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My son is nine years old and his current IEP shows that he is three years behind peers in writing and four years behind in numeracy. Yet he uses advanced vocabulary, his reading is good and he can talk about very complicated subjects. Does anyone else find that there is a big difference between their child's school performance and his/her potential ability?

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Its the opposite with my youngest as yet undiagnosed daughter...


Se can't tell time, doesn't know days of week or months of the years, she can't even do her 2 x tables <she is on year 5>


And yet she is apparently attaining all the appropriate targets!


Anne x

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Yes my youngest ds is a bit like that. He's 11 and in year 6. I'm not sure what levels he's at (his HT and CT are very very good at not answering questions) so I'm just biding my time until the end of KS2 SAT results.


Despite being non-verbal until he was about 4 and then having a signficant language delay (he is dx with Semantic pragmatic disorder) he is now highly articulate and has a very advanced and extensive vocabulary. He has a memory like and elephant and can remember car routes and tiny details of things that amaze people. He is very knowledgable about many subjects, can tell you the model and airline by looking at a plane in the sky, shows great promise at golf and knows loads of trivia about it, etc etc etc. However his reading isn't great (he has moderate dyslexia), he has severe difficulties with maths (can't remember any of the times tables, even the really easy one's like 2's, 5's and 10's), struggles with even basic numeracy etc etc. His base line IQ comes out at about 85, which is low average, but he is clearly cognitively much more able than that.


It's like this with most people on the spectrum; an uneven profile.



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My son is nine years old and his current IEP shows that he is three years behind peers in writing and four years behind in numeracy. Yet he uses advanced vocabulary, his reading is good and he can talk about very complicated subjects. Does anyone else find that there is a big difference between their child's school performance and his/her potential ability?



Hi Hsmum,


Can't remember what levels my daughter was at when she was younger but I do know that she was like your son - she spoke very grown up at a very early age and used vocabulary way past her peers - but she had no idea in numeracy, time concepts etc - although she is much better now (she's nearly 15) at maths she is still finds it extremely difficult to read a clock face with hands and has difficulties with certain concepts.


Take care,


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