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Everything posted by Confusedmum

  1. Hi All My DD (5) how has AS has just started school last week, she has very little interest in playing with the other children (but is happy not to) In the past i have try everything playgroups, preschool, soft play, endless playdates. I know for a fact that she knows how to play with them as she would play with one of the the boys at pre school but he has now gone off to a differant school, and she also plays brilliantly with her 2 yr old (almost 3) sister. Ive run out of ideas !! im sure at some point she will start to mix , but at what age did your children start to play with other children? Im hopeing that she will crack it before the other kids at school notice that shes abit differant to them.
  2. Hi Maiseys Mummy My 5 year old little girl has Aspergers, she has only recently started her assessments for AS, and although she is not offically diagnosed, our Psychologist has said that my daughter most likley has AS. My daughter also started school last week and upto now we have had a few problems but her school have been quite supportive. im so glad you have started this thread, as you said in your opening post there is very little info online ect just for AS girls. My DD hasnt had any problems with her bowles, but is lactose intolrant but is slowly outgrowing this, Thank GOD, lol She walked at 13 mths, but like other people have said she was very clumbsy and still is to be honest. Her current interests is Disney princess, and anything Girly and pink, she refusses point blank to wear trousers, and is furius that her school uniform is BLUE , she also loves anything Medical and is obsessed with being a doctor when she grows up !! Her eye contact is also not to bad with us, but it can be abit hit and miss if she is under any stress. As regards to shreiking she to also does this if you are trying to get her to do something that she doesnt want to, But to be honest this is the only time that she shows any type of temper so to speak, but once we have explained why she has to do certain things, she very quickly get the hang of it. This is the main problem we are currently having at school at the moment as she wont sit at carpet time and gets extremely stressed/upset, if she has to wait for things. We didnt have to many problems with toilet training, we started at 2.5 and she mastered it during the day at around 3. And we has just managed to get her out of her bedtime nappies over the summer hols. She also zones out while watching TV and i literally have to pull her away from it to get her to listen to me. The reason why she was refered for an assement was because she has very poor social skills with her peers (but plays brilliantly with her 2 year old sister). And has no interest in making friends, But she is perfectly happy to play alone. Her memory is also fantastic and she remembers everything in great detail, she is also extremley clever, she reads aswell as my 8 year old nephew and can counts in tens of thousands . But will only do so if she feels like it !! she is so subborn (just like me lol). She also Hates shopping, and will only tag along if she absolutley has to. But just to echo what others have said i wouldnt change her one little bit, as its what makes her who she is, an extremley loving, cute, funny, quirky little angel .
  3. Hi all My dds school want to apply for a Statement for her, this is all very new to me as DD hasnt yet got an official Dx. I know that getting statement would be a really big help for DD, as she has only just started reception (last week) and is already having a few problems. But what i am unsure if we would get one as dd is really bright, so would it be best if we applied for a statement or is it best to let the school take care of it ??
  4. My DD started Reception class yesterday (on her 5th Birthday) She did really well came out all smiles Its her first full day today, fingers crossed she will be OK, packed her off with lunch box and her PE kit .
  5. Wow you both must be chuffed to bits well done to both of your DC. My Daughters latest big acheivement is to be dry at night, she has done so well we are now down to about 1 accient per week and she is so proud of herself, i even heard her tell our neighbour all about it over the fence yesterday, bless her
  6. Hi Shell, Your advice here is invaluable and your insight is quite unique. i have never found your posts offensive in anyway, i may not post here often but i lurk alot lol Like Lisa said either the lads Docs gave him the wrong Dx or she is having herself on, Troll Maybe Dont let nasty people like her get you down rise above it !! have a few of these and chill. Take Care xx <'>
  7. Thanks Again for your replys, school didnt call back so im going to pop up tomorrow. if there is nobody there we can just use it as an practise run ready for Tuesday. Im dreading it, not only is it her first day but its also her 5th Birthday
  8. Thanks guys , I have just rang school and got bl**dy BT call minder, so i lefted a message so i will just have wait and see if they call back. But ive also rembered that its a teacher training day on Monday so if they dont call back, i will take a walk up there on Monday.
