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Everything posted by billycraig

  1. Rough night of pain, no sleep, morphine sickness, low blood pressure and fainting. Glad that nights over

  2. Is going to be stitched up and on the mend at 10:30am

  3. SSDT day one done. Good but hot day out on the moors. Can't believe Justin Howells and Mark Lamplough never mentioned how much fun it was riding a Montesa. Selfish keeping it all to yourself lads...

  4. Meeting with researchers from the TV today. Keep an eye on the TV listings, as you never know they may give me my own show!!

  5. Hi Simonjc, I'm 35 and went for diagnosis last month (private). I've struggled through various jobs and always wondered why things ended so badly for me. After a period of unemployment I ended up at University and struggled again at times. After a while I saw a pattern that I was fine studying alone (independent modules) but horrible in normal lectures. I originally wanted the diagnosis to help me at Uni but its taken a while. The letter arrived from the assessment clinic today (they did diagnose me there but I didn't consider it official until I got a letter) on the same day as I officially finished my degree. So I suppose you could say it was a fruitless exercise, however I think it will help my plan for the future in ways I can be a success rather than risk failure. I've already swapped my intended Master study to an online course. Its personal and only you can decide if it will help, but I personally feel it helps me understand what I am and how I can best make some progress. As others have said, what was once disabling for me is now just a difference that I can be aware of and make appropriate choices. Good luck
  6. Thanks for all the birthday messages and cards!!

  7. Off to to the Pidcock Motorcycles Montesa Honda test day later to learn some skills from Mr Stu Day

  8. Thanks for that, some good points for me to think over. I've been mulling it over for about a year now. I work from home currently in my studio and when I get going on the topic of nutrition I can be here with a client for quite a few hours so I have no problem being here 1 on 1. I get people moaning and in pain now as I work rehabbing people etc. I don't need to be working 8 hour days 6 days a week. 4 or 5 clients a week would be suffice and I'd also keep up my current work. My main issue is whether I'd be able to promote myself online and not via any other method. My current work really needs someone out there saying why I'm better than all the rest but I just baulk at it. The guy whose offered to train me is pretty understanding and did my tattoos, he's happy to have me in his studio once a week and has people willing to be tattooed by me. I'd never hack it in there long term which is why I'd practice a day a week until I was happy on my own. Just can't think of anything else I can do that doesn't require the hard sell but allows me to work on my own. Thanks for the thoughts.
  9. I've done a lot of practice from home and am good at replication. I have a contact that will let me practice at his shop to get me up to speed. I just don't want to go down that avenue if its not something I can handle.
  10. At times definatly, I recently had to go to my neighbors wedding. They introduced me to my wife and he was an usher at my wedding so I really didn't have a choice. Had a horrible day (sitting there not eating while everyone else did etc) and sat looking at everyone having fun wishing I could be different. The rest of the time I love how I am, am happy in my own company, love my focus on my topics and didn't even know I had a problem until I got in a relationship and life started to change. Theirs some bad, theirs some good and my NT friend would do anything to have my focus on nutrition and bikes.
  11. Sarah, No I've never recommended 5 a day, I'm a CHEK Practitioner, Holistic Lifestyle Coach III and Advanced Metabolic Typing Advisor (amongst other things) and specifically test individuals to understand their needs and coach them through recognizing their reactions to the fuel/ratios they consume. I'm not a huge fan of low carb for the sake of it as I've seen many individuals suffering from various thyroid issues due to unstable blood sugars. I eat pretty low carb myself (due to the way my system works, my heritage etc) but its all about knowing what balance of fats, protein and carbohydrates that work well and make me vital and energized. Spent 10 years pouring over various research and was thrown out of a degree program for my refusal to engage in a one size fits all diet but I've never been mainstream and prefer honest nutrition. Your on the right track with it all though and its refreshing for me to know theirs others out there aside from my clients and fellow practitioners. The one book I always recommend to change peoples views (has worked with even the most stubborn client that insists bread is essential, they need 5 fruits and veg or the insist poly unsaturated fatty acids are healthy). Try Politically Incorrect Nutrition by Michael Barbee its a book that certainly stirs up reactions in people.
  12. Hi everyone, Am recently diagnosed (monday) but had self diagnosed since about Sept 2010 when I sat listening to an Asperger's lecture at University. Basically I've had lots of problems with work in the past and have ended up being pushed out after periods of alienation. After being forced out of my last job (2006) I fell into studying at University where I've reveled in being able to study online and limit actual lecture time to 1-2 hours a week. I never realised I was doing this however and my problems only came to light when I tried to transfer to a Physio degree which was 5 days a week 8am till 4pm, I pretty much cracked up under the stress of it. This led me back to a final year at my old university which I did mainly from home with the odd lecture (psychology in which I became suspicious about AS). My problem is that I'm coming to the end of this now and my options are continue and do a master degree (maybe just avoiding change) or get a job. My current work is seeing clients at my home to work on their diet, health, massage and rehab them. I'm obsessed with the topic and will happily spend all day talking about it or researching things. Sadly I lack the ability to get out there and promote myself which is what people seem to need in order to sign up. I've done lots of marketing classes, hired a business coach etc but just freeze that the thought of it. I just about make enough cash to survive despite my clients loving my passion and what I do for them and need to earn a more stable amount as I'm fed up of just getting by (and at times not getting by). So I decided to get a normal job so I could earn more money, applied for lots of jobs and not getting a lot of response back. From time to time I've been physically sick with worry at the thought of having to fit into someone else's work routine (the reason I found my physio degree impossible to continue). I want and need to work but it has to be something that doesn't make me ill. Have identified that I'm happy working on my own (i.e at home) but am comfortable with clients coming (as long as they are booked in). What I'm after are career ideas that can meet this? I have a few thoughts: 1. Continue as I am and pay someone to get me clients (worries me that they'll just say anything to sell to them though and I don't like that) 2. Work as a tattoo artist from home seeing clients on appointments only (not with an actual shop where people can walk in). With this one I feel I wouldn't have to talk about anything I don't want to (all the tattooists I know are pretty abrupt and say what they mean so I can get away with being straight talking). Can work when I want to like I do now so its my own routine. My eye for detail would be a plus. I think its easier to advertise online (facebook etc) and get business. Having watched from afar people seem to pay for tattoos no matter what their financial status (I've seen people paying for a tattoo with rent money) yet health and exercise is the first thing people dump when times are hard. Has anyone got any opinions on if number 2 would be doable for me, or any other ideas where I can work alone on my own terms.
  13. Been gluten free for over 10 years now, quite easy for me as nutrition is my work and obsession so from the moment I studied grain I stopped instantly. With my clients they generally take a while longer to work through avoiding it. One thing I do always teach them is never to buy products from the gluten free aisle as sadly they are manufactured from various non foods to mimic what it is you really desire. If you read the ingredients and don't know what the things are, chances are your body will struggle to process it. If you must eat things like bread etc try older grains such as spelt and aim for sprouted versions. I would advise a period of abstinence though. When one considers how much gluten is in the modern diet on a daily basis its no wonder we struggle with it. Used infrequently some can tolerate it. Other sadly cannot.
  14. billycraig


