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school- horrid

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well, went to look at the Designated Specialist Provison at a school ,as we felt, as did all the professionals this is best palce for our son

I walked out and cried, the kids are so much lower functioning than our son, there were finger paints in the room, etc, he likes to read the Daily Mail for goodness sakes! Why is there no where for our kids! Hed be so isolated, hed have nothing in common, noone to talk to

Also, the kids are much less able academically, The school itself was for want of a better word disgusting, litter all over floor, chewin gum embedded in carpets- I was so shocked I commented on poor state of the building, It was depressing, it smelt, was dirty, walls drawn on,kids were sat in stair wwells, made no effort to get up for us to move- my son wouldnt last two minutes in a school like that

The kids in general(not those in the DSP) seemed to have no sense of worth, in fact one walked right thro middle of hubby and I!

Ive emailed all proffessionals involved and said our son WILL not be going there

And in fact, is getting more support socailly in curent school- the DSP provide an hour a week social awareness- and that involves small group sessions of general chat

They do not use outside services- ot, Speech and language,etc, we can access more socially than this school could, just by accessing local support group and autism youth clubs

Im disgusted that kids are taught in a system like this, it s a school in inner city, with 98% asian kids- who is advocate for these parents? Noone , they dont know who to fight, and their kids get this sh*tty service, its horrific


And worse thing of all- how bad is this-when Isaw the other kids I wanted to cry- in fact when Iw alked out I did, I was the very thing that I hate in others- I judged them for being less able than my child- what does that make me?

Intend to fight tooth and nail to keep him where he is

onwards and upwards


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My little boy is low functioning like you describe. His Unit has always been excellent until recently but I wouldnt put up with it if it wasn't. I wonder why those poor children are in a provision such as this? It obviously isn't suitable for your little one but hopefully someone will speak up on behalf of those children who clearly can't do it for themselves. It sounds like you have every reason not to send him. If there is no suitable provision then if he has a Statement then the LEA has an obligation to meet his needs. As I'm finding out now (my eldest HFA, recently found out) it's sometimes harder to sort out provision for the higher functioning children

Elun x

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Sadly provision is poor for higher functioning children. My girl is bright, but her needs are high. I have looked at special schools as she is currently in mainstream with full one to one and it's not ideal by a long shot. Her needs are complex, but acedemic is too high. There is nothing locally. I don't blame you for not wanting to send your son to this school. Good luck with everything >:D<<'>

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thanks darky, your daughter sounds very similar

May I ask how you managed full time 1;1 ,we ve been told v unlikely , best can hope for is 50% 1;1

At present, because it got so bad, hes got almost full time 1;1 to try to break cycle, the change in his life is unbelievable, he hasnt been this happy, or relaxed for about 6 months

We intend to fight for all we can , why the hell should our kids be shipped off, to inappropriate placements, they talk about inclusion, its laughable

School are doing all they can, but its other restraints that tie their hands


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I hate it when Bigwigs assume those who are bright do not have very high needs. Its a major oversight.


Does not sound a very nice place at all.

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Hey Lisa,

sad to say that this is a big problem,as the support available just isn't enough. I actually said this to my son's headteacher at a recent steering group meeting, and he replied with, 'Yes, but the thing is, it doesn't matter how much you increase the provision by, as the need will increase too, so you're right back where you started.' I was speechless! Of course that would happen, if they opened up three more special needs schools in my area alone, it wouldn't be enough,but at least more kids would get the provision they desrve!

Recently, Ive been discussing Cals high school provision with his deputy head, whom I like and respect very much (same goes for headteacher, actually, the above is the first thing hes said that I truly didnt agree with!) and she has hinted strongly that theyre considering a local SN school that she feels would meet his needs. Havnt visited it yet, but I know for a fact that they do not support pupils who are more academically gifted there. As in, they would not allow him to take exams etc. Now, qualifications are not the be all and end all, but they are important, and if my son is able to attain them, he should be given the right to try. Another problem I have with this placement is similar to your own- most of the kids attending this school are far less able, academically, than my son. I do not have a problem with him mixing with kids who have severe learning disabilities, but he needs to have peers he can relate to. So, I will go for a visit there but I have expressed my concerns and stated in no uncertain terms that if I feel its not right, then he will not go there. So please do stick to your guns-maybe you should write/contact your LEA and express your concerns over what you witnessed during your visit? Might not be much, but perhaps someone would take note? Unlikely, I know, but I do try to cling to what faith I have left in the world!

Hope things improve for you guys.


Esther x

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thanks esther, I think I will, it truly was an awful building, the kids , special needs and the others all deserve better than that! and I know environment isnt everything- bu t the kids that came into the room when we were there didnt even interact with the TA that was talking to us

When my son accessing the senco in present school, the teachers all knoiw him, and are warm and wellcoming

Lisa x

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