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Everything posted by Dorcas

  1. I'm thinking of getting my 5 1/2 year old (with Aspergers) a digital camera for Christmas. Obviously it won't be anything fancy but I think I can pick up a 2/3 year old compact on ebay for around �30. He loves taking photos and up to now he's been using disposables which gets expensive quite quickly and doesn't have the instant gratification of digital.
  2. There's a document here which includes a complete description of how SEN funding is calculated in one county (if you have the strength to plough through it the figures are in sections 4, 5 & 6)
  3. Dorcas


    Hello, I'm Dorcas. I have 3 children aged 11 (almost 12), 9 and 4. The 4 year old is Harry and he started (mainstream) Reception in September. Harry will probably be diagnosed with an ASD eventually. He has delayed language development and various behavioural traits that fit the pattern. He had 1:1 support 3 mornings a week in playgroup and has been attending school mornings only while they get organised. This doesn't bother me. He is not yet at compulsory school age and I quite like to have the early part of the afternoon with him before the others get home. We have a big interdisciplinary meeting next week. The community paediatrician and speech & language therapist are coming to school to see us and the SENCO (who is also his class teacher). I?m actually quite nervous about this even though I?ve met all these people before and never had any problem with them individually. I will try and post here regularly although I?m really a natural born lurker. Dorcas
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