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Everything posted by ScienceGeek

  1. hehe! Much fun and laughing was had last night. I don't think I actually got to sleep until around 3am.
  2. ScienceGeek


    Thanks Clare, that was nice to hear. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it always does.
  3. I like watching programs like The Real A&E on discovery home and health.
  4. I love those kinds of things! Probably why I spend so much time watching the health channels and reading biology books.
  5. ScienceGeek


    An ex-acquaintance (can't really call friend, don't have many of those), threw some nasty comments my way in an email. Apparently conversing with me was a chore as the conversations tended to be one-sided and the subject always went to me and my latest obsession. According to this ex-acquaintance I don't care about anyone else and everything is about me. My hugs have no feeling in them, well sorry if I felt really awkward and don't know how to react to people, sorry I don't get subtle hints. There was a whole lot more, but I just can't be bothered to type it all up, I'm sure I'll over analyse this later when I'm supposed to be sleeping. People
  6. Mazel Tov! Congratulations!! Happy 18th to her, hope she has a wonderful day and many more happy years ahead of her.
  7. Well to relax I normally start off with a nice hot bubbly bath followed by lying in a dark room with the lava lamp and rope light on. I normally listen to some relaxing music, my cd that I relax to is by Sigur Ros.
  8. insect and most certainly. I've got to do something to stop myself going out of my mind eh?!
  9. That is fantastic! Congratulations to her
  10. I didn't want to start a new post for this so I'm just dumping it in here. Copied over from my LJ. It is official, I have a daft brain. So I got told by the doctor to rest up, so what does my brain do? It becomes crazy and goes into obsessive cleaning mode. Thanks a lot! I've been restless and jittery to get this place tidy, but lacking in the actual energy to do it. So far I've partially tidied the livingroom and sorted out the junk in my bedside drawers and the area around my side of the bed. Now I'm exhausted. So even though the room is spinning and I'm exhausted, will my brain let up? Oh no! Damn this place is a mess. I just can't relax and rest while it is so messy in here. Knock me out please so I can rest, somebody? Anybody?
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