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Status Updates posted by SensitiveSoul

  1. There has just been 2 almighty claps of thunder - I hate thunder!!

  2. We've arrived in Thrapston - yay! I managed the drive really well and it really wasn't that bad. So excited to meet Elaine Nicholson tomorrow :)

    1. karmadestiny


      Sensitive soul, just curious whose Elaine Nicholson?

    2. SensitiveSoul


      Elaine is the founder and counsellor of the charity Action for Asperger's. She has helped me a lot, and a few weeks ago I did a sponsored walk to raise money for the charity, as a way of giving something back to her. I don't live anywhere near her, so today was the first time of meeting her in person. We'd spoken a lot on Skype beforehand - that's how she counsels me normally.

  3. Well that's me well and truly turned off from the XFactor - what a joke!!

    1. A-S warrior

      A-S warrior

      Are you ever going to post on the forums again?

  4. Well that's the longest half term ever finally over! Now to start get stuff packed and preparing for the trip to meet Elaine Nicholson. So anxious about the drive there, but so excited to finally meet Elaine in person :)

  5. What a crappy day in A&E! Went and fell this morning and hurt my foot. Luckily no breaks, just some muscle damage. Got to dose up on painkillers.

    1. Mike_GX101


      I know how that feels - good luck with it!

  6. What an absolute load of ###### this afternoon turned out to be!!!

  7. With a supportive kick up the backside and nudge in the right direction from Elaine Nicholson, I have managed to overcome my feelings of stress and anxiety and deal with the situation that was causing it. I'm proud that I listened to what was said and did something, rather than letting the anxiety win and just saying 'I can't do it!' I am definitely making changes - small ones, but changes none the less!

  8. Would so love an Elaine Nicholson hug right now! I'm feeling pretty lonely and would love nothing more than to see her smile at me and hear her say it'll be ok. I hate being so far away from her sometimes! Time to pick myself up and do something to help me feel better - perhaps some drawing...

  9. Yay! Hit 100 posts :)

    1. A-S warrior

      A-S warrior

      look forward to your next 100

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