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Everything posted by cathcart3303

  1. I have had no written report from SS at all. I have now requested a Core Assessment and also questioned how they can suggest a 'service' without identifying his needs. As I felt they were trying to question our parenting skills (we have admitted for over a year we need help) I have also asked if they think my son should have a residential placement.
  2. Not feeling so positive today. A good day yesterday in the sense that my son saw the Psychiatrist who has prescribed medication (fluoxetine) for Depression and Anxiety. Just need to get him to start taking it. However today we had Social Services meeting. I feel like it was a waste of time. All services represented. I handed over information on Dimensions to lead( she was not aware of Dimensions). The person who was meant to be leading the meeting was off sick and had not informed her. I do not believe this as I have written several letters to LA and this service was requested from CAMHS last year in my home in the presence of the Duty Social Worker. The Lead then said she had 'in mind' a support worker who 'may be' suitable. I am livid as this stinks of another minimal ad hoc service instead of the specialist help my son needs. She has gone away, with the two finance people who were there, to think about it. So my impression of why the meeting was been held was to agree funding for Dimensions (which was a consensus opinion would be of benefit) where as Social Services are making a totalitarian decision. I have written a letter stating my views as above. Where's that brick wall?
  3. Hi, Are you sure the EP is coming to the school to assess your son or are they going to 'discuss his case'? I am sure that an EP undertaking an assessment would ask for parental input so if you don't hear anything I would: Ask for a Statutory assessment of your sons special educational needs. You will need to send a letter to the Local Authority recorded delivery. I would speak to the Local Parent Partnership who can advise you. You need to put this request in NOT the school. I have read some of your older posts. Do not let people fob you off (been there got the T shirt). The LA may say they are not going to assess and you will need to appeal. This is not unusual but the sooner you request the sooner the process can start.
  4. Thanks Special Talent. I know that taking any medication is trial and error. Side effects are a big concern. But I guess we cannot go on as we have been. Everything is so limited now it is impacting on the whole family. Fingers crossed this will help.
  5. My son age 14 has finally seen the Psychiatrist today. It took one and a half hours to persuade him in to the car for the short journey. He kept his dressing gown over his head. I went into the centre and when the Psychiatrist called his name I told him he was in the car. He then came out and my son agreed to walk to his office (non verbally) with dressing gown over his head. After an hour of chatting (not my son) the Psychiatrist said Fluoxetine 20mgs alternate days for a week and then daily to help the depression and also will help with anxiety. May go up to 60mgs daily for OCD but does not have that. If his sleep pattern is not improved he will think about Melatonin in the future. Now I just have to get my son to take the medication...............
  6. Thanks Kazzen. Not so clear cut then as left to individual to decide whether ASD affects driving. I think it would be better to get a letter from GP to say okay to drive otherwise this could be denied later on.
  7. I attended a transition day for ASD on Tuesday. I was not aware that if my son wants to learn to drive he must be assessed due to ASD otherwise may be subject to a £2000 fine. Were other people aware of this?
  8. Had meeting today and was supported by Education Adviser from local Asperger Group. The caseworker is going to adjust the statement and email it to me so I can check/advise changes. He is taking it to panel next week with the hope that the criteria will suggest they name a local independent who have some children with moderate Asperger's. Still have section 17 meeting next week to discuss Dimensions service to help my son get out of the house. The day before he is seeing psychiatrist. Fingers crossed we are finally going to make some progress.
  9. Thanks I wasn't aware to put all the disagreements in writing so will do that now ready for tomorrow.
  10. My son is seeing a private OT who has worked in CAMHS and does sensory integration therapy. Dimensions is a large organisation which provides different services including a buddy system to support ASD people of all ages to access a broadened life.
  11. Not on a pathfinder as far as I am aware. The direct payments suggestion came from CAMHS for Dimensions ASD Support Service. No education provision involved but may request funding for OT Sensory support (which is private). Went to Autism Transition Day today. However don't really want to go down direct payments route as literally have to start small business to access.
  12. Seem to have lost my last post. The Paediatrician has put in writing the above. The caseworker is coming to the house on Thursday to discuss my disagreements with the proposed statement. Also to discuss naming a school. He said they have to write "mainstream 25 hours" in the initial statement. When I suggested postponing meeting until after my son is seen by Psychiatrist on 13th and Section 17 meeting on the 14th May he said it needed to be sooner. When I said how could I name a school for my child when we do not know how he is going to get out of the house and the section 17 meeting was to discuss this intervention he said that had nothing to do with naming his school. As my son has visited no school how can one be named as they all want a visit from the child? I am now concerned about the section 17 meeting as from another post regarding Direct Payments and provision of service I feel we could be fobbed off with an inadequate service.
  13. ASD School have said to visit but not doing outreach anymore and I would need to get my son to school. No further forward then. I will just have to concentrate on getting the statement worded correctly with all my sons needs and how they are addressed. How can I get my son out of the bedroom and engaging again? What provision is out there to help my son do this?