  9. Hi all, Right as a parent of a very clever special quirky little girl, who has resently been dx (but still unoffical) with AS. I would really love to hear about your positive acheivements (or your DCs). My DD is hell bent on being a doctor !! (shes 5 btw) when she grow up, and i have no doubt that she will achevie whatever she sets her heart on !! so come on peeps i need your positive vibes !!
  10. Hi All, My DD starts primary school on Tuesday, yesterday we an appiontment with child Psychologist, for IQ testings the outcome of this is that my DD is highly likely to have AS, however they wont be giving a full DX until Dec/Jan as they want to see how she is at school first, The Delvelopment clinic are now in the process of writing up a full report for us and school, but we wont have this for another 2/3 weeks, so i will obviously need to have a chat with DDs teacher before this report arrives. Im hopeing that her teacher has some experiance of working with AS children but until she starts school i am unable to find this out. And obviously the first day i drop her off will be manic. so im really dont know hows best to approach DDs teacher about this ?, and what things do i need to make sure school do ?, so that DDs experiance of starting school is a good one.
  11. Great advice Shell thanks again, i have not yet asked for a mulit discapinary but i will do, she starts school in september so i will request one as soon as she starts school.
  12. 1) not as far as i know, however our initial assessment was at our combined clinic, where they ask us q's from a survey type thing. At the end of this the pead then went on to tell us that there was a possability that she may have Aspergers. 2) Fine motor skills are a little poor but getting there ie she is a messy eater and has poor pen control Gross motor skills are very good she has just started to ride her bike (with stabalisers) and has good balance awareness. 3) The interation with her sister is usually just on her own terms, she get very angry if little DD wont play as she wants her to however with peers she has never really met any one with the same interests. 4) Yes she plays lovely and needs very little interaction from anyone, she can entertain her self for hours. 5) No she dosent ask questions with the wrong words, but she does ask questions with the answer already in them, and she asks questions that she obviously already knows the answer to. Plus she will repeat question over and over even thought she has already been given that answer numerous times. 6) Yes she is very litteral in thinking, for example just today we had carrott battons with lunch and i pretended to be a rabbit, she got really upset saying no mummy your not a rabbit, your my mummy, you cannot be an animal !! also what you said about peer to peer interaction is absolutely spot on !! this is exactly what i feel about my DD. Thankyou so much for your replys its great to speak to people who know what im on about.
  13. Spectrummum, Im still confused, this is all new to me so maybe if i tell abit more about my DD perhaps you can tell which test is relavant ? DD is almost 5, she dose have some odd interest (for a 4yr old) she is extremly clever has a mind like a sponge remembers everything in great detail, and talks none stop and has done since being about 9mth old, she plays great with her little sister (2) but is not interested in children her own age shes not bad with older kids and is fantastic with adults although they often find her quite odd ( if they dont know her quirky ways), she reads loads and is very good at reading but will refuse piont blank to draw or write her name, but will have a good go at writeing numbers (which is one of her current interests). her attention span is also quite poor unless its something that she is interested in. On a whole she is very well behaved probably better that most 4 year olds, so theres abit about my darling DD i could go on all evening as she is certainly interesting, never a dull moment at our house !!
  14. WOW Spectrummum, i see what you mean,lol, thankyou so much I will have a read through your posts now, bare with me i think there will probably be more Q's
  15. Hi all, My DD who is amost 5 years old, is having IQ tests on wednesday for aspergers with pysc at our local child development clinic at our last appiontment she did explain what this entails, but at the time i was to busy watching what pead was doing with DD so i didnt really understand what she said. So if anyone can answer any of my Q's id be most grateful. What do they do in the test? Why do they need to do an IQ test? Will she enjoy it? How long will it take? Will i be allowed in the same room when she dose test? How are the results differant with an AS child to a NT child? Sorry for long post, and thanks for take time to look
  16. Certainly is a small world Lax, Currently we have had our first appointment with Pead (Sue Gentle) Ed psyc (Sarah) and Speech and lauguage (olly). Our next appointment is on the 29th of August for the IQ testing with Ed psyc, do you know what assesment/s they will need to do next, my DD is almost 5 btw and is about to start school this september. I think i know the guy on the sheffield forum that you tried to e-mail, was the post you saw him on the aspergers thread, have you tryed sending him a personal message through SF. I will keep a look out for your post as i am sure that you will get loads of great feedback there too.
