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Everything posted by The_Dad

  1. I like to try to put all my good times in a vault so that I can use them later when times are more difficult. Some people have good times then they are thrown away from their memory . Sometimes those people say you have to move on and forward but likewise you also have to use the past to gee you up some times .
  2. Thanks A-S. This is a fascinating forum and gives me an invaluable insight to allow more understanding from an outsider perspective (NT) . This is so much more help than the formal websites which give you a load of clinical data and no advice on how to deal with this or where to go . As carers you need to try to remain as in control as possible and the understanding is so helpfull during difficult times. It would be no good to anyone if the whole family just collapsed in a heap on the floor....
  3. Hi First time on here - hello everybody. I am an NT as you like to call 'us' and a relative of an suspected Aspie. One thing I notice on here is the belief that all 'NT's sail through life without a care and that this makes it harder for Aspies . In my experience us ' NT's do also have these feelings of anxiety , depression, tiredeness etc etc but we may be better at hiding it than Aspies/ASD. I wonder if some times the very thought that other people haven't a care in the world makes you feel worse . Its like the old adage 'there's always some one worse off than you '. Hope I haven't upset anyone here as I'd like to eventually ask some advice ;-) Thanks
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