  14. I'll start going through the proposed Statement today. However, the CAMHS Nurse report was only requested on the morning of the panel and only an email was provided. My son is finally due to see a psychiatrist on the 13th May. The nurse said needs specialised placement as is unlikely to return successfully to a mainstream education. My son is only now being seen by a private OT who is writing a report. She also knows psychiatrist so will write to him so he will have a more informed view of my son when seen. (In statement says to have his sensory difficulties met in school). This may be referring to hearing difficulties although no report on that either. Although this has not been an issue since he has been out of school. Dyspraxia not mentioned. No behaviour needs indicated in statement. The Paediatrician said it is unusually important that a sensitive programme be put in place for reintegration into a highly supportive and probably specialist unit. My son is due to see SALT this Wednesday so according to statement no language and communication needs indicated! The LA EP report says....a graduated programme of reintegration seems sensible............... In the longer term , the extent to which these can be provided within a mainstream school is also unclear, and more specialist provision may be an option that needs to be considered. Social Services have written to say case has transferred to them! No mention of Dimensions (Specialist Autism Support Worker who work with children isolated at home). I have spoken to H/T, Asperger specific School. She had caseworker there that day and so was going to discuss my son's case with him. Said she would ring back but has not. When speaking to Case worker after this (chasing up Proposed Statement) he asked if I thought my son would return to his old school! No surprise to me in statement sent then. Have not visited as she did not think it appropriate at that time. They have done outreach in past but not at present. Will arrange meeting with education advisor local Asperger Support.
  15. Received the Proposed Statement yesterday. Not much to it. Under part 3 it says mainstream 25 hours 'support' delivered flexibly. No suggestion of how that will happen.
  16. The LGO have emailed that my referral to them was premature as I have not given the Council long enough to reply to the complaint (up to 8 weeks). So it is irrelevant that my son has no education until ? the Council have had time to respond to the complaint.
  17. Judging by how things have gone so far I expect that the statement will be pretty hopeless (although I'll eat my words). As my son has mental health needs he is going to need specialists in autism as outreach/support from which ever school he eventually attends. The EP and Social worker have both mentioned 25 hours (on panel notes). What qualifications should they have and can this be specified on a statement? I fear they will offer mainstream SRB.
  18. The OFSTED Inspector did contact me back and left message to say I should put complaint in to council (if not done so already) and to OFSTED. However thinking about it Sally I have now put in new complaint to LGO. Received information from council which they had on my son. I had a good cry as I found their lack of communication very upsetting. When you have meeting they make record of everything. However when it comes to panel meetings they appear to use telepathy or psychic powers.
  19. Had letter today. LA have agreed to issue a Statement of SEN for my son.
  20. Having looked on OFSTED website I see they do accept certain complaints in writing. Has anyone experience of this?
  21. To day I had a letter from OFSTED dated 19th March saying they are inspecting my sons school on 20th/21st March. My son has had no education for 14 months (under CAMHS) but is still on roll at mainstream school. LA finally agreed to assess for SEN in February and now waiting for decision regarding issuing of a statement. Okay sounds about right. But ................ this was for a Short Stay School. The LA have only provided medical needs team for 3 one hour sessions back in September (in one week). My son was never going to engage in that time! Having spoken to OFSTED inspector she contacted Short Stay School and said my son is not on short stay school roll and is awaiting response from LA as to "where my son is on roll". I know he is on roll at mainstream school but they have marked online report as educated off site/ill. LA recognise medical need but Director of Children's Services told me last October the responsibility was with the school he was on roll with. NB LGO had told me in August that LA should have been sent sick note and found in LA favour to my complaint of no education. Since September he was signed off by Paediatrician and referred to CAMHS which I sent to LA. Do you think the S**t is about to hit the fan? What response do you think they will come back with? Is this wishful thinking on my part? ............Hope this makes sense...................
  22. Hi, If you type in SEN tribunal forms in to search bar and then on website list you want Request for Changes form. Then where it says I wish to apply to the tribunal for...... request Expedited hearing.
  23. Is there a time scale in which LA should respond to request? I had an interesting response from my request to LA complaints officer for info. I had a secure email sent to me. I thought they must be finally sending the info and duly created account and password to open up email. It said having spoken to tribunal solicitors they do not need to send info requested as are now assessing my son! I have quoted FOI and Data Protection and complaints officer has said he will pass it to the appropriate officer. Just wandering how long I should wait.
  24. Hi, i know where you are coming from. When I asked for all information on my son from his High School they told me they didn't have it. So I asked for all information from the Primary School. The Primary School said they had passed up all information. What annoyed me was the SENCO department at High School had contacted Primary who said there had been no issues and denied any knowledge of his Asperger's. Grrrr...
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