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Hi Guys (and gals).

Im still here and i send my love to all. but im also busy trying to get these 'voices' out of my head. I'm having to 'go'back' in life to when K was 3 to write chapter 7. hes now 8 and aged three was not a good time, and to be honest i feel like im loosing the plot a bit and need you guys to tell me to go on.


yesterday i was told by the phychologist that we have to prepare for putting K on meds to help with anxieties and sleep, and to b honest its knocked me a bit.


so Myworld is bleeeeep right now, and im at the stage of throwing in the towel and leaving it at chapter 1.



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Hi Pingu,


Maybe you need to take a bit of time out and return to it when you feel a bit stronger and when life isn't so overwhelming?


I'm trying to do a similar thing - trying to shape my diares I kept when we were in crisis, into something that others might want to read. I found it quite painful to delve into the past and can only manage if I do it in bits.


Don't give up altogether though.


K x

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I agree with Kathryn I started writing a book about what happend to us as a family. The focus has had to be on my middle son who suffered so badly at the hands of the so called professionals. I have found it so hard re-visiting the scene as it were that I have given myself some time off. We have to remember that life will still come along and out play us from time to time because we are living with autism.



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Give yourself some time and space, and if it's too painful, leave it for another time. Do it when you feel emotionally strong, and can describe those difficult times with clarity and a sense of having come through it. You have all the time in the world to get your story put into words and there is no sense in making your life more painful as a result. You will know when the time is right, take care >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

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Take care of yourself first and foremost, and take babysteps with the writing, try to deal with it a sentence at a time, or a word at a time even, rather than thinking you have to get through whole chapters. You can always edit it later.

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