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Everything posted by greasemonkey

  1. The repetitiveness is what makes it so awesome though!
  2. New link (old one stopped working): http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/15655232 That think she said about thinking inanimate objects have a personality makes me feel better, when I was younger (much less prominanly now, almost non-existant) I thought objects had personalities. I didn't know it had anything to do with Aspergers, I thought I was just crazy! (I am just crazy )
  3. When I was in primary school I was put into a social skills class (I believe I'm not officially diognosed but this always makes me think maybe I am just not been told and/ or don't remember. I don't want to ask). In this class I was told to look at people's faces when talking to them, I always avoided eye contact though, looking at people's mouths instead of eyes. Now, I do make some eye contact for a while until I can't bear any more and look away to their mouth or, if it's been a while, the floor (which is much more interesting). I'm fine looking at their eyes as long as they're not looking back usually. What's odd is that sometimes in some situations if I make eye contact for too long my eyes start watering but not in the normal sense, it's annoying unexplainable. It's like this time where I was in some shop and was intrigued by some (probably "child proof") design of the can. Basicly, I was looking at the other end seeing if anything would happen and then managed to get it working, spraying it in my eyes (then I had to get it washed out but I HATE getting water near my eyes, won't go into that). My eyes watered but differenty to how they would usually it makes this sound which you can get close mimicing with your eyelids by tensening some muscles around the eye. I'm not sure if they sometimes water that way because of that somehow or they did before, it's quite annoying though because it happens at times when you wouldn't expect someone to start crying but it looks like I am. Happens at parents' evening a lot with parents talking to teachers and teachers talking to me and me looking at the teachers.
  4. It may not actually be the dynamic IP, there are many reasons where this may happen. If it is happening every week, the same day, this may be the dynamic IP change. The DNS lookup error is what you get when the computer cannot connect to the DNS server, a DNS server is what changes a domain name (such as google.com) in to an IP address (such as which is what your computer actually conencts to in the background. Internet disconnection is usually caused (in my experience) by a faulty ADSL filter. What model is your router? Did you buy it seperately or with your broadband package? If it is with your broadband then it should work. If you don't want to moan, you could buy your own seperately, setting up isn't exactly simple (depending on which one you go with) but I can help you if required. EDIT: Ah, I was a bit late.
  5. Fridge --- Originally Jaffa Cakes, decided a brand doesn't count as one word.
  6. OMG, NYAN CAT IS AWESOME! I have it downloaded on all my hard drives (portable, network, phone, laptop and desktop) so I can watch it wherever I am. No wonder people call me crazy lol.
  7. I do have difficulty making some choices for example, when I go to a friend's house I am asked what I would like to eat and I like the choices equally, I can never choose. Apparently, there is now a commonly used expression when my friend cannot choose and that is "Don't do a Callum". I don't think this is related though. To be honest I find this question very hard to answer. Choice making is by far not my strongest point I know. In contrast to the point I made earlier, I find some questions related to computing easy, for example I would choose to program a static page in HTML rather than PHP simply because there is no need to use PHP and PHP requires slightly more server side processing (if I were to put it in a giant print) which is negative. Again, I don't think this has anything to do with emotions. Please give an example of a choice that I may have to make and then I can try to answer using that. Actually, I may be able to think of one. "If xxx happened how would you feel?" or "If xxx happened how would that character feel?" (The xxx is meant to symbolise an event). I would answer "sad" or "angry" if xxx were negative or "happy" if it were positive. I just say "yes" if asked "Do you think they would feel yyy if xxx happened?" (yyy being an emotion), all suggestions I receive are correct (the teacher thinks so) when I am asked so that is why I agree. When I am suggested to I then realise that maybe that is correct because it is negative or positive which the emotion suggested is. I answer "yes" before I've even thought about it usually.
  8. I keep appending to this: I would just like to add that when people repetitively say things for example: Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello. Something happens and it starts just sounding like tones rather than words. Inside my head and I can feel something like a tap or similar near the front and then it happens, tones rather than words. I have to reset to fix it, I do something like covering my ears or, if you think of it as a computer, restart the listening process. I would just like to know what is going on here and why do I get this indescribable feeling which I cannot link to anything <the next bit is odd and appears, to me anyway, unrelated> and then while I am thinking of it now not being able to I'm getting another indescribable feeling. Now I feel very slightly sick and... I don't know what happened there, I got yet another feeling and felt like curling up and rolling around or rocking to clear my head.
