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trying to get a dx

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Hi All,


Recently, I've been to see a psychiatrist as the first point of call to get referred to someone to dx me. He said he does not think I display the symptoms of the spectrum. I think I was not sure why he said that, I cant make him give me a dx, and I cant guarantee I have AS if I have not been dx'ed, right? But Im pretty sure I do, I have scored a 40 on the AQ test, and exhibit a lot of the social/communication/misunderstanding symptoms. Well needless to say I see him in a few more weeks again to see if it is still what I think it is and I do, and if so, I believe then he will try to refer me for a second opinion.


The problem is he may not pick up on it, as I don't act like "myself" when I'm out and about, doing errands, seeing doctors, just doing what needs to be done. No, I guess, sad to say, I save it all the issues and problems until I get home - I guess we are more comfortable in our own home where we can let it all hang out so to speak, and that of course affects my husband.


So I'm still trying to pursue that and trying to really think about the things that usually trigger episodes, and avoid at all costs making the kind of phone calls about bills, etc! Last time I did I threw the phone and broke it so lest any thing else gets broken due to just the major problems that arise when dealing with most people causes me, I need to do things that don't involve that. But when I do (family relationships are easier - only in a sense that you know you can trust them) I can ask, what did you mean by that, etc. If it seems I am being a pain, or overcomplicating things, so be it! At least no one can then fault me for my AS being the issue when I've asked for clarification when communicating as I've been known to misunderstand verbal and mood cues, etc.


- Vanna



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It might be very helpful if your husband can speak to your psychiatrist, or at the very least write him a letter, explaining the traits he sees at home which may not be evident in your appointments.

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Hi Tally,


Actually, he does come with me to all of my appts. So I can see how if he did not come maybe the psychiatrist was missing something but I've always brought hubby to these appts because I know that I cannot really be objective about the things that are not happening in that particular moment in time. :huh:

I see him again in a few weeks so hopefully he will let me know if I've got a referral or what. Do you know how long the process usually should take? I know everyone on here says it is a long one just wondering if that is weeks. months or years! :robbie:

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Not every situation is the same - but the first person I saw was an Occupational Therapist (I was just referred to her, had no choice in the matter) on the NHS, she didn't seem to have a clue about Asperger's and basically ignored it. She told me I was stressed. I wasn't at all convinced by her so left it until I had saved up enough money and then looked up private specialists on the NAS website and booked an appointment with the person nearest (2.5 hour drive) specialist in diagnosing adults.


I did this because I wanted to be sure I would be seen by someone who knows exactly what to look for and who would give me an honest opinion. The appointment took 2.5 - 3 hours. It was basically an interview with a lot of questions on her side and a lot of answers on mine about myself. Also she wanted to know details from my parents and they wrote letters to her describing my development.


She said that I didn't come across the same way that I felt and she said I coped and covered up extremely well. She actually suggested that I be very careful telling people as they won't believe I have it because of the way I cope; that said, I've been jokingly told by multiple people that I have OCD, my ex used to call me a robot (due to my lack of expression of emotions and inability to pick things up) and also been asked by a work colleague if I have Asperger's, so I obviously do give some things away.


I hope that gives you some idea of what it's like and some idea of what to do, as well as some hope, if anything :)

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hi Meethoss,

Thanks for that. I guess its saving up for me then! Did the private doctor send the results to your normal GP so they know, or is this documented in any way or is it more for your own peace of mind?


I think that is what I do as well, I hide it pretty well and when I'm dealing with other people I can pretend its all fine :P then when I get home its a complete nightmare :fight: and all the issues I was bottling inside come rushing out! I don't know why I bottle everything and stuff all my feelings inside, regarding pretty much anything, I just don't react at all, until well after the fact.

Maybe it's some sort of coping mechanism which is really not helping - especially if that supposed coping is during a psych visit, then they WON'T see what they need to. I'm so used to doing it, though, and just act out when I get home, which is not fair to my husband. I try to be aware but its so hard to change what you do after 30 yrs of doing it for some unknown reason!

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I was diagnosed privately, and the doctor gave me a full write-up and outlined how she came to the conclusion. She did not send it to my GP, but I made a copy and gave it to him. I would recommend pursuing the NHS route first, because an NHS diagnosis tends to be taken more seriously. I simply reached a dead end with the NHS and didn't have enough fight in me to pursue it further, so felt I had no other option but to go private.


