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Everything posted by mousytrap

  1. Will come back to you on those things. Went away for a few days camping but have been beset by a bug ever since getting back at the weekend... (not a computer one). Good thing only the elder autistic child home... mousy
  2. Oh yes... Nearly calmed down now. Panel said he needed both ASD specific and residential. Sounds like the EBD school (with possible casual respite not formally offered) and no academically equal peer group didn't come close to the mark... I suppose I've got to sew lots of name labels in stuff now... mousy
  3. ...and they still haven't finished... They're now holding up issuing of the judgment as they have yet to provide the electronic working document as far as it was agreed, so the judge can make his adjustments... We are told that a decision has been made however.
  4. Exactly. Certainly doesn't help that we've got various other things pending that need to be sorted after that, including our younger son's statement which is near finalising.
  5. Oh, that's utterly cruel... Surely there should be some recourse to the Ombudsman if they don't keep to their own legal timetables...
  6. ... meanwhile we've had our celebration BBQ today without actually being able to celebrate...
  7. Our rep rang them twice on Friday and up til then called lunchtime every day. They are probably sick of hearing from her, but she has several cases to chase so has to keep them on their toes...
  8. STILL waiting... Would be nice if they could keep to the 10 working days... mousy, going troppo here...
  9. The end of this bit seems to spell out S E B D so I think I can see where this is headed... mousy
  10. Or your phone on in your pocket recording the whole thing so you can remember what they said when you get home!!!
  11. The deed is now done (see Dirty Tricks thread also). Just waiting for the result now and we're feeling quite optimistic. Think the county came across very badly, and we were very happy with the panel we got. Much less formal than last time and we were getting quite a good indication about what they thought of the other lot!!! Probably not much different to what we thought of them. We shall see. Meanwhile it's all gone pear shaped at school for our second autistic son, so now we're onto that and no rest for the wicked etc... mousy
  12. Here's a few for starters... I might remember some more later. 1 Refusing to let our OT visit the named school 2 Taking over 2 weeks to get back to our OT regarding an appointment time to visit son at his current school 3 Requesting all sorts of ID and certification from the OT at 4pm the day before the visit, even though they could have done that a couple of weeks earlier and she's never been asked for all that before 4 Refusing our OT access to assess our son at his current school, once she had already travelled about 2 hrs from a different county to see him (they must have been REALLY worried about OT) 5 Named school not replying to our legal rep's list of questions for about two months and giving it to her the morning of the hearing. Panel aware as we immediately got it admitted as late evidence. 6 It then transpiring that grades on said list were out of date, meaning they had filled it in ages ago and withheld it. Panel aware. 7 Our request under data protection being delayed once for lack of birth certificate, then somehow losing another week (after we sent that in) before the validation date they gave to start the 40 days from 8 Not adhering to the 40 days and upon being chased for the results, saying they haven't even started working on the "pile" of paperwork, they can label it urgent and hurry it through but it'll only be some of it, depending on how far they can get by our deadline and we'll have to agree to time limit it and redact it, then come and pick it up. Only getting about 200 pages, most of which we'd seen already. 9 Not sending their final evidence bundle by the Thursday deadline, nothing happening Friday or Monday, then it showing up last thing on the Tuesday afternoon, along with an apology and stating it wont disadvantage us because it's only 2 working days since the Friday deadline - clearly wrong. By that stage, of course, they've all had a jolly good read over the weekend... Excuse given emergency casework meeting or somesuch... Whether that was Thursday, Friday or indeed a meeting on the Tuesday about us when everyone was up to speed is yours to guess... We accepted it as there was nothing we hadn't already got from the school's files. 10 Within an hour of said paperwork coming through, an email arriving from a county EP asking to see our son at school. (To be clear this was also AFTER the evidence deadline) . Gave him authorisation to observe at school only, then report back to us, not formal assessment or report acceptable. They've only had 18 months in which they could have done the assessment... 11 Rumour of county approaching our desired residential school to beg for a day place but no formal offer because seemingly their barrister was not empowered to offer it. Getting an offer two days before hearing (which may or may not have been authorised), then a retraction only a couple of hours later. 12 Working document not coming until a few hours before the hearing. That was before we got into the hearing and had the county team trying to refute that autism was our son's primary educational need/core disorder, and producing filibusters that politicians would be proud of, even when fairly simple questions. mousy
  13. Yes, another trip to SENDIST. I won't say any more at this point except that we seem to have the county panicking... ...and when it's over I might just start a "Dirty Tricks Pulled By (Unnamed) LEAs" thread... Think people should be aware of the lengths to which they'll go. mousy
  14. As a parent of two children with autism in Hampshire, I would suggest locating just outside Hampshire in another LEA!!! Unless you like hurdle marathons... mousy
  15. We have just received a letter telling of another annual review mid November so I guess that will be the one... Seems a bit strange having two annual reviews six months apart but oh well...