  9. If asked what emotion I feel I don't really give a good answer, just "normal". If I am angry I don't think "Oh dear, I am angry", just that I am feeling negative. It takes a bit of time before I realise it is anger. Unlike others who have replied here it doesn't take too long to recognise. I have not thought about this much. I do not think I feel as many emotions as others or I just do not correctly identify them. Rather than emotions I think: Positive Neutral Negative If I was laughing at something I would think "positive" and after a while think "that was funny". Empathy (this, I think will make me sound bad and I hate to admit it) I find it very hard to empathise. If someone has been hurt I do not really think about or care how they're feeling. My mother tripped over the power cord of one laptop which was wrapped around the MacBook Pro I would be inheriting at some time, she was not happy that I started asking how the MacBook was and how she managed to do it. I felt a bit angry at her but I did not feel her feelings or feel sorry for her. She then started going on at how I appear to lack empathy so I tried to sound like I don't by saying "Are you okay?", I think this was a bit too late. She doesn't know about Asperger's, to the extent that when I mentioned it she didn't know what I was on about, I didn't tell her what it was because I didn't want to be questioned. She doesn't know because I have not had a formal diagnosis, I have been told there are advantages but I do not want to ask for one.
  10. That's it exactly! That is an exact description of what I feel when this happens, thanks.
  11. Again, thanks for the replies. Earlier today (yesterday now) I found myself searching inside my computer for a USB Flash Drive. I had the side off for an upgrade and I was downstairs, I came up and had forgotten what it was I was about to do, I thought to myself "Maybe as the side is off the computer I was about to do something with it", I remembered it was computer related though which is why I looked inside. I was hoping looking inside would remind me or... Infact I don't know what I was doing I really think I should be on here during the day, I use my whole day programming as a hobby (people call me obsessed with computers, to the extent that when I see people with an iPhone I have to have a look to work out what generation it is, the differences are: iPhone 2G (first iPhone): Silver back with black at the bottom (I think of it as dipped in chocolate for some reason). (412MHz ARM CPU) iPhone 3G: Like the 3GS, black, curved back with the subtle difference that the writing at the bottom is grey. (412MHz ARM CPU) iPhone 3GS: Like 3G but writing is silver. (620MHz ARM CPU) iPhone 4: Curved edges, silver antenna around edge with a slit at the top left and two on either side at the bottom. I have heard the US Verizon iPhone 4 has a different set of slits although I haven't reasearched this further. (suspected (unconfirmed) variable core multiplier with clock varying with load, at minimum load it runs at 800MHz and with full load 1GHz ARM (Apple A4))). Oops, I didn't mean to proove it but I typed it anyway so there is no point in removing it. Anyway, as I was saying, this makes me very tired by the end of the day.
  12. I have never thought about this, I don't dream much at all (or just don't remember) but when I do they feel very vivid. I do not know what most people dream like as I have never been someone else so I find this question hard for a comparison. I do have a set of dreams that can happen but it is rare for a new one to be added, previously I had a set of 2 or 3 dreams but that has expanded to 3 or 4 (I may be forgetting one). I have noticed that 2 of the original ones did include some of my actual life (my house was in there) with one of them actually being a bit of video of past experience. Here is a list of ones I can remember (most are just random so I have only written the main events): Being on my bike and cycling down a 20cm step (this is actual experience, it is like a video of it) hasn't happened in a long time. Giant odd fire thing in my drive? Odd, colurs in this were just orange and black (others include green and other colours) (This includes my house and actual drive). This one happened a few years ago and hasn't come back recently. This happens a lot: Falling of a cliff (I have never done this although I have fallen from a distance before (not big just 1m or something)) actually, I think this may be a clip from a game I played once) This one is odd (and newest): a garage floating on a cloud and I (the camera maybe) am floating. It's like half-rendered dream. There are NEVER people, there was once or twice, they NEVER talked. I've once got close to dreaming about Minecraft, I was almost playing Minecraft in a dream. It didn't last long. Recently I think I have been going mad, I somehow think I can command my brain to place a block or use a compass with a mod to teleport. Nothing actually happens though. I have notices all my posts are much longer than others, it's like me talking.
  13. Thanks for your replies. When this happens it feels as if someone is just talking absolute jibberish. I cannot remember what was said so I can't repeat it in my mind to work it out, it just leaves me confused. "Also I loose the description or word of what I want to say." In reply to that, that happened to me yesterday, I knew I wanted to say Shredded Wheat and I could describe what it is I want to name but I still cannot remember the name. The more I think the more annoying it gets. I also forget what I'm doing while doing it and I can think of many times where I've thought of something to Google but by the time I get to search I've forgotten it.
  14. I just wanted to know if this is normal and if there is a way to prevent it. I have Asperger's, this is not professionally diognosed but I have a friend that has it (professionally diognosed) that suspects so and friends that suspect too. I would like to know if it is normal to forget English for short periods (my native language, I couldn't think of another way to say forget how to understand people talking. Actually, maybe that is better) and also is there a way to prevent or remember how to quicker. Also, the thing I find odd about this is I can still speak just not understand. My professionally diognosed friend says this happens to him too. Thanks in advance.
  15. I am using IE 9, it appears to be a very good browser. I have found it to be compatible with all websites I have visited in the past and it is much quicker than older versions. I used to use Safari/WebKit Nightly. At school some of the computers still have IE6 but most are now upgraded to IE8.
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