To a point it's good to be able to get through situations and then let it all out after. It can be a hard habit to break because it does have its uses, so it's not as clear cut as just needing to stop. You wouldn't be interested in better ways to cope unless you realised you did this and that it was a problem, so you're already over the first hurdle.


Would it help to have some time alone to unwind when you get home? Wanting to be there and listen can be a partner's instinct when trying to help, but it can feel quite smothering when you just want to be alone, and lead to frustration.


Writing down how you feel can be another good way of getting it out of your system without needing someone else.

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My psychologist didn't pass on the information to anyone, she simply wrote up her diagnosis and recommendation and sent it to me. I've decided not to share it with anyone, even my doctor so the NHS has no record of it and I want to keep it that way for now (don't let on unless you need to, then you can avoid any repercussions from that - is my view).


I agree that pursuing the NHS is a good start, but I also doubt their ability to deal with it.


In terms of hiding things away it may be a copy mechanism or it may be a by-product of the disorder. You may not realise how you are feeling or may feel unable to express it. I remember my ex used to ask me a lot "what are you thinking?" or "how do you feel?" and I used to say I don't know and she'd get very annoyed with me. The simple fact was, I honestly didn't know!! :) I agree with having time to yourself - I didn't get this and it really got me down and I felt very smothered.


I usually cope pretty well, it's close relationships that can be a problem more for me, but today I was starting to crack a bit because my day was so hectic, people were being stupid (!!!) and I was being asked to deal with things without any briefing and I got really annoyed and just couldn't focus on anything so ended up leaving work early (not much early as I worked through my lunch, so in fact did my full hours but I usually work through lunch and another hour or two beyond).

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have tried ringing the AS or email them your signs you display and your husband think you show and see what practical advice and solution they can assess and officially diagnose you! just an idea really!




hope this web link helps you out!


good luck!


i only got accidently lucky through CAMHS through getting an official diagnosis of AS due to general counsellor referring me there in first place! i was officially diagnosed at 14 years old!



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I guess it depends where you work, etc, but I've been happy to be open about my dx with my line manager and my team.


My GP knows, because mine was an NHS referral.


My DH talks about me in the autism training he does with mainstream teaching staff.


I hope people can look at me and see that you can have AS and still have a productive life with a family and a job.


Bid :)

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Thanks for all of your input ...


I am seeing the Psychologist again in about a week, so I will make sure to keep mentioning the reasons I think AS fits more then any of the other things he has recommended. Otherwise, I think I too, will need to go private, eventually...


It would help if I had down time so to speak, so I will try to keep that in mind, but I dont feel smootherd, in fact I am the one who wants to hang out, maybe because Im at a loose end with not much to do - Im not working right now, but I do have a specific need for a scedule. If I don't do things at a certain time, then my whole day gets ruined and I'm really cranky, and that is hard to explain to hubby WHY I can't just be more flexible. I honestly don't know why I can't go with the flow but I can't. Im not a very laid back person, I guess...


Other times when hubby says what's wrong, etc, if he thinks I am upset about something, he knows even before I do, so I have a hard time explaining what is wrong if I don't even know how I am feeling.


I think its a learning process and the more I read, learn, or post I pick up something else valuable I can talk to him about. And I do think it would be helpful to see marriage counselling, etc, but we cant' afford that right now, so its one of the hardest trying to keep a marriage going and being pretty ###### at communicating. Not that I enjoy communicating with other people either, even if most situations are NOT confrontational, I still find them exhausting and draining to deal with...


but marriage is the hardest since that is the one relationship that really matters, I don't think it matters as much no matter how stressful it may be, to deal with other people you don't know that well, if at all, since you don't love them.


With a spouse its a different story, so if there is communication issues or you cant understand each other then its hard. Sometimes I get where he is coming from but sometimes not at all and I need every little thing explained which frustrates him and the way he reacts really puts me off even asking for clarification. So that seems to be my road block. Am I asking for too much explanations to each and every little thing or should I just let it go?


Maybe he would take it more seriously if I had an official dx, but he believes I have AS too, so we are not basing this just on what one doc says ... Or maybe he just needs to understand more about the condition .... not just take my word for it, but do his own research? I dont know if any of you are married or at least have experience trying to tell a loved one how AS is for you?

