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Everything posted by UnusualPatronus

  1. Nice festive poem Laddo. Don't step on the mome raths Father Quilliam lol I had to check the book to see if that was his name, brilliant poem
  2. I live in the North East, I don't think I'd be able to meet with anyone, but I wouldn't give up Laddo, you've made the first step Just a few more people
  3. That's a great idea, artwork, poems and stuff all in one place, but it's where to show. I'd suggest here, but a new thread and copy paste these ones over, pictures can be uploaded, only problem is not many Neurotypicals would see what we have to say, or what pictures people might have to show, but word could spread. Well that's what I've been thinking the past two days ... what happens in the future? This is not advice, but it's what I've started doing for a few years, writing anything like paying bills, re-booking appointments or jobs that I'm going to write to in my tablet. It takes the stress of planning once you've eventually written them ... though weirdly adds stress waiting for the alarm to remind me. But if I have executive dysfunction that's got to help, it's just hard writing tasks in the first place, I'm not organised :/
  4. I've not had the pleasure of challenging an academic yet, but I've come pretty close with typical know-it-all's. You're not entirely alone on the naivety, I am incredibly naive, I don't even feel like I can compete with anything complicated in a social setting at all. And thanks to you, I've learnt that I too suffer executive dysfunction. I totally understand money and its value, but paying bills is a challenge that's almost impossible, I thought it was just stress. Life skills in general, an act until I'm at home. And sorry but I'm going to tag a poem on the end, it's not so positive this time, but was inspired by Laddo's and yours I hurt inside. I'm hurting inside. My insides hurt! A blanket of silence, a cloak of darkness I am falling, eternity lasts forever Deeper and deeper, time will not wait Loneliness amongst a tide of many Do you see me? My hand outstretched as further I fall The silence of many against the cry of one An echo, a dissonance, an unanswered call I'm shouting in silence, answered by none. A thought, a feeling, what is my life without meaning I'm falling through hell and as I fall I am screaming Do you hear me? My heart, it is bleeding
  5. Nope, they weren't wasted, I tried to consider everything you wrote I will keep checking this thread to learn of others views, though I think it right that I step out as it's already going beyond what I'm reasonably competent at answering on. I shall use it to learn
  6. Hello Eustace, Sorry I didn't use your name, highly ignorant of me to just delve into my post. Though unintentional. No, common sense does not imply a higher intelligence and my suggestion of it as such was a humorous attempt at sarcasm. Perhaps I shouldn't have done so ... I realise that you are looking for more of a academic understanding of the term judging by your reply. That was merely my take on what their thinking could be. The reason they can only reply with "use your common sense" is a defence. Hiding their own lack of knowledge. I'm sorry to be the first to post and tell you that I can't answer as critically as I presume you're expecting, though I can give an anecdotal account of my own experience. I've been guilty of an injustice in the past. Being annoyed at my brother, I deliberately asked him a simple question that I already had an answer for! He got the question wrong. I told him he was wrong and asked him to explain ... he did. I can only assume that he suspected I doubted him, because he then said in his haste as I started to correct him, "use your common sense!" Possibly not wanting to hear that he might be wrong, not wanting to hear another answer, not wanting to be seen as wrong. This is roughly what I meant by "appearing intelligent" Any negative response, which is what I also consider use your "common sense" to be, is used, often ... defensively. To hide their inadequacy or lack of knowledge. Obviously that is still open to interpretation, though I feel that this is as far as my own understanding can stretch at this moment.
  7. I love words and phrases, though I've never really expounded on them, but I'll try to here because I've fell victim to that phrase a few times in my life. Common sense as I understand it, is a way for "normal" people who want to appear intelligent, or, who just can't be bothered explaining ... and want to make it seem as though an ape could understand it. It's an easy way out, a way to possibly allow you to make a wrong choice in the workplace, thus bolstering their own competence at your expense. It's a "get out" clause; they could tell you, but just don't want too. Common sense amongst the Neurotypicals is just that — common sense! It's when something is so easy it needs no explanation. Regardless of how ambiguous a phrase or task may be, their common sense will help them. When there is no ambiguity at all, their common sense will help them, or it may not be needed at all, as they're such all knowing Beings. Yet ... even with their abundant supply of common sense, they still seem to fail at the most fundamental aspects of learning. If it isn't in a book or there isn't a University course teaching it, it can't be done! Poor, unfortunate Neurotypicals. I pity those who rely on the metaphorical common sense which expands to common knowledge and stops at basic stupidity I have no common sense at all ... I have my own sense and it has taken me far further down the road of learning than their common sense could ever comprehend. I pay no respect at all to those who shun the decency of explaining what they so clearly understand, or don't understand as the case may be, but wish to appear clued-up. Common sense? No thanks, I'd rather use my own!
  8. This is not my quote but I think it's brilliant, I read it online a while ago and can't remember who wrote it. 'I have Aspergers, though I don't suffer from it' I wouldn't cure it For severe Autism I can see the need.
