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About ann11

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. ann11


    Best bread mix I have found is Easy Bakers and it is very good lovely stuff. A real discovery when I came across it. I found it in my local cooking shop. It is imported from Australia by Euro Fine Foods 2000 High St Uffington OXON SN7 7RP. It has 4 separate sealed bread mixes so 4 loaves of bread can be made (easy in a bread maker). It cost me just over ?5. The makers of the mix are Laucke Flour Mills 2 Callington Rd, STRATHALBYN , S. Australia www.laucke.com.au info from: bread@laucke.co.au There is a great recipie book you can send away for on the back of the Doves brand of gluten free flour that makes a great savoury bread with tomatoes in it. Other wise the stuff is not so good.. There are gluten free and milk free books in the library. If short of cash just photocopy the ones you want and put in to a folder. I never use all the recipies so buying a whole book is pointless as I hardly eat meat. Porridge in the morning Use Millet flakes and Rice Flakes can put some quinoa flakes in too add soya milk , salt or sugar/syrup/etc to taste and at the end chopped bannana. Or add at the beginning of cooking dried fruit.. Realy lovely. The flakes may often be found in healthfood stores or small foreign type stores that are independant are the best .. Just search your local town/city. Ask them to stock it for you. These flakes make many different dishes sweet or savory. Buckwheat pasta/ noodles can easily be made for freezing on a day at home. then these things can be pulled out of the freezer and you can eat quickly. Its not so hard once youve established what you like and have found some nice recipies and sourced some alternatives. There is a soya cheese I like it good on top of spag bog or mixed in with rice stirfry. That may help may not?
  2. Not a mother just a AS person that has had a difficult time. My mother - she didnt know how to help me I had to find my own way i learnt the hard way!. She had her own problems. As a child I tried suicide 3 times the third was the real attempt and it was the greatest feeling of peace I have ever had so far in my life. My mother didnt believe me after I woke up and I slept for a long time after. Psychiatrist after that .........eventually. It is a slow recovery from bad relationships being alone too early in the world and being vulnerable and prey to others having thier own interests at heart. Theres nowt like someone who wants to wallow in sh.. ! I nursed my mum before she died of cancer I had to walk away after 7mths and i had somekind of break down after... no pills (not legal ones anyway) just pain levels out of control (I have arthritis) and a wish to end it all. Through out life just the odd person has known or understood where Im coming from - they are out there I thank them all for helping me on my way.. Kind words by strangers even... Those that attempt suicide are not stronger people as I once believed. Statistically we are more likely to attempt it again if under tremendous emotional strain/depressed. I did not know this. Its keeping the ###### away and the kind people around that is important. Making contact with those that can empathise and say somehting to help or cheer you up even if they havent been there. I took part in the Expert Patient Programme run by the NHS a voluntary run org worth a look for those with long term chronic illness - anything from depression to diabetes. To facilitate people to manage their own condition. No quick fix just a lot people discussing how to overcome small daily problems. Dealing with anything like this long term leads to depression/anxiety feeling low / call it what you like (anyone that says it doesnt is telling fibs - everyone likes to think theyre strong) but the course may be too general for some. It was useful for me. At last I have come through it all. For me it is less of taking it day by day and more having occasional down periods to get through. I am working through the Artists Way book mentioned with a womens group so should be interesting but from what Ive read so far - its something I did already but it has a lovely way of putting things all in one book - so far so good. Having AS i rarely discuss problems with others but deal with it myself. I always wrote my thoughts down especially when a good idea came or after a difficult time. I wont go into recent bad time - that s for a different support group. Far too much for this site. As for the use of drugs vs the natural way forward. I have tried every thing (most anyway) Ive tried acupunture,- dont waste your money , Meditation (the mind is a powerful thing great if you can use it it works for me if I do it often enough).Sport/exercise to release those endorphins (the things that make you feel good) in your body. Whatever does it for you Do it ... Whatever, lifts your spirit - as long as you dont get addicted and its not hurting you or anyone else. (Not fogetting that sometimes you have to stand up for your self ) Everyone is different and reacts in a different way to drugs /food (allergies can kill)/environment. Man/womankind have used drugs since time began. I have found that hidden meanings can be deciphered with the use of certain drugs. (These days I no longer ) And con overdo that thing. Conversations can be mulled over and figured out albiet often a bit too late - after a relaxing evening. I have learnt to do things on my own terms - and in my own time especially social events. I pick and choose what to go to and for how long. Anything else is too stressful. But why people get so hung up on the drug issue is beyond me. Try it and see. There is always a down side to taking drugs i mean medications / alcohol, but Living isnt easy for some . Its a question of weighing up the pros with the cons of medications - overdoing anything will hurt your head in the morning/have side effects. Antidepressants are the worst things ever to get off of I wont touch em -but apparently useful for some. It only masks the true feelings there and they have to come out eventually. In my experience antidepressants just stuff all the emotions down without dealing with the true root cause of the problem. I can terrify myself when I look at the side effects of the anti inflammitories I take but the risk is ridiculously small and the benefits great . Know you medication and know how much to administer. But try not to mention to other uneducated people that your kids are on medication. As people can always make silly assumptions largely due to lack of education/knowledge or media brainwashing,scaremongering. I am feeling quite low tonight and I rarely send these thoughts out (I usually use them as a way of getting out what is in my head) as I know they wont be popular with many. I try and talk to people when Im coping better. But glass of wine in hand and my thoughts are spilling out on the page...Hell Im self medicating again.... And yes Im on top of things coping just and Yes I know alcohol is the worst thing for depression . I can hear the wagging fingers now.. Ive written my self happier already... something my expartner said to me once quite harsh I thought at the time - that it is a crime not to enjoy life - that life is good and life is a gift. I now agree. But its taken me a long time to get there and the daily battle of suvival eventually leads to a more relaxed (this is the wine!) and a much more positive person. self indulgent and expensive cognitive therapy has got me here. This is no quick fix - It has taken me years... of self discovery. It can be done cheaply but a good and I say good as there are so many ones that are not so good out there - psycotherapist can realy help a persons understanding of themselves. But word of warning they can also mess up your head choose a good one and do your research .. Library books from a college good for backup .. So you know and have an understanding of how they work -- different people have different schools of thought - important you choose one thats good for you.. I digress I post this out there
  3. Im Always disorganised... Things are better when I organise but organisation takes a LOT longer for me than other NT people, then half the day is gone or longer! I do what they say. Ive bought filing cabinets A DIARY is essential for me as I live on my own and have no family few friends. I overcompensate - the only way for me to function at least at an average level as far as others are concerned. To get to jobs on time I have 2 alarm clocks etc. Use the mobile to remind me use Notes and extensive lists of jobs and things I need to buy. But it does releive the stress of not being organised at work or college if you make the effort to buy the coloured folders your supposed to and to tidy up. It feels nicer and makes me calmer. Also prefer Blues --Hate my red carpet in lounge- its distressing dont like sitting in that room - but cant afford to change it!! There is tons of books out there to explain how to organise your life to make it easier and less stressfull. If you dont use stuff for about 4 months - chuck it out or put it in boxes LABELLED! in the loft /garage if you cant bear to part with it. Get desk for PC Book shelves for books sets of draws for paperwork etc. Make it like on blue peter if your skint Just organise its saves time and it makes for an easier life.
  4. ann11


