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what do you think the LEA mean with this approach

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Basically T has been out of school since March as his old one constantly neglected him, resulting in a sexual assault on a school trip to France. In other words EBD+ASD= disaster!


Well our LEA has asked the school we want in another LEA for a place, they have said they are full. They have asked again "formally" (waste of time and paper) and they wrote back and formally said no. Now they sent us a letter saying


"It is felt that the provision in the above named school will meet T's needs and in accordance with the SEN code pf practice for Wales, section 8.63, C****** LEA is formally consulting you regarding his admission in September 2009 and is willing to purchase an additional place at ***** school.


I would appreciate further consideration of the Authority's request and i would be grateful if the second proposed amended statement could be forwarded to the school"


Now this "communication disorder base" is owned by the LEA not the school and only takes 14 children, they say they are full.. My OH seems to think they will pay over the odds to extend it maybe to make it possible for T to go there. I think they might be stating the obvious and saying our LEA will pay your LEA for a place but sprucing it up so to speak.


What do you think, it's soooo stressing me out! We are going to appeal for this place, our LEA are naming an inappropriate school in their LEA which I went to see again. It has a great ASD base but goes into mainstream with one TA and 28 mainstream kids, T wouldn't cope at all. The other school does mainstream in an SEN class much smaller size, and they also have 1-1.

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I didn't want to read and not reply but I really don't know. Are they saying they will fund the place at the school with 14 children, is that the one you want? If it is then I would go for it but I'm not sure if I am reading it right.


Why do all these things happen at the end of term when we have to make desissions quickly.





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It is an LEA provison and they only have 14 children in there and no more and it's full now for September. My OH thinks they are going to pay a bit extra for them to extend it or make room for him. I think they are wording it slightly different and they will just pay them for taking T as they would anyways.

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Why not ring your LA and ask what is going on?


It sounds as though the LA are asking the Unit to reconsider their decision, but anything else is not clear.


I imagine that the Unit would be against extending, for all sorts of reasons (not least because parents of children in their own county will say "why did he get a place and my chidl didn't?").

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It's my guess that the LEA-preferred school have come back to them and said they can't meet his needs. Schools will expand when an outside LA are willing to pay as it's not coming out of the school's LA's purse. I know of a school that has expanded from 75 to 100 pupils in this way. It borders another LA and it is just about a 'shared' school now.

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It's my guess that the LEA-preferred school have come back to them and said they can't meet his needs. Schools will expand when an outside LA are willing to pay as it's not coming out of the school's LA's purse. I know of a school that has expanded from 75 to 100 pupils in this way. It borders another LA and it is just about a 'shared' school now.


There is a lot of politics going on in the background, another school a few miles away were offered the expansion and the school we want our son to go to wasn't! The school can 100% meet his needs as I've been there and it is fantastic. The reason they don't want him is their children in the borough come first then out of borough come second. Which is funny as they have 2 children from my borough currently at that unit! It's an LEA issue and they are warring with my borough, it is unfair as my son needs a place and this is it.


His last school was out of borough too!!!


It's just the way my borough worded it about the additional place baffles me. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up as it'll be a tribunal in the end as always!


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