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Everything posted by sis9098

  1. Hi and thank you to all that have read or replied. With regard to SCE (Service Childrens Education) I got in touch with them about 18 months ago. The did a report which covered whether my sons needs could be meet on our posting to Germany - we are in the Paderborn Garrison if there are any others out there - and so perhaps that is why his first school was so good for him. My son is at his second school since being in Germany, having to move up to a middle school. The last school was FAB, I couldn't praise them enough, but the new one has no SENCO as the last one left last year. A new head has arrived too, so it has been all change. I spoke to the new head a couple of weeks ago and will do so again over the next few days, but the response I got was not impressive. She said she was 'covering' the SENCO job, but didn't sound that knowledgeable and didn't know who my son was, calling him Luke a couple of times(!) No IEP had been implimented at that point. No explaination. I was not happy and told her so. A couple of days later the school arranged for my son to see the Ed Psych on a weekly basis for a while as he is very anxious and his facination with death is back. We will see how that goes, but I am glad J has someone to talk to other than me if you know what I mean. I know even at his age he tries to protect me. He is alway appologising for things he does whether they are right or wrong, it breaks my heart. Every time we move we go through this and it is rediculous and causing J a lot of stress. He is a couple of years behind in his reading/writing and currently getting no educational support and the teachers are giving him attitude about his 'behaviour' because they haven't been told of any of his quirks. To top it all J was up all night with a headache, which meant that I was up all night too. I don't think he is unwell, because we went throught this exact same senario after last half term. Call me suspicious but I feel a pattern emerging. Anyone got any advice on how to prep my lad ready for going back to school? He does actually like the school and I don't think there are any issues of bullying, but I think it is the change in routine having been at home for a week. Again thanks for your support, I really thought I was going to breakdown this morning xx
  2. Hi Sarah I know this problem too. My lad talks in class. It isn't because he is 'chatting' (although sometimes of couse he is), but when he is concentrating or thinking things through it just comes tumbling out of his mouth whereas his classmates will just be thinking it. I have an appointment with his teacher this week as my son told me he has been sitting at a desk on his own, instead of the normal twos, because of it. My son is very upset. To my mind this is inappropriate punishment due to their lack of understanding. Of course his chatting must be curtailed if it disturbes or upsets others, but the how is going to be the subject I have with his teacher. Sorry I can't help but to say you little one isn't alone and you must talk to the school. Sis
  3. Hi all A little background. My boy is nearly 10 and was dn with AS 2 years ago after a long period of time thinking it was me going mad. Long story short, we are an Army family and after yet another house move I finally signed on with a doctor who immediatly saw what the situation was and referred my lad, and hey presto we understood. Then we moved again. We have been in Germany now for the last year, and I feel so alone. I don't know who to turn to. I don't know any other mum's here with children with the same dn, although there must be I am sure. The medical centre seem to have no idea what my problem is, my son probably seems fine. I am feeling like a kettle about to explode. I don't feel as if I can tell them the little things that matter to my lad and I as they clearly just don't get it. I don't feel that I can ask them if this is 'normal' or naughty. I just want to cry. Sadly I don't have the support I want from OH. He does love J and our elder child, but it is a difficult relationship for all of us. I think OH has AS traits too. He won't discuss beyond say that we can't put everything down to AS and that I let J get away with everything. (OH is quite controlling of situations) Sorry I am going on and on and probably not making any sense, but I just need help, someone to talk to. I am probably posting this in the wrong place too, I am sorry
  4. Had a really yuk couple of weeks and not a lot to smile at, but 3 young girls, just in their teen I would think, have called at our door to sing. We had a beautiful rendition of Silent Night, and you know what, they didn't want any money, nothing. They just wanted to make people smile - and I did. Now I am crying again (a common theme this week), only this time it is because I feel touched, really touched. I wish they knew how much it meant! Happy Christmas to all Sarah
  5. I would like to see something that helps guide parents in how to discuss this with their child. My son is only 7, but not daft. He has only just been diagnosed but he is picking up that there is something going on. Don't misunderstand, I know what level to pitch information to him, but not the terms and language. I have always been honest with my kids, but I could really do with just a starting handle on other peoples experiences of introducing their kids to the subject. That would really help! xx Sarah
  6. sis9098


