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Can I have a rant?

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Ages ago I filled in a form for G to attend a playscheme for the first 2 weeks of the summer holiday, spoke to someone one the phone and she was very positive and promised 1 to 1 support etc (it's for all kids but supported for SEN children)


I realised last week that we hadn't heard a thing so rang up explained G has autism and severe behavioural problems and we really need to clarify the support, find out more about it to tell G, get the information pack so we can fill it all in about G. They said it would be sent straight out and that the playscheme supervisor will ring me. I also paid over the phone for the scheme (�50 for 2 weeks)


No one rang, I rang 2 days ago explained my concerns yet again was assured all was fine he's booked on the course etc and someone will ring and the information pack (which if it's the same as a few years ago is a lengthy book to fill in about G) will be sent out.


Now he's supposed to start on Monday and there's been nothing! They think I can just turn up with him on Monday and all will be well - it just doesn't work like that with G! He needs preparation, information - even a visit or a chance to meet a member of staff who will be on the scheme. And they certainly need to know a bit about him and how he reacts, triggers etc.


Feeling so blooming frustrated - there was a chance with some preparation that he would have gone to this and had fun, without any of this we have no chance.


It's almost too late now but I'm feeling a need to write a stern letter saying inclusion is only inclusion if they make some efforts to include! Years ago the SEN children were on seperate schemes and there was a lot more preparation, a visit, high experienced staff ratios etc - it still didn't work for G (he has a high level of anxiety about being apart from me) but there was a chance this year as he was 5 last time we tried, he's 7 now. They just don't seem to understand what they are dealing with and it's so exasperating! :wallbash:


I did say it was looking like it was all too late now to the woman on the phone and she made me feel as though I was overreacting - the information pack isn't here today, even if it arrives tomorrow there's no way they will get it before the playscheme starts.


I think if it doesn't work out I shall be asking for my money back this time (when it didn't work last time I didn't as he'd been well prepared, had a visit etc but this time there has been absolutely nothing)


Grrrr - I really needed to get that out of my system!

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>:D<<'> That's so frustrating and really unprofessional - they haven't kept to their word. We have a similar playscheme in our area - I haven't heard very positive things about it.

Sorry not to be of more help

Elun xxx

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So frustrating for you jlp. Its such a lifeline having something to look forward to during the summer holidays, & to be treated like this really isnt on. Complain loud & long, & get your money back. Maybe next year theyll have learnt from it, wont help you now though. :(

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It's almost too late now but I'm feeling a need to write a stern letter saying inclusion is only inclusion if they make some efforts to include!

Yes, say exactly that. They've let you down in a huge way and now G is going to lose out as a result - and there will be repercussions to the rest of the family as well. This will have an impact on whether or not he'll want to go next year, when he'll be in the 8-14 age group and a whole different ball game. They need a good kick up the rear end for this.


Will you still take him along on Monday? If they don't have any paperwork for him it could be more distressing to him if he has to hang around while they sort out whether or not he's meant to be there. Or can you get to see someone in person about it today?


Really sorry about this jlp, you were so depending on that scheme. :crying:




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My son went on a playscheme a few years ago and i thought it would be a disaster too and thought of all the things that could go wrong and realy panicked and wasnt going to send him ect ect.........They too appeared to not have enough information and i thought its all going to go ###### up.But i sent him and he had a wonderfull time absolutly loved it.The staff were fantastic,theere had loads of one to one support,they even went out every single day on trips and stuff.Nothing went wrong.


I know each child is different but i found it a realy positive experiance for my son.Unfortunatly places are few and far between and hes never been on one since.


If youre worried why not go in with him the first day just to put yure mind at rest.

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DS is supposed to be going to a playgroup today, still no phone call to confirm it so I'm going out with the three kids, it's a nice day and I'm not staying in all day for "the" phone call. Also I want to vet it out before sending him there.

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Just to post an update - I've been almost scared too incase announcing it changes our luck!


G was not happy on Monday at going, lots of shouting etc until I persuaded him that we'd just go and look, no pressure to stay. He went and spotted another little boy from his school (he doesn't know him but I'd been telling him that 'N' would be on this course and was excited) and started chatting to (at?) him then spotted a climbing frame on the school field. He went in fine and started drawing with all of the other children, I said I was going and he said as long as all the other Mammy's had gone then that was ok!


I wasn't too impressed that they weren't even aware that G had autism let alone the 1:1 support promised but as he seemed unexpectedly ok to leave I left him.


He came out furious as he'd asked them to phone me twice and I'd taken ages (they hadn't phoned but I didn't say that) - apparently there's a very bossy girl on the scheme who keeps telling him what to do (he hates that!). It's only a little girl who attends the school where the playscheme is and keeps telling him they aren't allowed to do this and that but he seems to have accepted us explaining how there are rules when this girl is at school and different rules when it's a playscheme and he only needs to obey the playscheme leaders.


We've set up a reward scheme for him where there's a sticker chart and cash incentive for how many days he manages on the playscheme. It seems a bit mercanary (sp?) but dp suggested a reward for completing the scheme and I thought it would be better to reward him for any day he manages - bearing in mind he won't stay anywhere but with me, dp, my mum and school (and not always school).


Today he came out much happier than yesterday and had made a spider.


Sorry I'm going on a bit, I'm so proud of him, this is a huge step for him and staying alone in a new place with new people is something he's never done before :) :)


They have a 'juice room' where you can help yourself to juice - he only gets water and watered down fruit juice at home and he's become obsessed with the juice - he came home last night and had so many wees in an hour I thought he must have a water infection till he mentioned the juice ('there's a sign saying help yourself..')

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Ooh that sounds encouraging jlp. Fingers crossed, and enjoy your "me" time!


Well I still have ds#2 to keep me occupied! He's lost without ds#1 and thinks I really need to fill in properly! It's worth it though - ds#1 is occupied and not sitting alone on the PC and there's not quite so many fights and attempts to kill one another!

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Oh well, look on it as a chance for you & your little un to have some quality time together - maybe something your eldest wouldnt fancy doing perhaps?

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There is that! It's impossible to meet up with friends and their children or even go to parks etc as G finds this too difficult.


Now I've gotten over the first few days without a phonecall I may dare to leave the house!


If G lasts till Tuesday I have a birthday cup of tea to attend which won't be possible if G is there so fingers crossed!

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