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Just on the last part...I think it's important for you to understand your problems, and then for him to understand from you what they are. He can't just read about AS and then know exactly what your problems are because everyone is different, so if you can communicate to him what you are having difficulties with then when he reads about AS it will be much easier for him to see the key issues and learn how to deal with them.


Personally, I don't think it's bad asking for lots of explanation and this is something he's going to have to learn to deal with. I need a lot of clarification on things or else I struggle to continue. That's just a fact about the way we are and as much as we have to adjust to get along with everyone else, so they must adjust to get along with us - it ain't one way here, people! :)


I am not married, nor have ever been married, but my last relationship (3 years boyfriend/girlfriend, living together, 3 cats) was full of turmoil and I think AS was a big part of it. I did not understand her, and she did not understand me. We were on parallels a lot of the time, going the same direction but never meeting. She had additional issues (baggage from a previous relationship and bi-polar disorder) and that really compounded the issue, and whilst I'm sure it wasn't the worst relationship ever it sure seemed like it most days so I feel I've got a good experience of "AS within relationships".


Hope that helps, let us know how it goes.

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Hi Meethoss,


I agree, no one can understand how you feel if you don't tell them. Maybe I have a hard time communicating that, but I think I do tell him, maybe it's in my own way or at the wrong time, etc... :huh: And it is good to know that I'm not crazy, just needing every little tiny thing explained. I guess when I do that he thinks Im over-complicating things. How can I over-complicate it when it seems already complicated if I don't have each tiny thing broken down into something simplified that I can understand! I feel like sometimes I can't win here... :wallbash:


Especially in a marriage or any relationship for that matter, it's always stressful because there are so many differences between women and men understanding each other at the best of times, before you throw in AS and BP. Oh yeah, they dx's me with BP too, so I can see where you are coming from in that relationship... that isn't easy to deal with (or be) for that matter!

I don't agree with that dx, this was before I had any idea what AS was, and maybe exibited some symptoms which i even found a lot of research that points to how mis diagnosed people are with Bi polar and a lot of times it really is Asperger's. Funny I guess... Here's a link if you are interested - you never know, your ex could have still had AS and not known it, or I've heard it's common to have both.





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It's funny you should say you don't agree with your diagnosis of bi-polar because when you said you'd been diagnosed with it I recalled that it's common for people with AS to be misdiagnosed with bi-polar.


No my ex definitely had bi-polar and not AS. She was good at reading people and understanding emotions but found it impossible with me, most probably because I don't use any non-verbal communication so when I verbalised my feelings (I use the word "when" because I often found it difficult to even do that) she would not believe as she thought I was lying or being fake.


Just going back to your original problem, although you tell him what your problem is I think it's important to recognise the context at the time. It may be that you tell him the problem in the middle of an argument or at a time when there is pressure in the air (does that make sense? That's the only way I can think of describing it). You should tell him in the context of your difficulties surrounding AS and then he can attempt to take that on board and learn more about it.


Also I think it's important to point out (to you) that even once he has understood your difficulties and read more about them it will be hard for him to adjust, so don't just expect him to instantly be understanding when you are struggling with something.

Edited by Meethoss

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I guess it could be a common mis-diagnoses... so hopefully I will get that squared away eventually. ...


That stinks that she didn't believe you when you actually did try to say how you feel. I know it can be hard (at least for me) to pinpoint how Im actually feeling , let alone tell someone! :(


You do have a point about not telling him when everything is heated so to speak - I tend to not sense the right time, just say things when I feel like it (not trying to be rude when I do that, just can't sense the mood, or I misinterpret what I think the mood is, etc). I'm trying t work on that, but I don't feel I am doing so well with it! I don't have great relationships with anyone in my life for that matter, so maybe this is why. I just thought "I'm a nice person, people just have issues", not really over-thinking that I have issues holding down friendships or relationships or even keeping the family sweet, so to speak... I think maybe the thing with not being very empathetic is you end up hurting people without trying to. :unsure:


It seems like pretty much every time we have an argument I totally misunderstand what hubby is saying and I say what I think I heard, to clarify, and he misunderstands that I'm only trying to clarify and says something along the lines of I cant believe you think I would do such and such, etc.... and the fight ensues. Its just so exhausting!