    Hi Witsend, I am definatley not qualified to answer your question, as my son has only just had AS diagnosed a couple of weeks ago. I had no prior inkling! However the reason I say anything at all is because whilst meeting with the paed consultant he raised this very point. Asking about any history as well as my sons health in this regard currently. All I can say is that my boy (7) has always been a sicky. Morning, noon and night when he is ill, not so often when he is just off colour, but always he will be sick . I just thought it was worth mentioning that the doc thought it a question worth asking................ (one of many). Regards Sarah
  7. sis9098


    Thanks Elanor and Mary Already in the jargon buster, it is like another language. It has been a hard week for me taking things on board and so on, and I am just so grateful to have found this forum! Hubby is away at the moment, and you know what it is like, friends and family are great, but they really don't understand. If my lovely mother says 'he will grow out of it' one more time I am going to scream! Thanks for being here, at this time, because I cannot explain how much of a relief it is just to know someone has reached out! Regards Sarah
  8. Hi all - I am very new here, but I am feeling alone and unsure. I have always worried about my 7yr old son J from only a couple of weeks old, but to be honest over the years I have often put this down to me being over sensitive -his older brother only lived a few moments after birth. He did not 'connect' with me the way his sister did. Slept very little or was sick. Walked late, talked late and when he finally did we could not stop him. He fixates and is often repetative. He is a couple of years behind his peers reading and writing is still a work in progress. The list of little or big things goes on and on.......... So what finally got me to talk to a doctor and say loud and clear we need help? None of the above. I just thought that was him, his little ways. We are very close. What finally did it was that I can see he is lonely..........very down......even anxious and depressed. He is a wonderful and loving boy that we adore, but it broke my heart seeing him choose not to be with others. He accepts he has to go to school, but it is very hard some days. Friends call for hims and he will not go out, often being off hand with them. Lunch and play at school is a time when he is usually alone too. I thought it was the reading, I was expecting something like dyslexia when we saw the paediatric consultant, not Asbergers! Never! I came home and cryed for a couple of hours, and have cried more since between reading every thing I can find, including a book by Tony Attwood recomended by the consultant. But what do I do now??? We see the doc again in april, and between then J takes fish oil and carrys on as normal, but I dont feel I should just wait! SENCO is my next port of call, but they can't 'fit me in' until the new term in january, although she was very appologetic and reasurring on the phone. (I do understand this is a busy time of year for her, but still...........I feel like I am going to burst) All this is just like being hit in the stomach - 1 visit to my GP, a questionaire and a visit to a consultant is all the prep I have had, and I don't know what to do. The Senco teacher did not seem surprised at the diagnosis, so why didn't she say something, anything? How can I be sure this is really what my son has? Attention Deficite was also mentioned, but I could not take any more in. Do you know when reading articles and books that this is 'your child'? I beg you to forgive my rambling manner, but my head is all over the place, I even took a sicky off work today just to get a grip. Any comments and suggestions would be so gratefully received, particularly any thing that I should ask the professionals. With many thanks Sarah
  9. sis9098


    Hello to all I am a full time working mum of 2 - my hubby is in the army and is currently away. My youngest son who is 7 has just had an initial diagnosis of Aspergers Difference. I have alway thought, even before he could sit up, that there was something, but I have to confess that it was not this. I don't really know much except what I have read since last Tuesday. I am a little shell shocked! Finding a forum UK based is like a prayer being answered. So far no support (medical or school) has been offered, and I am feeling lost. It is of course early days. I will be spending a lot more of my time reading your posts I know, and asking many questions I am sure, but I hope in time to offer to others the things I need from you all now. Please bear with me, I don't even know what many of the abreviations you are using are yet, but I will learn! Regards Sarah
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