  17. Fantastic Idea Laz As a parent of a DD who is currently undergoing assessment at Sheffield Rygate Centre, its fantastic news !! Can i just add that there needs to be more information for parents of children who are going through the assessment, we have had very no info given to us about what is involved. We have had our first appiontment with Pead, Ed psyc and Speech and Laguage we go back on the 29th of this month for IQ test with Ed psyc but after this we dont know what happens next !!, its the waiting that we are finding really tuff, but i do feel that if we just had a contact that knows the assessment process as i know that this is differant depending on what area you live, this would really help!! Just another idea have thought about posting this on the Sheffield local forum to, there are quite a few users on there that have AS or Kids with AS, im sure that you would great deal of feedback from there to. Good Luck xx
  18. Hi, Does anyone know if AS can be seen from an MRI Scan. Many Thanks
  19. Thanks, Mum22boys and ASue67 for your replys you both must have gone through hell, waiting so long. <'> Thankfully by the sounds of it we have benn lucky not to have to go through CAMHS, we live in sheffield so our assessment in being done at the Rygate Centre. Probably along shot but is anyone else here under Ryegate ?
  20. Hi krystaltps, Thanks for your reply At our first appointment, the ed psych was there along with pead and speech and language therapist, they decided that DD wouldnt need to see speech and language again as she dosent have any problems with her speech, and when the ed psych made our appointment for the IQ test, she said that she evaluate it there an then and let us know the out come of the test. also i probably should have said in my first post that she is being assessed for AS, as im not sure in the assessment is the same across the spectrum,so would time scale/assessment that krystaltps said still be the same?? hope this makes sense, and please set straight if not. Thanks again and sorry for rambleing, this is all very new to me, so im not sure how it allworks.
  21. Hi All, We had our first appointment 2 weeks ago, we go back on the 29th of this month for some IQ tests with the Ed pysc. What will they do next after this ? and how long dose a Dx normally take ? Thanks for taking the time ton read my post,
  22. My Little girl will be 5 on the 4th of Sept, Her first day at big school im dreading it, even though there are other children from her pre school in her class, she never mixed with anyone even though went from being just 3, she loved going and misses it like crazy at the moment. What did they do in the IQ test, did your son find in stressfull atall. Thanks again for chatting its a big help to with somebody that going through the same, as im driving my hubby insane at the moment.
  23. Hi Cattubb, We had our first appointment last week, at our local combined clinic, in our meeting was a paediatritian, ed psyc and speach and lauguage therapist. our appointment lasted for 2 hours !! they filled in like child development survey, i am sorry i dont know what to call this first assessment thats why i have explained it !! lol We have another assessment with the ed psyc on the 29th of this month, and she is going to do an IQ test. but by the sounds of it she is having the same tests as your son, STRESSFULL INIT !! All i want her to do is make a friend
  24. Hi All, That really good news, i have been reading your other posts on here, i cannot believe how quick you have managed to get help, sound like you have a great GP. Im just wondering what a DISCO assessment is, sorry if i sound abit thick, My daughter is currently having some assessments for aspergers, but i havent heard of this type of assessment before.
  25. Hi aro/bagpuss, Thanks for your replys I went to smiths and waterstones at the weekend, but neither of them had Tony attwoods book on girls they didnt even have it on there stock list to order in, so i will have to get it on amazon, but i like to have a nosey first. I ended up buying the new complete guide to aspergers syndrome, by the same guy, it has a good section on sensory problems aro, so far from what ive read is really good and imformative with very little jargon. Bagpuss, Liane Holliday Willey book, does she go back to her early childhood in her book, my daughters almost 5, so im looking for something thats will help me now if poss Thanks again, Shelley
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