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About Petra

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Petra


    thanks all, I will try a smiliey now Has it worked?? Petra
  2. Petra


    Hi everyone Sorry I didn't realize I could write about me and mine, I have already posted a question and had some great info back. Thanks for all replys!! I am married with 3 children, J is 12 and has ASD/ Aspergers, I now home educate him as we have had very little support for him and he was getting very depressed, aggressive etc etc. He is great now even though the he part is harder than I thought it would be! H is 10 and Im waiting for a dx, I now have a SLT on side so hope things will get sorted for her soon. My eldest is 16, she no longer lives at home due to not being able to cope with J and H, life has been very tough for the past 2 years but since J has been at home I can now see light at the end of a long tunnel!! I like to read all the posts and get comfort from them, hope that doesn't sound strange??, Can't work out how to get the smilies up but will work on it!! Thanks Petra
  3. I now Home educate my son because his school would not give him enough support. He is much happier and I wish i had done it years ago as he has always found school hard. If the teachers and the SENCO had given him all the help and support he needed and he had been happy I would of kept him there. I am now thinking ahead for my daughter who should join the high school next year, I don't think she will cope at allbut will decide nearer the time. Petra
  4. Petra

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    Hi Liz I don't want to put names on hee and I can't see a way of letting you know! Are you in Leicestershire aswell?? If you are what part? Petra
  5. Petra

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    Hi carole, The Dr does want to do another assesment, I think he said it was called 3DI, it's a new diagnostic test. Has anyone heared of it?? As well as picking up on ASD it should let them know more about her other problems. Lets hope it gives us a final answer!! Trouble is you always have to wait so long for them.
  6. Petra

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    How close do you want?? Lutterworth! Years ago we lived in Arthingworth, do you know it?? It'sjust outside MH Small world isn't it? Petra
  7. Petra

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    Thanks both of you, Harri's Dr is the said to be the best. When we went to him with Jaydn loads of people said we were lucky!! He has said that there is something wrong , for want of a better word, but he won't say it's ASD We also think she has Dyslexia, ADHD and we do know she has a High Leval Language Disorder as we just got a report back from the SLT The reason for wanting a DX is because she has alot of problems in school and I was hoping for support, saying that I now HE Jaydn as he had very little support in school so I don't think I will hold my breath!! I do live in south Leicestershire! Petra
  8. Hi, My name is Petra and have two children with SN, my son Jaydn has Aspergers and a bowel disorder,he is 12. I have Harriet who is 10, a friend from another list has written to ask your advise about Harri but I wanted to also join and explain what the question is about, Where do I start?? We have known for years she has had problems but it is only now we are finally getting somewhere! The latest thing is, her Dr , who is one of the top guys in leicestershire, has said that the reason he won't say she has ASD is because I and her teachers have said she has a good imagination. Yes she can play with a stick for hours but is this normal for a ten year old. So I think it depends how you view a GOOD IMAGINATION I think she ticks all the other boxes but not this one! Then I put the question to the other list about Imagination now being changed to Theory of Mind when it comes to the Triad of Impairments and what does that now mean. Really I just want to know what to ask him next time, I have her three Hockey coaches all saying she is sooo on the spectrum but he Dr won't have it YET!! Thanks for your time Petra
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