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Any had problems with changing drinking beaker

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Well i thought i would post on here for advice, as my daughter who is 3 in May has never liked changing her beaker, she went until she was 18 months using a bottle, which she would only drink milk from and only used the same type, she would only use the avent 1s, when she was 18 months(we tried before a few times but it was a massive struggle) we decided enough was enough and she wasnt drinking from a bottle anymore, so we eventually, after nearly a week of drinking hardley anything except for bits we could squirt into her mouth before she realised what we were doing we got her to drink from a beaker. She has had this since then(the same 1) and as you can imagine its tatty and has lots of teeth marks in and she could really do with a new 1. Theres 1 big problem though, i went in every shop i could think of to have a look 1 exactly the same and there wasnt 1, i looked on the internet on the website of whose beaker it is and they didnt have any there either so they obviously dont make them like that any more, i also looked on ebay but they had none. So has anyone got any advice on how to get her to drink from a different beaker(if you have had this problem yourself) or will i just have to go days of her not drinking again? She wont drink from a normal cup or glass, and she cant understand how to use a straw, so she is going to need to use a baby/toddler cup. I did try and get her to help me choose her a new cup but she said no to them all, i can find them with the same sort of teet(it looks like a straw but it needs tipping up to drink it) but they are not the same colour as hers so she wasnt interested.

She has a bit of speech but not much understanding so i cant really explain it to her as she doesnt know what i mean

So any advice on how to go about it would be great

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Hiya - do you think she might drink from one of those 'sports top' bottles?


Those are the ones where you sortof pull at the top with your teeth to allow drink to flow thru and push down again to seal.


it took me absolutely ages to get my son off using a bottle, and he hated the beakers, so we moved on to the sports bottles. At least they look grown up but are secure and means they can drink at any angle usually so long as they remember to push the top down.


I know the big supermarket beginning with A has some very reasonable priced ones plus they do make them in kiddy colours etc


Good luck >:D<<'>

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i have got one of those, but she wont touch it, i have tried a few times but she says it is her sisters not hers!!! I would of prefered her to drink from one of them as they are better for when she is at school and that, then she wont look babyish but she just wont have it :(

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Gosh this takes me back :tearful: .............very very similar problems with my boy, he was still drinking milk from a bottle just before he started school, however he would drink from other beakers too........


.............a couple of ideas, could she shop with you for her new beaker?........choose it herself etc...


..............if you manage to re-introduce a new one , don,t just do one, use a few so shes not using just one again, maybe the same style but different colours.Could you tie in an interest with a new cup, ie dora the explorer (if thats what shes into)


.......................during my sons bottle/cup phase we used every concievable beaker/ training cup we could find.........I had a huge selection in the cupboard :rolleyes: ...........best of luck with it ..suzex

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Yes, this was an enormous problem for us too, still is to a certain extent. Jay is 14 and still needs to use a straw the majority of the time.

Is there a particular cartoon or animal character that she loves? I'm just thinking, maybe you could find a nice picture of something she really likes, laminate it and use some sticky tape to stick the picture round the new beaker to kind of personalize it a bit, make it really special to her. Might encourage her or at least catch her eye? Or use some special markers to write her name on it or draw a picture on it or something along those lines?

Good luck, I know it's really hard, this one. >:D<<'>


~ Mel ~

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What vivid memories this thread has brought back to me about OJ when he was little!!! He was exactly the same and had one beaker that was so disgusting with all the teeth marks but he wouldn't use anything else! I am racking my brains to remember how we finally got rid of it but I just can't remember at the moment!! Old age has well and truly set in! I know it was something to be with being somewhere different, maybe a holiday and saying we had forgotten it.


Will post if it comes back to me.


Stella xx

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Oh Im not sure what I would do!! Logan will only drink from one type of cup, but I have about 8 of them!! He's used the same cups since he came off bottles at 12 months.


Is there anything even similar that you could try her with??


Lynne x

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The ones with the same teat but different colour - do the teats fit on the base of the one she will use? If so, could you do a phased approach? Start off with the old base and a new teat, and gradually change them over? If not, could you put a laminated cover on the old one which she will use, and after a few more days put the same laminated cover on the new one? Alternatively. is there a drink she really likes but isn't often allowed - maybe coke or something? Could you offer her the favoured drink in the new cup versus something she is not keen on in the old one?


Once you have found the solution, make sure that you buy half a dozen of the new cups and rotate them regularly so that you have a large stock of them to last for ages, rather than having the same problem again in a year's time!

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thanks for all your advice, i am going to have to buy her a completely different cup as they only have 1 in the shops that is the same sort of spout on it, and i really dont want this happening again , so i want to get her used to all different cups. I will definatly be trying putting pictures or laminated paper that is the same colour as her old cup, i never even thought of these ideas, but really they are very simple things to do! Thanks again for all the advice, its been a great help

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Hope you find something that works :)


I don't remember when I was that young, but I do know from probably about the age of 5/6 till someway into the mid-teens when I started a mug collection (:rolleyes:) I only used one mug. It was a small blue mug with a train picture on it. It came with an Easter egg (hence why I mention it now) and I had to use it for my drink on Easter morning and from then on it became 'my mug'. Maybe you could use something like that (finding an egg that comes with a mug) to make it extra special? :unsure: She may be a bit young for that, though.

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