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school have finally admitted that

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L is hyperactive!!!!!! During a phonecall, it came out that L was "extremely hyperactive - not naughty, just hyperactive, and that he mentioned that he hadn't had his medication that morning". After 2 1/2 years of saying "there is no difference in him when he has his medication and when he doesn't". HAH!!!


Oh, and he hasn't got a gold certificate this week because of his work output. "As the other children are all given merits based on their work and not their behaviour we thought that L should be too. As he hadn't completed enough work, he has lost merits so will not be getting his gold certificate" (I am actually quite pleased about this as it seemed like everyone at his school felt that he needed to be 'bolstered' all the time, and gave him merits for being good, merits for doing a sum or too, merits for having his teeth taken out, merits for having a bad weekend at home - yes seriously! and none seemed to be for his actual school-work - even though this is the area that he is having major problems in in school. The school even had to introduce a 'platinum award' as he got so many gold certificates)

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L is hyperactive!!!!!! During a phonecall, it came out that L was "extremely hyperactive - not naughty, just hyperactive, and that he mentioned that he hadn't had his medication that morning". After 2 1/2 years of saying "there is no difference in him when he has his medication and when he doesn't". HAH!!!


Oh, and he hasn't got a gold certificate this week because of his work output. "As the other children are all given merits based on their work and not their behaviour we thought that L should be too. As he hadn't completed enough work, he has lost merits so will not be getting his gold certificate" (I am actually quite pleased about this as it seemed like everyone at his school felt that he needed to be 'bolstered' all the time, and gave him merits for being good, merits for doing a sum or too, merits for having his teeth taken out, merits for having a bad weekend at home - yes seriously! and none seemed to be for his actual school-work - even though this is the area that he is having major problems in in school. The school even had to introduce a 'platinum award' as he got so many gold certificates)


Therefore rendering the whole system pointless!!!

Well done you for insisting the school start using this properly with your son too- I appreciate what they were trying to achieve with his self esteem and such, but it sounds like their approach has been very counter-productive!

Did this sudden dearth of gold certificate make an impression on your son? Do you think it will spur him n to try harder with his work next week?

I must admit to having had similar jubilant feelings to yours when a similar thing happened to our son. The ed.physio fella that came to assess Cal in nursery had belittled me and said there was evidently nothing wrong with my son, and any problems were obviously down to other issues.... (Talk about hint,hint-nudge,nudge, Eh?)

Anyway the time came for him to have a 30 minute 1-1 sesh with my boy who had a total meltdown brought about by this man's clueless handling of him and the physio emerged, red faced, sweaty and shell shocked, saying,

'You need to take him to your GP- something's just not right with his behaviour!' (Or words to that effect!)

I think the thing is, when professionals come back and say things like, "there is no difference in him when he has his medication and when he doesn't", it's very hard not to take that personally. They might not be meaning, 'We think you've labelled this child incorrectly and he doesn't have this condition at all' but that's what most people would take as being inferred....

Hope this has a positive outcome for you guys,


Take care,

Esther x

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