it out to them or let them read it. As for, can you ask for Statutory without parents consent, I do not know. It is a issue I will get involved soon as the school where my son is, despite knowing his diagnosis are still far from understanding the condition. They make comments like;' Oh Well! We all have something on the spectrum.' There is a lot of unfortunatly norrow minded peopple but I do believe that preserverance and diplomacy gets through. All the best. PS Send me a message if you are interested in my help for ways to brake down barries of a stubburn adult.
  8. Spead the word about this pettition, EVERyone. My son is six and despite beeing diognosed and instructions from Educ. psycologist. Teacher still want him top do the same as eveyone else. He struggles terribly with his handwritting so teacher punishes him by keeping him doing handwritting at play times. Awfull. This is just one of many issues.Spead the word.
  9. Hi, its very upseting to know how people in particularly in schools are so ignorante. Unfortunatly, I have been having problems with my 6 year old, he turned six in January. He was crying his eyes out in the classroom when I went to pick him up, the other day because he had been put in this dark ugly room. He is very sensetive to enviroment. I complainned but not much has been done yet. I have read posts in other sites, as well, and seems that schools are totaly ignorante. How is it possible! We should all join forces and complain to the education MP. This is the type of issue that is constantly adressed "Every Child Matters", but it doesn't seem to be the case, in practice. Many of the issues that happened in school is in fact a social services case against the teachers but somehow they are always protected and the parents are left in limbo. I am very angry!
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