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Everything posted by phoenix

  1. after reading a thread yesterday about exit passes, i looked into them as i've not heard of them before, and i also feel the same, because i dont actualy see my son as disabled, because he looks and sounds normal, i would also feel guilty like i was abusing the system somehow. (i know this could turn into a debate but) whats everyone elses definition of disabled? there appears to be a sliding scale on how would you define 'disabled' ? a wheelchair user, who has mobility problems, to like my son who has AS who dosnt look disabled at all, but is
  2. be a squeeky gate i've not heard that expression before. what exactly is a statement & how do i get jon statemented, & does it involve the school?, as was under the impression that this is only for children who are on the higher end of the scale that what jon is, although his pead didn't say jon was a mild case or not, he just said he has AS. & mentioned nothing about statements, the schools headmaster is a dork (mildy put) but his teachers are the ones who put the ball rolling and noticed a problem in the first place, so i think if getting him statemented involves the school i'm in for a long haul with the headmaster
  3. finally after 2yrs of being palmed off with the exuse 'yes we 'think' its aspergers but we will see him again in six months'. i have today finally been told my son definatly has AS & they will write to the school saying so, they will also send me a copy of the letter, however, i dont know what happens next, will the school want to disscuss this with me, the Dr said he wont need to see jon again so what happens now, is there anything i need to do, as i feel almost like, thats it youv'e got a diagnosis now go away
  4. i'm soooooooo jealous when my 3 are at school, i only have time to walk the dogs......... thats after i realise the time & get off the computer
  5. i find that my biggest problem is laundry i just cant keep on top of it, jon will change his clothes around 4 times a day including pants & socks, & he insists on putting it all in the wash basket even though hes only worn it for a few hours (i keep telling him to train daddy to use the wash basket insted of the floor) ......i wish
  6. in tescos the other day my son went to the gents & i waited outside for him, 10mins later a man came out & asked me if that was my little boy in there, i said yes, & the man said jon had given him a right good telling off, (familiar sinking feeling) i apologised & asked what he had said, aparrently jon said "oi wash your hands, you have just held your pe*is to wee" thankfully the man laughed & said his wife would have said the same. later in the fresh veg isle we saw the same man & jon said (very loudly) theres that man who touched his p***s & didnt wash his hands mummy. i didnt know whether to laugh or cry
  7. phoenix


    hi all, my 6yr old son is in the procsess of a diagnosis, at the moment we are just being seen every 6mths (for the last 2 yrs) & leaving with the opinion that he has AS but nothing is ever put in writing & the school is disiplining his behaviour because of this, i feel i might be calling for your advice as to what my next step should be, as i do feel like i'm being pushed from pillar to post but not getting anywhere, i think it might be because his 'symptoms' are not as obvious as some, & hes not getting the help he needs. i have become isolated from other mums because of jons behaviour, the snide remarks and glares are becoming just too much, at least i have found this site so i can talk about him without apologising with embarrasment about something hes done. jayne
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