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Appealing Disability Living Allowance Decision

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I recently re-applied to the DLA because the first time I filled it in I didn't really know what to put because I'd only just been diagnosed and I didn't really fully understand what about me was due to having Asperger's and dyspraxia. So, I got their letter back today and they have still only awarded Lower Rate for both Care and Mobility. And yet, I need more care than my 9 year old Autistic brother; where some of his care needs are still quite reflective of his age, nearly all of mine are not. So, me and my Mum have decided to appeal it. I think I should get at least middle rate care. So, now I have to fight that, as well as fight the school (see my post about being sent home on the first day of school).






Many thanks in advance for your support. I'm only 17, I'm really struggling with all of this.



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There is some good good info on here and on the NAS website, but really I would advise going down to your local CAB who are practised at writing the forms and can really help - they may well also have an experienced appealer!

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I know you're 17 but can your mum help with this too?


Bid :)

Yeah, she will be helping. It's just a lot of stress for us all. Mum has 'a lot on her plate' already!

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i'm probably not the best person to tell you that its easy because in my case it certainly hasn't been. i've been appealing the decision on my DLA ( low care, no mobility) for over a year now and am about to attend my second tribunal. there are a couple of threads on the board that detail what i've been through to get to that point, and one current one about the last little bit that might give you some insight. i think the only thing thats keeping me going on the road now is that if they change the decision i will get over £4000 in back payments and thats hard to give up on.


the appeal in itself is not difficult, you simply fill in the form and submit any new evidence you have, then they look at it all again and decide whether to keep the decision the same or change it. you can keep on doing this for a long time, but in my experience if they keep coming back saying no then you're never going to get anywhere and need to make your peace with the decision. after a certain number of appeals you are allowed to go to an indipendant tribunal who will look at all the evidence and make their choices accordingly.


hope that helps

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