(Sometimes I don't know how we got together in the first place! Or how anyone does for that matter!) Is it AS or is it just men and women differences or is it that he is also quite quick tempered? Or a combination, or just timing. It is so frustrating some times!!!! :wallbash:





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Yes it does suck, I'm actually quite angry at her for it. I'd spell it out for her, without knowing I had AS at the time, and she wouldn't listen because she couldn't get her head around it. Not sure if her knowing I had AS would have made a difference or not but it doesn't matter now - it's just something that I need to learn for the future.


Yes I know what you mean about misjudging when. I'm not sure if I can say when it IS a good time to discuss, but you can tell when it isn't e.g. when you're both shouting, or when he's not talking to you or something. If the day seems to have gone well how about discussing it just before going to bed when things should be calm? Either way, make sure it's when you both have time to discuss it in full. Maybe make some points on paper, and have examples to back it up along with some research.


One thing you should probably point out is that you often don't understand a point that he is making. Say it's not just limited to him, as you struggle with others, but it matters most with him and explain how you feel about him. Then explain that it's a common thing for people with AS to do and it just helps to clarify what he is saying that you can understand. Then when you need to clarify in the future remind him of this calmly and just explain that you are trying to understand. If he is reasonable I'm sure he will eventually understand and come round to this.


Yes I've been wondering that a lot lately. But the fact is that even though we lack certain skills it doesn't mean we aren't able to learn them, and it's possible that when you're thrown in to a situation for you to deal with it, even if you don't deal with it in the best possible way - so I guess that's how these things come about.


Let me know how things go. I hope it goes well, and if it does give me some feedback - maybe it'll help me in the future :)

Edited by Meethoss

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I don't have great relationships with anyone in my life for that matter, so maybe this is why. I just thought "I'm a nice person, people just have issues", not really over-thinking that I have issues holding down friendships or relationships or even keeping the family sweet, so to speak... I think maybe the thing with not being very empathetic is you end up hurting people without trying to. :unsure:

This is a problem I get a lot. In the past I have alternated between thinking I must be a bad person, and recognising I am not but felt other people misunderstood me. Now though, I'm starting to see that it is the way I am that can give off the wrong impression about me. The problem lies with me - not because I am a bad person, but because it's me that's different and they can't understand me any more than I can understand them. I started trying to pay attention to how others interact and tried to copy that. It helped a lot in the large shop where I used to work. In the past I wouldn't talk to people outside of my own department, but I started to smile and say hello when I passed them and they started being more friendly. The other people hadn't changed, and neither had I, but just by altering a small thing about the way I interacted, they started to see that I wanted to be friendly.

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This is a problem I get a lot. In the past I have alternated between thinking I must be a bad person, and recognising I am not but felt other people misunderstood me. Now though, I'm starting to see that it is the way I am that can give off the wrong impression about me. The problem lies with me - not because I am a bad person, but because it's me that's different and they can't understand me any more than I can understand them. I started trying to pay attention to how others interact and tried to copy that. It helped a lot in the large shop where I used to work. In the past I wouldn't talk to people outside of my own department, but I started to smile and say hello when I passed them and they started being more friendly. The other people hadn't changed, and neither had I, but just by altering a small thing about the way I interacted, they started to see that I wanted to be friendly.


I regularly copy the social interaction of friends I observe are socially adept. I think it can make a big difference.


I still have trouble remembering to ask colleagues about themselves/their families/weekend, etc. I just don't automatically think about doing so as a social nicety :(


Bid :)


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I have found a smile and a hello sometimes leads them to ask this type of question, which can be a good reminder to ask back. Things do seem to come more naturally with practice, so it can be well worth making a big effort to do it for a while, but it has to be one step at a time.

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Meethos - It may not have made a difference if your ex had known you had AS back then. No matter how much they "know" in the middle of arguments it can be hard to remember/take on board, etc or not react to just "because we're different" than NT's, etc....Some people just are not the right one, which sounds like if she wont even take on board what you are saying that was pretty obviously the case. At least you know what not to do... Relationships are really hard whether they actually work out or not!!


On another note, I feel like every day I try so hard to find the right time to discuss issues, or even really talk at all about anyting. Maybe with some people there never is one. I like your idea of making notes on what to say and just waiting it out. Maybe it wont be the right time for a week or even several ... (I think my husband is very stressed about what he is trying to get his head around - we cant afford to sent him to Uni, nor would it be right time of life, but he never did find himself a career, and I did although It's not doing much good now) so he is self teaching himself a field with a lot of intricate computer programs, etc, which is always upsetting and stressing him.)