    Huge relief thanks. I have a sense of knowing myself today and am ready to learn more. Did a module (by chance) at university on Asperger's, Autism and ADHD which is what caused me to seek an assessment. Really keen to learn more now. Archie, Can't really comment on yours. Mine was via a private clinic with the assessment funded by my university. I can honestly say it was more relaxed than I expected it to be. Felt more like a therapy session and that he was just trying to listen and understand rather than trip me up. Hope it goes well for you.
  15. billycraig


    Hi, How did your assessment go? I had mine yesterday and despite all my fears it was actually a pleasant experience. He said that I do have Asperger's and that I've recently made some positive progress and it was good that I was wanting to understand myself and hopefully learn to live less rigidly whilst also informing those around me about why I do what I do. Never thought I'd want diagnosing with anything but the relief I felt when he answered all the questions I've always had about myself was great and its nice to know I'm not alone in my world like I once though I was. Got a rabbit here as well, she's 10 years old next week.
  16. Challoner through to the semis again!!! Top lad

  17. billycraig


    Thanks Bid. Have always disappeared in relationships in the past and have been unable to live with anyone before. Been living with my wife for over 2 years now and we got married at the end of last year and I just want to make sure I keep making the progress I already have and that we understand when I have a bad day.
  18. billycraig


    Hi everyone, my names Billy and I'm 35 in a few weeks. I've signed up to basically put myself at ease a little. I'm having an assessment next week for asperger's and am getting a little nervous about the process/outcome. I've always been aware of living my life differently and being a bit of a loner that is obsessed with knowing all I can about my topics (nutrition mainly). I've struggled with employment as I end up being alienated eventually and struggle when work life changes (which frequently happens in modern businesses which restructure all the time). I've adapted my life and lived, worked and did everything alone which keeps me happy. However recently I've taken a big decision and now am married which is what I wanted. I'm now suffering at times from changes to my routine, diet (restaurants, family meals), overload etc and get withdrawn so am having the assessment to know for sure and then help myself understand what I can and can't do to live a more flexibly and let everyone know that I may need to withdraw form time to time... My assessment is in Sheffield so if anyone has any advice or experience to share with me it would be a great help to my anxiety. Looking forward to reading more on the various forums.
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