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Does she have to sit it?

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Hi my daughter had Sats all last week and coped reasonably well, however she has more tests next week and is freaking out over her French exam. She is coming home in floods of tears and having panic attacks over it. It will be an oral test and she has to learn and remember 5 paragraphs plus the answers to 3 pages of questions! She also has to do this for a German exam, but she's learnt that and is confident about it. My point to the school is that she won't be doing French after July as she doesn't like it so is it worth all the stress and worry? They said that she shouldn't be stressed as she's been doing French for much longer than the German and they can't see what the problem is so I should 'encourage' her to take part just so that they can give her an end of key stage 3 grade on it! :wallbash: I have never asked for concessions to be made for her in the past so its not as though I'm making excuses for her and she doesn't even know that I have asked for her to be excused from the test. So what should I do? I'm tempted not to send her to school on Tuesday but don't want to let her think that if she causes a fuss that she can get out of things, but she is so distressed over this test. :tearful:

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I guess she will probably have a temperature when she wakes up on Tuesday (she won't know that she hasn't) - she might even get one Monday night, so you can "warn" her she may not be fit to go into school on Tuesday.

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:lol: Like your thinking! trouble is she will probably then panic thinking she really is ill! This is the girl who told her pysc. that she had had chinese yellow fever when it was just a bit of a cold!!

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She doesn't need an exam to give her an end of key stage grade. They can just go with the teacher assessment, as they do for lots of pupils who miss exams. She's bound to have caught a bug the day before :-). I wouldn't send her in. It's not worth her getting stressed over. Maybe you could get her to do some suitable work at home, so that it feels like she's not getting the easy option. However, make sure she realises that this is NOT going to happen for her GCSE's! Good luck!

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Just remembered to update this! :rolleyes: when my dd heard that I had asked if she could be excused from the test she was really upset and said it would make everyone talk about her! :wallbash: So she went in and did the test on thursday. i asked her how it went when she came home and she said oh it was easy Mum, don't know what all the fuss was about!!! :wallbash: Kids honestly, sometimes can't do right for doing wrong as a mum eh? :lol:

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