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Everything posted by Mike_GX101

  1. You should use that as your Avatar A-S!!!
  2. What I meant was that I wouldn't have seen it otherwise to have replied to as it wasn't one that was coming up on the main forum menu's.
  3. In some other forums though all one has to do is click "reply" on a previous post which is already quoting someone else hence the code looking something like this: "new user 3 quote OPEN" "user 1 quote OPEN" user 1 says something "user 2 quote OPEN" user 2 says something important "user 2 quote CLOSED" user 1 states they agree "user 1 quote CLOSED" new user 3 discusses both quotes and concludes "new user 3 quote CLOSED". User 3 is creating the new post (i.e. you/me/us today). User 1 stated their quote 2 days ago and the quote he used by user 2 was stated 3 days ago just to aid illustration a bit. The onscreen result = a quote box within a quote box with a comment underneath the whole thing from you/me/us.
  4. Funnily enough I only replied to this thread because I noticed an anonymous user by the name of Google was reading it at the time. Interesting all the same though! But I couldn't possibly speculate about the actor himself though.
  5. Helping to preserve their dignity would be the first point here. I've no idea what GC HQ are making of this URL I've just click on?!? Could this thread perhaps have been 1. placed under health issues, 2. given a title that doesn't shame and 3. considered that not everyone wants to know?!? This is one of those subjects I so wish could be made private for-members-only and if placed under an appropriate heading would only be seen by those who need to see it. I hope you work things out though, for the record. Thanks
  6. Hey there smileyK! What's with the duplicated postings?!? I read your reply 3 times and can't get it out of my mind! Was that intended?!?
  7. It's quoting a quote within a quote I have difficulty with here - on other forums it works a treat but here it's slightly more complicated. Thanks for the heads up regarding the Full Editor darkshine - I'll have to remember that one (in future!!). I did wonder if it was possible as there was no tick box before posting an edit/change asking it to hide the "edited by x" sentence underneath which can some times be more prominent than your message Grrrr!!! Another thing that annoys me (on any forum) is when a message you add ends up as the last one on a page which then gets skipped when people want to see the latest page or you post in reply to someone but another member has added something just before you've finished typing and clicked 'Post' and it looks like you're replying to them!
  8. I couldn't tell you to be honest but have a look at the following links: http://www.dyspraxicadults.org.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1656 Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, AND ADD?! The One Show: Dyscalculia: More Information I hope this helps - at least for a start!
  9. I bet if you printed off some of what you type here on these forums and put a covering letter together and sent it in they would see the pain that we can all empathise with, some more than others. We've all been there and some of us have been there alone but you guys are not alone. You have this excellent forum in which to communicate and share ideas for support and understanding and that means a lot. You should all be proud that you have such an excellent resource at your fingertips.
  10. It's a case of perception. Reframe your mind. See what you don't want to see. See that there is help out there but only if you let it in. You put walls around yourself all the time and you're taking pokes at others and it isn't funny. Doing that is not going to help you and will make you enemies. Don't isolate yourself like that and getting political certainly doesn't help either. I can see this subject is particularly emotive for you and I'm sure you've waited ages for a chance like this - to get it all out. And this is good. But now you need to ease off the throttle a bit and let the help come your way.
  11. Need someone to talk to? Then check this link out: http://www.samaritans.org/talk_to_someone/phone_calls.aspx

    1. Special_talent123


      I call them, its free if u dial 116123 and there mobile number too. But they are okay with that, had to explain to my GP that they say its okay for me to use but i need more than that

    2. Mike_GX101


      Good ST but it wasn't specifically aimed at you. Lets just say I was getting a little concerned about one of our other members

