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Everything posted by stressedmumto2

  1. My son is staying with his dad and grandma at the moment and has been since wed to give me a break. Everytime I have spoken to my son on the phone apparently he has gone into mad mood, kicking, shouting, swearing asking to come back home etc. These tantrums have been lasting for anything between 2 and 4 hours. Even though he only asks me the one time when he is coming back home and seems happy. I get this with my son when i'ts time for him to come in from playing with his friend and sometimes immediatly after school and for a long time have just though it was because he hasn't been able to get his own way. This has been happening most days for about 2 months and the severity has been alot worse with him smashing my things, windows etc. He has learnt nothing from doing this and has still not got his own way and been allowed to play out later, it's just like he doesn't understand. Could this be a type of meltdown or is it just a tantrum, he's been diagnosed with adhd but they have pretty much ruled out aspergers.
  2. Hi. I was going to hide digi camcorder and then take it to school, s/s, but a few telephone conversations and they overheard him anyway. In the end they said to me that they do know he is like this for me and they do understand but now they are trying to say that because it's only happening when he is with me that something must be going on between me and him (the cheek of social services). Then the heath visitor said to me that I should definatly not do this as it would be damaging for him, she wouldn't listen when I sait it was just to show proffesionals who believe there is nothing wrong with him. In the end I didn't do it but s/s have seen the damage he has done to myself and in my home and still think that it's more a prob with me and child. I would definatly do it if I were you.
  3. Hi, I'm kind of new have posted a few times but I haven't really introduced myself. I have 2 children, one has been dx with adhd, poss aspergers, poss odd. He is in mainstream school and is aged 7. My son was seen by SALT and education physcologist who both almost word for word said that they felt he didn't meet the criteria for a diagnosis for aspergers as his interests wasn't to the inclusion of everything else. His speach appears fine and he doesn't take things literally about the only thing that makes me think maybe has has Aspergers is that he's very obsessional about people (1 friend in paticualr) and he used to be obsessed with fish, I also understand that this could just be strong interests. He also doesn't seem to understand concequences, reasons and that he will not get things his own way. He will be disruptive, violent and thinks that by being this way he can stay out late etc even though he never gets to. I have tried to make him understand that it's not safe for him to play out when it's dark etc but he doesn't understand. Maybe this is juat part of his adhd and nothing else. When he was at playschool they done a conors scale and aspergers something (can't remember now)and his score was 29 for aspergers, the home one showed 24 this was said to me at the time that he did have aspergers traits. But since he's been at school most of the behaviour which determined the scores then has changed and are not so easily obvious. At school they do not think he has aspergers. He appears to make eye contact but at other times it's like he is looking through you again when SALT assessed him they said that he makes eye contact. I don't know what to do, part of me thinks there is something other than just adhd and for a while I thought it was Aspergers but it seems more to me now that maybe it isn't. Are schools normally very good at picking up on stuff like this ? his speach is fine, he doesn't take things literally, he does make eye contact but then could eye contact be because when he was at playschool they tried hard with this or would a child with aspergers still not want to make eye contact ? When he was at playschool he never wanted to mix with the other children, only had 2 friends but at school he has lots of friends, 1 specail frined but lots and now he considers anyone to be a friend even strangers if they say hello to him nicely, lol I'm so confused
  4. Sorry for butting in but can anyone tell me if A child with ODD can behave well at school ?
  5. Thanks everyone for your replys. I only joined this site a few days ago and have read loads of posts. My son has a few aspergers traits but on assessment at the age of 6 the aspergers team, speach and language therapist along with the education physcologist have both said they are unsure whether he will fulfil all the necessary criteria for a diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome. This outcome was pretty much based on what the teacher had said "She reported that he does have strong interests in BMX biking and fishing, but she does not feel these are exclusive interests". I am therefore unsure whether he will fulfil all the necessary criteria for a diagnosis. So The paed has diagnosed adhd. It seems to me that children with aspergers have to fit very neat into categories. I don't know. He has traits of it but he also has adhd problems. Confused. Does it get any easier though
  6. I'm really confused about the touching thing. My son has aspergers traits but he does love to be cuddled, also likes to be tickled and loves soft stroking. I have been told that if he had aspergers he would hate tobe touched therefore he can't have it. Is this true ? He does invade your space alot though, often in ur face. Thanks
  7. Do all aspergers children hate to have physical contact and hate to be touched ? Your opinions please
  8. Thanks, I can't believe I never thought of removing the handles. Excellant
  9. Hi, does anyone know if there are any ways in which you can have your car windows adapted to stop child from opening them ? Also if anyone know's of any type of harness that I maybe able to use to keep him inside the car so that he can't get the seatbelt off. I have a child with adhd and traits of aspergers he climbs out of my car window as i'm pulling into my drive way and then runs off. Thanks
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