I feel like I have tried lots to tell him why I need things over explained, clarification, etc, because I really hate not understanding and it makes me feel like I'm stupid and I can't handle understanding something. Oh but I can, I just need someone to take the extra 20 seconds and explain a few extra details here and there. I don't meant to be annoying with it, but then I feel by the way he reacts that I'm such a pain in the ... just for needing more understanding. And here I thought the only stupid question was one you don't ask. Jeez, I cant win!

The not understanding is definitely is something that has lost me some jobs, NOT getting further clarification, or in writing etc... and more than a few! And it's not for lack of trying to understand. The way I see it, some people either will not or cannot explain further - maybe they really have no idea what they are talking about? Here's a thought!


I feel like yes I can learn the skills but without the clarification I keep asking for ... EVER... then I don't know how its supposed to happen. If someone is literally always stressed, to the point where every other aspect of their life is a non-issue, maybe my clarification is the least of my problems... sigh!

But yes, I will definitely keep you posted on any changes.


Bid - you bring up a good point in just asking basic things, how was your day, etc.


With my husband in particular, we had a similar argument yesterday. He said that I don't care at all about what he is working on, although I really do, I just don't understand all the technical jargon. But the end result is pretty impressive given that he is self-taught. So that made me realize I need to be more, so what are you doing, what is that, how long did it take, etc or similar. Because since I live with him, and love him (sometimes! ha ha! ;P) and don't really have any one else major part of my life, then I need to do more to keep the relationship together, seen as he is always stressed I could find some small way of showing my appreciation instead of being so self-absorbed. I don't' mean to - It just tends to not even occur to me at all ... So it's an eye opener at least...


Tally - With strangers, that is a good point, just trying to be friendly and smiling. I know I have not done this at previous jobs so I will keep it in mind, for when I do get one (it's bound to happen sooner or later, I hope!!)


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Vanna, I think self-absorbed is not necessarily the best choice of words there, and it's not your fault. People's initial impression of me is often that I am arrogant or full of myself or have a heightened impression of myself, but when they get to know me they actually learn that it's not the case. I know what I'm good at and where I lack, and I use my strengths and build on or correct my weaknesses. I also don't automatically ask people about themselves and their day etc. because it just doesn't occur to me, but if they get talking then I will often ask them lots of detailed questions - and then this is where people realise I really do care and that I'm a nice guy.


Also what Tally says is true. This is why I'm generally well liked because I've learnt to copy these behaviours. Sometime it goes a little wrong and people give me a funny look back, but I guess that's because people are less polite these days.


Yeah I agree actually that she probably wouldn't have cared even if she knew I had AS. She definitely knew it was a possibility because she even came with me to the first "expert" but nothing changed then.


Finally, I think at the moment it seems like your biggest problem is your husband's stress. There's probably not a lot that can be done, but little steps will help. If he's not in work or if he's not pulling as much as he would like then that's probably getting him down. I agree that making the effort to ask him more and to learn more will help and will probably reduce his stress a little - it will then also hopefully make him realise how much you care and he will reciprocate in terms of learning more about you and understanding your needs. However I don't see any quick resolution to this.


On a positive note about his work - even though I have a Computer Science degree and A-level my most important learnings have been through self-teaching. If he can get an interview and show his knowledge then any good manager will pick him over someone with qualifications but poor knowledge.

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Meethoss, you're right, self absorbed wasn't exactly what I was trying to say, but I couldn't quite explain it ... lol ... I think I am similar, if I am drawn into the conversation then I will do the give and take, etc, too...


Hmm, well BP's tend to be a totally different bag of worms, I can't claim to get it, despite what the doctors thought I had, I display none of the symptoms nor the understanding, so I cant begin to grasp why if your ex came with to the appointment, she would not be just a little bit understanding. Some people you just can't make be nice or compassionate I guess.


I do think hubby's stress plays a significant role in my own, and last night I finally find the right time to talk about the issues bothering me, but then in the morning its all a cycle again. So he's very grumpy in the morning, maybe incredible hulk style, so I just need to learn to let him get on with it and don't really take it to heart how he reacts before he's had about 10 cups of coffee! HE needs to sort THAT out, how he reacts to nothing in the morning.


