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Status Updates posted by SensitiveSoul

  1. I'm still a blubbering wreck - although a slightly better slept one!

  2. I've been a blubbering wreck all day - I really hate goodbyes! I am now beyond exhausted and well and truly ready to relax in front of the TV in bed and then get some well needed sleep. I've had such a fab time away meeting Elaine Nicholson, and I really can't wait to go back - do you think Christmas might be too soon Elaine......lol ;)

  3. I have had the most amazing day with Elaine Nicholson and Robert Mann. It's been perfect - more than I could ever have dreamed of! I'm so gutted to have had to say goodbye and to go home tomorrow :( because Elaine is truly amazing and I'm totally privileged to have her in my life :)

  4. I've had a perfect day with Elaine Nicholson so far, and there's still fun to come :) I am going to be so sad to say goodbye though and have to go home tomorrow. Meeting her has been amazing!

  5. We've arrived in Thrapston - yay! I managed the drive really well and it really wasn't that bad. So excited to meet Elaine Nicholson tomorrow :)

    1. karmadestiny


      Sensitive soul, just curious whose Elaine Nicholson?

    2. SensitiveSoul


      Elaine is the founder and counsellor of the charity Action for Asperger's. She has helped me a lot, and a few weeks ago I did a sponsored walk to raise money for the charity, as a way of giving something back to her. I don't live anywhere near her, so today was the first time of meeting her in person. We'd spoken a lot on Skype beforehand - that's how she counsels me normally.

  6. Stage 3 complete, just last leg to go now :)

  7. Stage 1 of journey done. Now for stage 2.

  8. I'm so lacking in motivation today - I've not started packing yet! Must get off internet!!

  9. Well that's the longest half term ever finally over! Now to start get stuff packed and preparing for the trip to meet Elaine Nicholson. So anxious about the drive there, but so excited to finally meet Elaine in person :)

  10. Had a fab time at my cousin's wedding reception - I was even dragged on the dance floor and did some dancing - so much fun :)

  11. Been in the bath, now to tackle my hair! People tell me I'm lucky to have thick hair, but they wouldn't think so if they had to spend 2 hours taming it every time they washed it!

  12. I'm ridiculously tired and it's been a very hard day! Can I cry?!

  13. I'm so exhausted and am going to be hurting everywhere tomorrow, but I've had the best fun being a big kid for the evening :)

  14. Such a busy day - I really need sleep!!!

  15. I looked after my gorgeous niece again today, and managed really well again. I love her so much! :)

  16. Have decided to change my cover photo to say more about me and what I like, and also wanted a picture that would make me feel happy when I saw it :)

  17. Hate it when I can't sleep!

  18. I'm doing so much comfort eating I reckon I'll be about 10 stone heavier tomorrow!

  19. I am such an idiot! I can't seem to get anything right!

  20. I took a huge step today and should be really happy, but instead I sobbed my heart out in the car on the way home from work because I feel really sad and am full of fear!

    1. SensitiveSoul


      Well basically I work in a school with kids with additional needs. In 7yrs I've never gone on a proper school trip. Last time I was supposed to go I completely freaked and had to be swapped with another TA. It's the uncertainty and leaving what I know and what I'm comfortable with. However today I went on my first trip out supporting a child, and it sounds trivial but for me that was a huge step and massive achievement.

    2. Starlight


      After 7 years - that is a huge step. Crying is probably the anxiety coming out which is a natural reaction after doing something that is really hard to face. Despite how you felt you did it and also helped a child. Think that deserves a 'Woo Hoo!!!' I think fear just goes with the territory- still get overwhelmed with fear and nerves any time I have to go somewhere that is unknown or unstructured and involves other people.

    3. SensitiveSoul
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  21. Had the best afternoon ever! I now know I can look after a baby. I loved looking after my niece. We went for a walk, I played with her, I made up her bottles and fed her, I winded her, I changed her and I got her off to sleep. For someone whos not a mum,with no experience of looking after babies I reckon I did pretty good :)

  22. I've just been asked to babysit my gorgeous niece in a little while. So happy, yet so nervous. I really hope I do ok with her!!

  23. OK, bored as anything so now seems as good a time as any to put my plan into action. I just hope that she loves it when it's finished...

  24. I love my new phone so much!

  25. I am so totally fed up of coughing and nose blowing! I wish this cold would do one because I've well and truly had enough of it!!

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