  16. We had an annual review in May, but the LEA weren't naming schools other than several as possibilities at that point. Also, the paperwork following that didn't tick transition. Thought that was strange as the school had previously been saying that they held the reviews early at their school and I presumed it was the transition one. The school we want is the same as always, and we fully expect to be trudging back to tribunal. .
  17. Hello all, My son will be transitioning in 2013. I'm just wondering when we can expect to receive the farcical statement? I thought it was before Christmas, but the escort said this morning that it won't be until about March. Surely that can't be right as that wouldn't leave enough time to go to tribunal would it? Things continue to go badly. Only managed to get him to go in three days last week and he's home again today. At least the bullying is not as bad as it was, with last year's year 6s having moved on. Steeling ourselves for another 9 months of joy... mousy
  18. And too right too... Well done for being persistent about that. Sounds like it was a complete and utter shambles this time last year.
  19. For months we kept a diary of the incidents. I made a list before the tribunal and read some of it out on the day. I later provided our paed with copies and he's forwarded copies to the LEA's EP, who he knows quite well. As for the school... I started getting them to put things in writing each time, but there were way too many. They complain that by the time they hear about things they can't do all that much about them, and that we are being negative and not writing down the good things our son has said about school.... Hahaha... Still waiting for him to say something... You could say home/school relations are strained... I wish I knew... One never gets to chat to the other parents when everyone's spread around the county and travelling about by taxis...
  20. I have just had a phone call from someone at the school we want, who has confirmed that the person who will be doing our report concerning the anxiety and PDA pulls no punches and tells it like it is. He writes 20 page reports which are very effective at tribunals. Wish we'd known about him last time. That would be only if they try to name another EBD school for year 7 though. His current school only goes to year 6 so he's out of there next July whatever happens. If they go for mainstream plus AS unit, we'll need a completely different case anyway. They are always fairly cagey and confusing when I try to ask about that, muddling AS with ASD and including those with ASD "tendencies" but no diagnosis. I doubt it's more than 25pc, though they'd like us to think there's more. We are led to believe that there are currently 3 in his Y6 class, one of which does Y7 maths. Our son is Y5 (doing Y6 work) so the rest of them will be moving on shortly and he'll have no peer group left. Of course, it does mean that quite a few of the bullies will be moving on... (thankfully)
  21. No, they don't mix. He just gets them winding him up all the time, waiting to see him explode. There are constant verbal and physical digs, many of which aren't picked up on by the staff (or that they are in denial about). He's forever getting sly hits, kicks, shoves and work of his (such as art) ruined. The EBD "thou shalt do it and get on with it" ethos seems to have no bends or accommodations for a rigid thinking aspie. You are right about provisions for bright ASD children. Where are they??? The only two KS2 schools mentioned to us by the LEA were both EBD. We're beginning to wish we'd gone for one of the others, but then it may well have been just as bad.
  22. Yes, pretty happy, although she is juggling too many cases probably. I need to be checking and double checking that things are done. One or two things that we missed last time due to too many cooks will not be overlooked this time. Several possible Y7 options were discussed, but a number of them were further away than the current school (not a good option for my diesel budget), and they were a mixture of EBD ("if he doesn't improve his behaviour") and mainstream with AS units (which he probably wouldn't cope with). They seemed to be trying to put us off two of the latter, which are closest to us, and I got the impression maybe they were short of places in this area. Legal rep seems to think if they try and name an EBD they will not win at tribunal.
  23. There was an extra zero.
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