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When can we appeal?

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Trying to work out if, when and how we can appeal.


DS2 had his Statement Review in March. We said we want him to move from mainstream to special school, so his case is going to a provision panel in May. The SEN officer is 'sitting' on the Statement Review until the panel meets - fair enough.


Since the Review meeting, I've had a report from the Speech & Lang therapist, announcing DS2 will get less SALT over the next year. Neither the SEN officer or school has received a copy of this report. This happened last year also, in fact on phone today SEN officer said: 'Oh, did we miss that one?' I disagree with reduction in SALT (he was going to be discharged!!!) but SEN officer says she will have to go with what SALT says.


So, it looks possible that the Statement will be amended to show reduction in SALT, which means we can then appeal against the amendments. We will also be able to appeal against anything else in the STatement that we feel isn't appropriate.


My question is: if the Statement is amended AND the provision panel turn DS2 down, that is, he has to stay in mainstream and his current school is still named on the Statement, can we go to tribunal to appeal against mainstream because we want him to go to a special school?


Phew! Thanks to anyone who managed to read through that! any ideas gratefully received.


Lizzie x :wacko:

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My question is: if the Statement is amended AND the provision panel turn DS2 down, that is, he has to stay in mainstream and his current school is still named on the Statement, can we go to tribunal to appeal against mainstream because we want him to go to a special school?


Hi Lizzie


Yes you would be able to appeal against anything in parts 2,3 and 4 of the statement, it doesn't matter which part has been amended.


K x

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If you disagree with your nhs salt and feel your child still has speechand lang needs you can appeal that as well.

Either getting a pricvate report or write to her manager outlining your concens.

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