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About billie

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  • Birthday 07/19/1965

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  • Location
    Maidstone Kent UK
  1. billie


    Hi, I am a mum to 3 kids - my eldest (10) has been on the SEN reg almost since day 1 at school - had often told health visitors that she was different & was told 'she'll grow out of it' or not to compare her to my other 2... Eventually the school asked me to get her refered to specialists as they felt she probably has Aspergers (the SENCOs opinion). 18 months speant being told she was just emotionally blocked & imature by a cognitive health therapist, she then admitted perhaps it may be Aspergers or similar! She was recently seen by a peadatrician & has now been refered to a social communication clinic for her social commincation problem - possible Aspergers with a bit of ADHD & dyspraxia thrown in.... She has also suspected of having something called Marfan syndrome & is undergoing tests (the blood test was a nightmare). Life is never simple & I am glad to have found this site - I think it may be the life-line I need to keep my sanity! (Please excuse any spelling mistakes as I have a head cold at the moment!) My other kids are 9 & 6 (girl & boy).
  2. Hi, I'm new to the site - my 10 year old daughter has refered onto a special clinic as she has 'social communication problems (??? Aspergers), Features of ADHD & Dyspraxic tendencies'. Reading all the messages about DLA makes me determined to take my time over filling in the forms & to keep my fingers crossed! Thanks & good luck to those trying to get it!
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