  9. Mihaela you have a much better grasp of deeper meanings in things than I do, I can't even pretend to know the full meaning of what you've wrote, though I do have a basic understanding. All of my views have been spawned from stories and films and media, luckily I've been able to filter right from wrong. Though I've never actually consciously researched such deep meanings other than to grasp what someone else is meaning. That picture is powerful, I've seen it before, though I've never thought of it in that sense. I admire your thinking
  10. My choice of words on opening in the latter, poorly written, I apologise, I mean only to echo what you say. I've obviously made a wrong distinction. My whole post was overall wrong. I've interpreted Laddo's question wrongly. In trying to answer I've almost assessed how animals could evolve, how aliens could possibly evolve, how humans could possibly evolve again if time turned back. We are already evolved! I didn't take into account that we make conscious choices. That we have consciousness. That we are aware, far more aware than animals! At the most basic level of human nature what I said might hold some ground. As we are now ... It doesn't. I take it back Language is what I forgot to include. Intelligent learning is what I forgot to include. Knowing about right and wrong and not having to discover it is what I forgot to include. Scriptures, texts, speeches ... all the lessons of the past that teach the right and fair way to live is what I forgot to include. England in its immediate past has known all of the lessons, but those in power have ignored them for personal gain ... That is in no way a natural part of evolution, it is as Laddo describes ... It is a way to suppress those of us not in power, to keep us at bay, to control us. I spend so much time looking for good, which is good, but I need to stop looking at it from the beginning. We already have the knowledge to make a perfect world, what we don't have is the leaders of corporations or government with the competence or sense of human nature to try to make that world. This only serves to show how inexperienced I am in the ways of the world if I can fail to leave all of that out. I need to consider the question fully before answering, I see the error of my logic and in no way would I consider those in power to be led by human nature ... I can only look for good to a certain extent, there is no good in the corporations or government, there is only personal gain, that isn't human nature. Wanting more is human nature ... if it also includes wanting more for others. My thinking was from a restart of civilisation. As our culture stands now I have to agree ... Those in power do not follow human nature ... they consciously avoid it. It's evil and can't be denied.
  11. I don't think it is down to white people ... I think it is down to people. If you want to see someone's true nature, give them power and riches and you'll see their true nature. Every culture in the world to my knowledge has had at some point macabre and dangerous laws and rules, rituals or rights of passage. It is human nature to seize more of something, whether that be material, knowledge, love or power. Whatever we see as an advantage ... we will want more, or want to retain what we already have, therein lies the seed of disagreement, when another cannot see why you want more or less, or why you aren't happy or sad. This then leads to envy, spite, greed, hate, murder ... war! It is not down to one culture, I believe it is down to progress. There is more on offer in cities and the more someone has to lose, the more aggressively they will defend. If we did not have cities but had few villages I would still expect the same nature to evolve, though it would be less in ferocity as there's less to defend. Bullies would still be there to turn into managers then eventually leaders Build a big city and a thriving infrastructure for a third world population and let them reap the benefits of it ... I believe that the same egotistical, selfish, downtrodden views would rear themselves within a few generations. They'd want to keep and defend what they have from others who seek it. The same applies for social status, popularity inspires the same vengeance as claiming possessions inspire. Place us all in a city where we're all of equal and exact status ... people would get bored, some would want a change ... others wouldn't want a change! Do we cast them out, do we make more rules ... All cultures have rules that grow naturally. You push me, I'll push you. You eat my orange, I'll eat yours or eat every orange you ever get from this day forward. You get your orange eaten by someone else and do nothing, you'll never have no more oranges, unless you fight or hide your orange. You'll then help another to do the same ... especially if there aren't many oranges. It's natural. We're all human and we all follow human nature. It's just that some 'humans' think that they have more to lose. The problems aren't with western culture or any culture in my opinion. They're always going to develop as more possessions and positions of power are within grasp. Hate and love, sharing and greed, happiness and sadness, laughter and bitterness. We've all felt it in some form ... It's human nature, but so is curiosity and ignorance. All of those distinctions are opposites. There's always another side to something. To make distinctions is human nature. Though to truly understand any nature you have to look at them all as the same. No distinctions, otherwise you inadvertently fall into the trap you try to avoid. I actively think positively. Many people would and have argued that I'm ignorant of the bad in the world ... I would argue that I'm more aware of the bad than they are. I am more aware because I consider both sides ... always. Then I choose which side I should dwell on, which side will make me feel better. Fill your mind with positive thoughts ... eventually they'll come naturally. Fill your mind with negative thoughts ... eventually they'll come naturally. We're all to blame! We're only human. I normally try to avoid strong subject because I don't have the knowledge or experience to challenge or argue. I live in a world of fantasy, I watch animated films, read old books and live for the want of a better word, in a self-fashioned bubble. It is not so bad to live looking towards the good! Please don't think that I'm trying to teach you or anyone else the ways of the world. I am woefully ill-equipped in that department, I merely strive to write fancy sentences. I am cursed with a love of written words. I don't know many ... but the ones that I do know will always be well written. Or so I hope
  12. Very good peom Mihaela, is it from De Profundis or inspired by it? I just googled it. Written in truly difficult times Laddo, your poems are deep, that's an ending that even though I don't like swearing shouldn't be censored
  13. Social skills are important I think, I am good, loyal and honest, but can't talk to people face to face easily without acting. Then when they pick up that you're acting, because you're nervous, scared or just don't want to be there. They think you're dishonest or don't like them. So I say social skills
  14. Keep editing this message. Just trying to say I'm glad you've turned your thinking around.
  15. Hi Exodus, good first post. Welcome
  16. If you mean the 'about you' section, click to enter your profile, then at the top right click 'edit my profile' then about half way down there's the button you're looking for 'edit my about me page'
  17. Can we have two words? If so ... Space flight
  18. Same, learning makes me happy and writing
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