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Hi, My name is Terri and I'm a teacher. I have experience working with ADHD and bipolar children..but recently have came across a child my peers feel may have ASD or ODD with ADD (he's doesn't seem ADHD and he can keep concentration so I'm not convinced he has ADD either). So I am researching both. I have been reading through many of your posts in Education and I am very thankful I did. I think it is good to 'feel' a parents side. The child I am working with has an incredible mom who is looking a little worse for wear right now. But she is concerned and I just want to do everything I can after reading your posts.


I can tell..if that makes sense... that the child has a good heart. He just seems lost in a world of 'no's and can be so unkind to everyone..but it doesn't seem intentional (if that makes sense). I notice he makes little eye contact and when we shake hands each morning.. he is finally able to try it..but through a jumper or jacket.


Anyhow..I'm rambling. I am learning alot from your stories and when I wrote his report I truly thought of you all. Best wishes to each of you and thank you for teaching me about your children and ASD. I am going to hang around if you don't mind and learn some more :)


Warm regards,



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Hi Terri,


I wish all teachers were like you!! I know there are some fantastic teachers out there but there are many more who still need to be educated about the special needs kids they work with.


I'm currently halfway through a post grad in Aspergers and the main issue that came out of my first essay (about AS children at my school) was that teachers need a far greater level of understanding. I have decided that my second essay which has to be work based is going to be to develop a training programme for teachers, ask for several volunteers, deliver the programme and get them to evaluate the effectiveness of it with children they work with. Its a very small step but we have to start somewhere!!!



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he's doesn't seem ADHD and he can keep concentration so I'm not convinced he has ADD either).


Hi just wondered what he is actually doing when you say he can keep consentration,


ADHD doesnt mean no concentration because if Js given a task or subject or topic he is highly obsessed about he can concentrate,


however he is highly destracted, he cant concentrate on reading material and its almost nil concentration in literacy based subjects but if its highly practical, massive reactive, and gives instant stimuli he can be interested enough to concentrate, so it depends on what he is doing,


his conentration is week in listening to instructions, verbal commands and often looks as though he isnt listening when its quite possible he is but hes concentrating on a object to take in what your saying, or it could be he has been destracted by a drawing pin thats pinged off the wall and wants to alert you of this, lack of concentration isnt always effected in ADHD as it depends on what the child is required to do or is interested in doing.


J can concentrate on a console game, and is very advanced in his IT skills because of the massive reward and the consoles stimulate areas of the dormant brain, giving him high dopamane hormones.



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