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About Peachyclair

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  1. Hi I am new to this forum, I was directed here by a friend. I have a six year old son who I am absolutely certain has AS. I have read everything i can find, spoken to people with other AS children, and have come to that conclusion. I also have As traits myself, which I don't mind but I find it's not always wise to tell poeple if you know what I mean? I didn't have a good childhood as my parents were struggling with me, and I struggled to hold down a job, but now I am married with three sons and doing well at uni so it's all fine. My 6.5 year old son, however, is a different matter. he is beinga ssessed, and also attends BIBIC. BIBIC have shown that he has Speech and language difficulties, but also that in his non-emtional language he functions as a ten year old. they have demonstrated his literalness, and taught us how to deal with his aggression. School, however, denies all this. They have obstructed every attempt we have made to help him: held meetings without us despite us writing to ask them not to, told us we are lying when he comes home severely withdrawn and aggressive from bullying witnessed by my 5 year old, etc etc. The final straw came Friday, however. paeds asked school to refer to a Ed Psych for assessment. I got an appointment in 2 days, which was enough to raise suspicions. So I wrote and confirmed that the appointment was really with Ed Psych, they said it was. friday arrives and we go.... only to find A) them leaving a meeting they ahd already held with him; and the appointment is actually with a chap who wants us to go to parenting classes. I am no Psychologist but I just completed a year of it at Uni as a Minor, and he hadn't even done that. He did however reassure me Son couldn't possible have AS, even though he'd never met him or seen a report about him. I spoke to kidscape this morning, and they suggested removing him, but my other boys are settled there. Has anyone any advice, please?
  2. Hi. Just introducing myself and my family. <'> My husband and I ahave three sons, the eldest of which is six and has Aspergers, although not an official diagnosis- have been fighting for one for years now (since he was thee) but keep getting told we can't PROVE any of his symptoms, he falls into the can behave'normally' in the class brigade. He is however very difficult at home, and aggressive too. We do attend the BIBIC cymru, which is an out post of the one in Somerset. We lived in Somerset until last eyar when I came here to do my degree, so we knew it quite well, and in fact BIBIC had done some seminars for me when I worked for the charity HomeStart and organised training for volunteers. My son is a lively (!!) six year old who does struggle with things like readinga nd writing but has beena ssessed as having the spoken / understanding language skills of a ten year old. Combined with his literalness, routines, and total superiority complex it can be challenging. He is rewarding though, if you can get him alone with no other kids he's excellent company. Our main concerns are helping him learn to tread (he can read some words but has none of the underpinning blocks- such as letter names- and I fear he will collapse one day; he is already in bottom set) and helping his aggressiveness / behaviours. Examples include today is the first day of the school hols, so all he said for the first two hours (as soon as he realsied no uniform there) was 'WHARRR!' loudly; and son 2 (5) has been injutred already by a sudden fury. We also have big issues with sleep, which the Paeds say is down to bad parenting but I don't agree. So hello. I sound really boring don't I? sorry!!!! Not, I promise. Feel as if I might not be welcome here as no diagnosis, much as we know and BIBIC seem to accept it too. Always talking about 'Aspergers kids often do this....' Happy Easter to you all anyhow, and hope to chat soon
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