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Explaining SID to Wife?

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I was wondering how I should go about explaining SID to my wife? Before I used to grind my teeth when there was some kind of sensory problem, this was obviously doing no good for my teeth but was a way of hiding the problem (my dad used to shout at me if I covered my ears or shut my eyes when I was having problems). Now I cover my ears or shut my eyes depending on what the problem is. Quite often we will be walking down the road and a random car alarm will go off or a really loud motorbike will come past and it hurts my ears really bad, Em normally responds with "what are you doing? It isn't that loud!!", this has happened a lot so I want to find a way of explaining to her how it feels. It sounds like lots of noise around me that I can't process, loud and distorted, it doesn't sound that loud to her she says but really really loud to me. She wants to be understanding I just don't know how to explain it so that she would understand the extent of the problem.

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I was wondering how I should go about explaining SID to my wife?

Easy - beg, borrow or steal 12 radios from neighbours etc. Tune one into radio 4 and thought for the day or something like that. Turn 1 on so it just gives static / white noise and turn the volume up. Tune 5 of the others into 5 other radio stations with speech rather than music and turn then to the same volume as the one of radio 4. Tune the remaining 5 into whatever random things you can find - a mixture of different music types (including one with a loud base) works well. Then, with all these on, open the windows so you get the traffic from outside, put the extractor fan on over the cooker, then get her to do some activity of your choosing, preferable talk to her at the same time (I suggest you wear earplugs in preparation!), and then after 10 minutes or so of this, ask her what the radio four programme was about. For even more effect, tie her to a torture rack (optional) and interrogate her under a bright light about what she's been listening to on radio 4.


Then turn it all off and calmly explain that her trying to follow radio 4 under those conditions is what trying to follow 'normal' conversation against other talking/noise is like for you. That should work. :P


I can't think of a way of explaining the pain with sirens etc though - I jump and people laugh at me :( I'm a bit fed up of trying to explain to be honest :tearful:

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