  12. It's a case of perception. Reframe your mind. See what you don't want to see. See that there is help out there but only if you let it in. You put walls around yourself all the time and you're taking pokes at others and it isn't funny. Doing that is not going to help you and will make you enemies. Don't isolate yourself like that and getting political certainly doesn't help either. I can see this subject is particularly emotive for you and I'm sure you've waited ages for a chance like this - to get it all out. And this is good. But now you need to ease off the throttle a bit and let the help come your way.
  13. GC: We're all in the same boat so stop making waves for everyone and we can all get through this together if you're patient.
  14. GC: You're not the only one who needs support and there are some who need a lot more support than you. Yes I empathise with the difficulties out there - things are tight right now for all of us and you're no different. Costs can be extremely high - I checked the diagnostic fees recently out of curiosity and some places charge thousands. Tell me how that is fair??
  15. Speak for yourself mate! If you go into places with an attitude like that I'm not surprised you don't get the help you need. Calm down a bit and consider others that might need help too!
  16. I wouldn't want to hazard a guess although Neo - the Matrix character he plays - possibly would be. I love the Matrix Trilogy (the last one was probably my favourite especially at the end when Neo reaches the source) and hope there will be a follow-up some day. I loved the PS2 game too especially after you've completed it on all levels of difficulty and can get infinite ammo and shields, etc - it creates a new game all by itself LOL!
  17. Yes I agree - the assessment aught to take place through observation in real-world interaction preferably when the person doesn't realise they're being watched necessarily (could be done via closed-circuit for example in some workplaces with appropriate consents, etc) and should encompass more than one day to cancel out good and bad day scenarios. The observations would then be scored and an additional assessment of past "episodes" would be included and that would involve discussion with close family/relative members (or carers if applicable) and the total score would then reveal which concentric ring they would fit on. And yes you are quite right that some might fluctuate over the course of their life through different rings and that would be okay too; no one's saying it would be fixed. Although some follow-up assessment would be necessary to regulate it of course.
  18. In my view the notion of a spectrum aught to be scrapped completely as its too broad and misleading. In it's place we would place concentric rings (like those of a tree) with definitive cut-off points say on scales 0-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80 and 81-100 (with the innermost ring being the latter and the most needy in terms of support and they'd be the people the services would be aimed at most intensively). Those of us on the outer edges of that would then opt-in to support if needed (say probably the two outermost) and the 3rd one in would be be given a high recommendation to be included. That way money gets spent where it's needed the most and there are no grey-areas. At the moment the spectrum is too misleading and there are some very independent aspies out there who live independently and compete independently and who probably feel the system is a little too patronizing for them. With this idea everyone is happy and you can have the people on the outer-most rings being called diverse-ability if they want while the people further in with disability or whatever other term they wish to be labelled as if any.
  19. That's not exactly true and you know it! Those on the spectrum are highly catered for both online and off - go to Google and type in Asperger's and over 14 million results come up in 0.17 seconds!! Be my guest and when you've finished reading them all come back and let us know if you still need some help. Some people have aneuploidies that are very uncatered for especially if they happen to be on the spectrum too - it's as if they sit on a fence between their two conditions and don't quite know where to go for help.
  20. I'm stuck in a rut at the moment with regards to the employment situation having just been made redundant. I love where I live - it's amazing because I get a view of the sea when I draw my curtains in the morning. But employment-wise it is far from ideal and I might have to move inland a bit (where I'm originally from) but that is something I really don't want to do. But the clock is ticking and the sand is falling and soon time will run out and I will have to do something. I could go back into education although I don't favour the price tag (keeping in mind the September new-term is rapidly approaching) but I think realistically I will have to decide whether to take a lesser-job than what I had at least to cover my bills for a while or move to some place I really don't want to be and away from my support network and get a job I deserve. My head is spinning at the moment!!
  21. It's not a case of *bashing* other peoples' topics - it's a case of debating things. Don't be so possessive!! Special Talent launched this topic asking what other people's opinions were and that is what has happened. I actually found RaphielDrake's response quite comical! And it's true - almost every 're-branding' that comes in eventually becomes 'old' and gets negative connotations that people disagree with. They had the same problem decades ago when they came up with the word "autism" (disorder of neural development) and then the name "asperger" (after Austrian Paediatrician Hans Asperger's observations in 1944) both of which were terms that were totally new and awesome as new brand names catchy-enough to be remembered. But sadly because there are so many syndromes now (creating perhaps an epidemic of syndromitis) Asperger's Syndrome is just one of a whole sea of extraneous terms (lost meanings stored in people's forgotten memories) and the core meaning has been lost on a lot of people. Maybe the names need to be more descriptive in themselves (scrap the Latin names and using surnames, etc) and lets see descriptive names coming to light such as (and I quote from RaphielDrake's response: reduced nutrition expenditure for starvation, at least to help the layman understand what it is they might have.
  22. Just added Web of Trust http://www.mywot.com/ link under "Other computer issues" for future reference should anyone need it again.

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