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Everything posted by carebear

  1. Hi Jenrose I know what you mean.Have the same with my daughter, esp having hair washed as she hates the water getting near her face. I give my DD a face cloth or hand towel to hold up to her eyes when im washing her and so far its worked. As for the bright nights and bedtime i use a blackout blind in the bedroom and start to close all the curtains in the house around 7.30pm so she knows when the curtains are closed that bed time is getting near, might not work with your daughter but its worth a try.
  2. Hi Everyone Wasnt sure where to post this! My daughter is a very curious lady and is constantly asking questions which need an immediate reply and she wont let go of it until she knows all the details.The latest query is how a baby gets into a moms tummy. I have tried to answer her without going into too much detail but shes having none of it and is repeatedly asking about this. Ive had no problem talking about the birds and bees with my older girls but DD is only 8yrs and i feel shes too young and immature yet,plus she doesn't understand when, where, or whats appropriate and will just blurt out things. I dont want to fob her off with any any answer but just dont know where to go with this issue. How have other parents here deal with this? Are there any books you can reccommend? Any ive seen are really for older kids. Help please!!! Im running out of answers.
  3. Hi all just an update on my previous post. Well we had the home assesement the other day and my little girl was an absoloute angel throughout. (If she had been here that morning when we were getting ready for school she would have seen a completly different child)The therapist still feels that there is not enough obvious ASD behaviours to justify a dx but have agreed that there are concerns around social issues espicially at school so there going to do a review in six months. So no closer yet but at least my concerns wern't just dismissed, will have to wait and see what the outcome of the review is. Thanks all for your help Carebear
  4. Hi All Has anyone here tried Neuro Developmental Therapy with their kids. I brought my dd for a private consultation today as she has various difficulty with motor skills, spacial awareness, co-ordination ect, all of which showed up today as well as other difficulties which werent quite so obvious.I will recieve a report in a few days and am thinking about starting this therapy with my daughter as theres a serious lack of OT services in my area and my daughter badly needs help ,she gets very fustrated when she cant manage to do things at school and homework is a nightmare for her it takes her so long to do it. I just want to make sure im going down the right road with this so any experience positive or negative anybody may have on this is much appreciated,
  5. Hi everyone Ive been lurking around for a few weeks and have posted already so thought i should introduce myself. I have three beautiful daughters aged 18, 12, and 8yrs who keep me extremely busy. My youngest little girl was dx with ADHD/ODD and with severe emotional behavioural difficulties a number of years ago is now undergoing an assessment for AS/ASD and i am fighting an uphill battle on this one as there is a difference of opinion between the proffessionals involved. Have been reading a lot of the posts here and its great to see how supportive everyone, its a fantastic site, am so glad I found it. Looking forward to chatting to you all soon.
  6. Hi is anyone familiar with the Transdisiplinary playbased assessment? What does it involve? Is this type of assessment used to dx ASD? Any info on this is v much welcomed.
  7. Hi all,its good to know that theres others facing the same as myself and its great to get some feedback, I have given a detailed list as have the school and the teacher disscussed with them the obbsessional behaviours and lack of social skills plus the meltdowns that she sees in school when they went to observe her there, she explained that my daughter is doing well academically( apart from handwritng, comprehension and composition ie constructing sentances).there are so many red flags to me so i cant understand why they cant see that its more than Adhd/Odd. Ive been told that many ASD traits are also present in ADHD kids so theres a fine line to dx between the two, but your right pearl i do know her best and i know theres something more going on here. I have 2 older daughters both NT aged 18 and 12 so im not clueless and looking for problems that dont exist as i have been made to feel by dd's therapists. Js mum they only briefly went thru birth history,my daughter has a long history of develommental delay,was gone 2yrs before she walked and has lots of problems with balance,co-ordination and fine motor skills since she was a baby which are still ongoing that i think are a factor.But im not giving up,will keep going to do whats best for my daughter.Sometimes i feel so downtrodden by it all. thanks for your posts Carebear
  8. Thanks for your reply pearl,Its been a long road to get this far with my dd to get an assessment(have been waiting 18months to get the appointment) so i dont want my concerns to be just dissmissed by therapists.These behaviours havent just occurred overnight theyve be present for numerous years and shes always had problems at school.Her class teacher and resource teacher have both voiced concerns about her social ability and emotional problems (academically shes doing well)so i hope this will be taken into account.Its not about a label,I just want to be able to get my daughter the help she needs.Thanks again pearl,will keep up updated of the outcome.
  9. Hi im new to the board and looking for some advice.I have 3 daughters,my youngest lady is 8yrs old and has a diagnosis of ADHD and ODD since she was 4yrs.Recently she has been refered for an assessment for AS as her psycologist and myself feel she is showing some autistic traits,but therapists involved in assessment say they are reluctant to diagnose her as they dont want to add another label to my child,they werent interested in her birth history or any developmental delay. I will list some of the reasons for my concerns and i hope someone here can offer advice. 1.Loves routine and gets quiete disstressed when change occurs(eg if a sub teacher in school she refuses to enter classroom) 2.Gets very distressed when having hair washed and nails cut. 3.Has obbsessive behaviours eg.(sugar has to be placed in centre on top of ceral and milk has to be poured round the edge and cannot touch the sugar,seam on toe of her stockings has to be straight and will repeatedly remove shoes to check this. 4.Plays alone in schoolyard and wont interact with peers,has poor eye contact. 5.Hates loud noises and crowds and covers her ears,is over anxious. 6.Has urealistic fears and suffers night terrors. My dd is due to have the final part of her assessment soon but i dont hold much hope of getting any answers. Am i right to be concerned or am i taking to much notice of her behaviour which is what doc is telling me. Any advice is gladly welcomed,I am so worried about her.
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