Regardless, I did have success in showing him I do care about what he does, and showing interest. So it just seems a bit back and forth until he does his part and gets on board with not getting upset at every tiny thing and taking it out on me. Hmm, speaking of bi polar I wonder if this is at all similar? LOL no really he is depressed and on anti -depressants but this goes further. It can't just only be AS and me misjudging absolutely everything. The law of averages has got to be on my side, a little here ...


On the home-front, I have tried to be more interested in what hubby is working on and he mentioned that he was really pleased and it made him feel a lot better about it. All this time I worry how things are for me, not realizing that deep down, it just seems that he wants my approval, etc. Wow, what a breakthrough I guess you could call it! Now I just need to hope he can stabilise his moods, so to speak...


But your right about the self teaching. And I think that would look much better to an employer, taking the initiative rather than just doing what you are told in class ....




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Wow, it sounds like you've made a lot of progress! I'm very happy for you! Keep up the good work is all I can say - I wish you all the best with it!


Just a point on the bipolar, I'd say you need to look at his mood over a long time. From the sounds of it it's just a depression that he's in at the moment. Everyone swings from happy to sad, but with bipolar it's much more extreme. Obviously he's suffering from depression but for it to be bipolar he'd also need to experience random extreme highs - by extreme, I mean I've spoken to someone who was in a lot of debt but during a high was so happy that he just went out and bought a brand new car! It sounds to me that the depression is linked to something, specifically the problems you are having at the moment and (more so) the issue with his job.


Not that I'm an expert or anything at all, that's all just opinion based upon what I know about it.


You are right, it does look good. As someone who's interview a lot of people in IT and have my own staff, I'd say I look for the basics (usually a degree in the correct or relevant subject, or maybe some qualifications) and then I look at what experience they have at it and how much work they've done in their own time, how they've learnt etc. I much prefer someone who's hands on and works with the stuff every day rather than someone who's simply theorised about it. I wish him luck with it!

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hi Meethoss,

Thanks for that. I guess its saving up for me then! Did the private doctor send the results to your normal GP so they know, or is this documented in any way or is it more for your own peace of mind?


I think that is what I do as well, I hide it pretty well and when I'm dealing with other people I can pretend its all fine :P then when I get home its a complete nightmare :fight: and all the issues I was bottling inside come rushing out! I don't know why I bottle everything and stuff all my feelings inside, regarding pretty much anything, I just don't react at all, until well after the fact.

Maybe it's some sort of coping mechanism which is really not helping - especially if that supposed coping is during a psych visit, then they WON'T see what they need to. I'm so used to doing it, though, and just act out when I get home, which is not fair to my husband. I try to be aware but its so hard to change what you do after 30 yrs of doing it for some unknown reason!


hello, you have described my partner to a tee! we are also working towards a diagnosis as the psychologist said they could not help, so have been referred to a psychiatrist next


Really hope you can get a +ve diagnosis as although it doesn't gain anything it is an explanation as to why things go badly wrong at times xx

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hi, Meethoss.


Have to take each day as it comes. Hubby got his meds increased so this may help some of it. Your right the depression is the no hope, no outlook, no optimism mainly lack of job/options/money for fun another factor!


He is not BP - that was my dx 10 yrs ago, now they have no clue what to do with me! I dont know why I am not careening of the edge in my own gloom but thats a good thing. I guess I am trying to focus on positive things as I spent a few yrs not even getting out of bed the depression was so bad. I wont go back there again! with or w/o a dx, it's not that bad, so at least that part is ok!


I'm back in to the psych next week to hopefully convince him again about the AS! If not then I guess I've hit a wall with the NHS. Which I am fully expecting, and I don't really need them to tell me something when I've known myself way longer and from what I can tell, it hits the nail on the head. I know I am not a professional so it would be nice to have it official ... For my own peace of mind I guess if nothing else.


My husband appreciates your good luck to him, and so do I for that matter! I'm also trying to self teach digital aspects of design (I learned print so at least I know that and have a degree I CAN use, unlike him, so he gets first dibs on the good PC) (this one is Not it!!)


Hope things are well with you.


baranigirl - Good luck to your partner with the right dx. How long have you been trying to get one, or learning about AS?












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