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Everything posted by rehcnurctuG

  1. Remember that from October, if you get rejected from ESA as 'fit to work' and appeal the decision, you won't get the assessment rate of ESA when waiting for the DWP to reassess your case and arrange a tribunal. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/apr/02/disability-benefits-welfare-legal-aid
  2. Remember that from October, you won't get the assessment rate of ESA when waiting for the DWP to reassess your case and arrange a tribunal to appeal the decision. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/apr/02/disability-benefits-welfare-legal-aid
  3. That is what the government had in mind with the social security cuts and abolition of Incapacity Benefit - make it impossible for certain people to live off benefits, so they have to live with and be financially supported by family members etc. Remember that from October, if you get rejected from ESA as 'fit to work' and appeal the decision, you won't get the assessment rate of ESA when waiting for the DWP to reassess your case and arrange a tribunal. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/apr/02/disability-benefits-welfare-legal-aid
  4. Unless one is properly diagnosed gluten and/or lactose intolerant by someone who is medically qualified, that is a very bad idea.
  5. I always get told by other organisations, Prince's Trust, CAB, etc, "go to NAS", but NAS always turn me away. There is also another local organisation that is a copy of the NAS (WAS) and they won't help me either. All these organisations you are told to get help from tell you to go away and go to NAS instead, but what can I do if NAS aren't there to help?
  6. From October this year, there won't be ESA benefits paid during the appeal phase. As in if you appeal, during the wait, you won't get any benefits income.
  7. From October this year, there won't be ESA benefits paid during the appeal phase. As in if you appeal, during the wait, you won't get any benefits income.
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