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Everything posted by lilgoth89

  1. you should also add...people talk to walls ( in real life thats grafiti XD ) and constantly poke people
  2. or for a far cheeper and less painfull ( seriously...who HASNT stepped on a legobrick ) way, you could get virtual lego, completly free, INFINTE LEGO!!!! and if you make something really nice, you can just click a few buttons and BUY your creation ( complete with custom box and instructions ) http://ldd.lego.com/download/
  3. browzing the great wilderness that is the internet. shows you dont have to be a kid to make lego 'models' http://www.brothers-brick.com/2008/10/12/hms-hood-is-finished/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yRifXI7sYQ the possibliites really are endless
  4. i am ambidextrous, but my teacher at school told me to just use one hand. so i conentrated on my left to write with, but other things ( like sissors ) i can only do with my right hand. i used to be a right handed guitar player, but after an accident, ive alot of nerve damage to my left hand so i cant fret it anymore...so i just got a right handed guitar and am slowly teaching the right side of my brain what my left side once knew.
  5. reading posts on here ( especially thomas the tank engine ) took me back to my childhood and remembering spending HOURS endlessly building things out of lego ( seriously i could build anything when i put my mind to it ) its amazing because when your obsessed with something ( like star trek ) i could build the enterprise out of lego same with battleships, trains, planes, anything imaginable can be built with a large enough box of lego did anyone else have a similar experience ( or have children that play with lego )
  6. i have most of the early series still on my HDD the videos were trashed dont work anymore, but i managed to find DVD's of the first series that i put onto my computer that jingle still makes me smile
  7. yeah. im not gay myself, but have quite a few gay friends. sexuallity doesnt bother me all that much, your still a person and if your a nice person i will get along with you
  8. ive never really felt all that chirstmassy at all, this year its gonna be especially hard seeing as last year i had alot more in my life christmas just feels empty this year...
  9. filled it out, as someone that has suffered alot with depression and bereavement my views might be relevant i guess
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