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school taxi journey

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put this here as I think it is more advice than education. Sam is starting his new school next week and I am worried about how he will cope in the transport,he has never been anywhere,other than school-which i take him to,without me. How can I get him to ramain calm etc? Also its a 35-40min drive what can I give him to keep busy? He doesnt have a DS and even if he did dont think he could take it to school.



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put this here as I think it is more advice than education. Sam is starting his new school next week and I am worried about how he will cope in the transport,he has never been anywhere,other than school-which i take him to,without me. How can I get him to ramain calm etc? Also its a 35-40min drive what can I give him to keep busy? He doesnt have a DS and even if he did dont think he could take it to school.





If he listens to music maybe an MP3 player? Or audio CD's? I think a games console would be the best solution if the journey really becomes a problem, but on the strict understanding it is only for the journey (same would apple to an MP3/Whatever), with an arrangement that his form group teacher looks after it for him during the day or that it stays in his locker if they have them. Shouldn't be a biggy for the teacher, as in the natural order of things he/she 'll be seeing him for first and last lesson anyway.

He may just surprise you, though, and just enjoy the journey! I'd try that first, because anything you put in place to keep him occupied will be all the more badly missed on the days he forgets it, or it isn't charged, or it's broken/whatever.





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Is the Taxi with an escort, just checking?


If he has got a Escort and Driver, try and arrange a pre meeting, we did this with J and really helped he settle to the people taking him, I did a short personal profile of his likes and dislikes and what supervision he required ect...


We have the same driver and escort for all the journeys now and its made a massive difference, but if your son is going to get a few, then request some introductions before he is expected to travel with a stranger.


J enjoys the journey, even though we pack him good with a range of consoles, Portable DVD player, in the past we packed colour crayons and colouring books, paper and pencil to draw, and food and drink but now he just usually sits and watches out the window, or falls to sleep, he doesnt really enjoy the motion of vechile so traveling by bus or coach usally sends him into travel sickness, but in the car its less severe, though he does suffer from travel sickness, we got those bands, that go around the wrists but he doesnt use them either, he just ensures he has a drink and snacks.


J has an ipod shuffle there excellent and tiny, and can be discreetly given to his teacher, of if he is allowed to work and listen to music that is great too, as music is great to relax to.


Make a list together and tag it onto his bag so he knows what he has got to entertain himself and if he needs to hands it in all together so that becomes his travel bag, also a little mascot to travel with so he has a familair friend with him, this could be a favourate little teddy, bear, Tiger, monkey just something thats he is already familair with, or a new one to symbolise the start of his new journey.





Edited by JsMum

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Hi, just to say there is some excellent advice from the two above posts.

My son has had taxi transport for 10 years now, and I was anxious at first. But as his confidence grew, he was able to progress from a solo taxi with escort to a shared one with just a driver. Now he is best mates with every driver in the area! Everywhere we go someone seems to know him.

The drivers and escorts have all been brilliant with him, they let him have music on and when he was younger they would play games with him to pass the journey. One of them even let him be the radio operator and take calls for them!

Now he is ready to be an independent traveller, we will miss the daily taxi trip. Good luck with your son, I am sure he will be fine.

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Niamh has been using school taxis for the last 5 (almost) years since she started at her special school. Her first taxi company's driver and escort came and introduced themselves to us and Niamh during the summer holidays before she started. I also let her take a book to start with (books are her thing) so she wouldn't get bored as its a journey of approx 35 mins each way. Luckily Niamh has always travelled well and hardly ever complains of being bored unless it's a really long journey (even so, I worried the whole of the first day she went to school , partly due to it being a new school but mainly the taxi ride!)

When they changed taxi companies the new driver and escort didn't get the chance to introduce themselves due to lack of time (I never did find out why the first company was dropped by County) but Niamh was fine with it and soon got used to them. She doesn't take a book now and is fine.

Like earlier posts I suggest he takes something to keep him occupied and get them to introduce themselves before he is due to start.

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Thank you everyone >:D<<'>

Baddad,thats what I am trying to avoid,him relying on an MP3 or games,I also worry when he gets to school he may not want to pack it away and even leave it then more trouble when he gets back home.He is going to get a DSi for his birthday as he has seen some games he likes,its a big deal for me as I dont notmally but these things my other boys dont have it.So this may be an option in September if he isnt coping.


I think for now I may give him a magazine and see how he gets on.He does love looking out the window,in fact I cant chat to him when we travel as he drifts away looking around,but not sure he will still do this if I am not there :unsure: I hope he will :pray:


Jsmum,no I dont think there will be time to meet the escourt or driver because they have just a week to sort it out,I was told at 4pm Friday "Be ready on the morning of the 5th" thats it! Thanks for the great ideas :thumbs:


Thanks Julie and Jo4themo,your experiences are so very helpful >:D<<'> :notworthy:


Will let you all know how he gets on.I told his LSA that he was awake till 1am worrying about the new school,he has been very sad about it.His LSA must have worked her magic wand as he is very happy and even told his brothers "on the 5th I am going to my new school yipee!" I did discover one of his worries,everytime he has changed schools we have moved home so he thought we were moving again,after I reassured him he was happier,lots of his friends live on the same estate so he said he would still see them and the HT has said he can email everyone to the schools email and they can reply :thumbs::D

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