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Posts posted by V1971

  1. My son is 3.5 and was diagnosed as being in the spectrum in Sept 2006. He displays all the signs of Aspergers (Difficulties with change; Prefer routine; Obsessive habits; Poor social skills; Difficulty reading nonverbal cues (body language); Bothered by sounds; Light sensitive; Tactile sensitivities; Prefer soft clothing; Cannot tolerate labels in clothes; Fussy eater).


    However, he is not clumsy or un-coordinated and he has speech delay. He has however been able to spell words since he was 18 months.


    His Ped hasn't given him a label because he is too young, but his therapists seem to think he is High Functioning, which leds me to believe he may be AS?


    Back to my original question, is it possible to be Aspergers but have little speech?

  2. Do you eat out with your child/children? My 3 year old son (AS) doesn't eat the same food as us and does not cope well in public places, he cries the minute we go through the door, he does the same when we go to friends' houses.

    Outings are very stressful for the whole family. My inlaws are disappointed that we're not going to FIL's birthday party at a restaurant. We'd have to drive 2 hours to get there! They don't seem to understand. :wacko: I have been having sleepless nights at the thought of us having to go. Luckily my husband agreed to go on his own.

    I'd love to hear about other people's experiences.

  3. I do feel a grief of sorts, but it is not for the child I think my son should have been, more for the things that he doesn't have and can never have, if you see what I mean. When I sit in the car park at school waiting for him to finish and I see the NT kids spilling out in groups, laughing and chatting and messing about and making plans to go here and there, that's when I grieve, because my son can't have that too. I don't wish he was a different person, I just wish he could have some of the things that other kids have.


    Amen {{HUGS}}

  4. Yes, it was recommended for my son together with Auditory Integration Therapy and as soon as he is old enough to co-operate we'll try it.


    Hi v1971 - We've removed your link as forum rules do not allow for direct links to commercial services... If you have a link to a reference on the research itself that is not a direct advertisement for a specific test centre, that would be fine. Anyone who is interested in this can PM you for further details.


    Mod/admin team

  5. Thanks for asking, you're very sweet. I prepared a report which I'll submit with my application. Also the SENCO of the school I am hoping my son will be going to will have a look at it for me as she's done this many times before, yay! In the meantime, I am waiting for my son's pre-school report which backs me up. Wish us luck!

  6. My son is 3.5 and currently attending pre-school. His school and his therapists (speech therpist, OT, Educational Psychologist) agree that he will need a statement when he starts Reception next year.


    I am looking at IPSEA and ACE websites to get an idea of what to write. The thing is, I have been told that if I mention that he is making even a little progress at pre-school he won't get a statement?


    There is no way he would cope in class without 1:1 support, is there anything in particular that you feel worked in getting a statement for your child? Or is there anything in particular that I should not mention?

    Any tips?


    This is so hard! :(

  7. Apologies if this has been covered before, I am fairly new here.


    My son is 3.5 and on the autistic spectrum. He is obsessed with drain covers, to the point that going from A to B takes ages, i.e. it took us 50 minutes to go from his nursery school to the car, which was only down the road.


    What he does is stand on each drain cover to see if it moves and if it does he wobbles on it several times, then he wants Mommy to do the same and we take turns until he is happy and then onto the next one. It's a nightmare!


    His OT is trying to figure out a new strategy because so far nothing as worked.


    Does your child have quirks like that and does he/she do well when going for walks?

  8. My son is nearly 3.5. He hates babies, mainly because they cry a lot and he can't cope with that.


    I am 35 and would love to have another baby and I believe he would benefit from having a sibling. At the same time, I worry about how long it would take for him to adjust. He is very attached to mommy, to the point where he whines when I leave the room. :( My clock is ticking.


    I'd love to hear about other people's experiences. :)

  9. What i was saying was that when these documentaries are shown, they only show the end bit where everything is in place, they never show what a fight us parents have to put up to GET these sort of things in place such as respite,programmes etc.


    I agree, that would be very helpful. But it was lovely to see the girl interact with her brother (who was a total sweetheart BTW).

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