    The fogetting appointments/dates thing. Over the years Ive learnt to overcompensate. If its an important date like that then make lots of reminders. Notes on the front door BIG ONES so you dont walk out and forget if theyve been there a few days. If you have mum dad family (i dont) ask them to ring you up and remind you AS WELL as the notes EVERYWHERE, stick on walls whereever you notice them. Mobile phones use the alarm to remind you the day before If you havent fogotten. Leave notes in pockets. PCs if technically minded. GET A DIARY. I often forget even then and sometimes write dates in wrong days!! but with other methods to back the diary up it works -- I dont forget to Sign On or I would go hungry.!! Check and double check.. Try not to rush and take time going through Diary and paperwork so your not flustered and you are prepared at any interviews. Its harder for us and it takes a lot longer to get things done and organised that ordinary people take for granted. Its just a fact of life. PREPARE for interviews. If you have to talk to yourself /write down answers to all possible questions they WILL ask you. Dont just say you forgot.. Write out what AS is for others. Tell them the problem --- short term memory SLow recall etc. If you can get them on your side then your half way there - they will then be more willing to help you. Dont expect them to be able to read your mind. Its hard but just TALK TO THEM. If you have trouble here (I DO) Get an advocate ring up the local hospital any number and ask about ADVOCACY SERVICE. Tell them ' i need help talking to social services- I can not do this on my own' Go to the library explain what you want often they will do this for you. Someone will then support you in this. Above all DONT GIVE UP you are entitled to your money. Be quick dont delay. Dont stop after one phone call turns out not as expected or you dont get the right person or number. If you dont get the right number first time TRY AGAIN. Keep phoning asking different people until you get what you need. Its the same for all of use whether we have AS or not. Its a real effort to get through to the people you need to help you. I have found the Disibility Advice Centre good Citizens Advice not so good. It just depends on who you get to talk to on the day. JUST KEEP TRYIN. MAKE LISTS LOTS OF THEM put them in a bag by the door ready to go the next day. When you see someone and fill in the forms at the Benefit office PHOTOCOPY that form at the library and keep it, so you know what to put next time. There will be a next time. GET A FILING SYSTEM/CABINET this is vital to getting by in life -not just for AS people.... spend an evening labelling everything eg House . electric , telephone BENEFITS. File away and forget about. Get a ROTODEX for phone numbers Then its there and you wont have to search for important phone numbers again. It doesnt even have to cost much. Make a cv of your work life DATES you did things References where you lived and up date them. Or like me you will have to spend a day going through old tax slips to find out where you lived if you ever apply for a Criminal Records Bureau check! Second hand shops or instead of metal filing cabinet. buy some big box folders and plastic pockets. Different colour boxes or stickers on them will help identify what is in the box. Sounds realy basic stuff but it works. And at the end of the day no one else will do it for you its a realy hard lesson to learn but its a great feeling when you get organised!!
  5. Going to an AS group helped me also made me cry when another man was sharing with the others what a difficult childhood he had had. I found it a relief to know there are others out there. If the first group you try isnt that good - try another somewhere else. The best one I found was in London facilitators were very good, but its a long way on the train. And there was a good mix of people young and older. It was good seeing it from a parents point of view too but then I think Imay have other things too. Ive just tried to learn to love my self but its very difficult not to withdraw when it s hard to stand up to others because of the AS. I try not to use it as an excuse and Im very choosy about who I tell that I have AS. In many situations it is often used against you Id sooner be a bit weird than some of the names they come out with!! Just say to the teacher Im quiet surely thats allowed? Try NAS or cos your older try DANDA
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