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Tormented Lives BBC1 last night

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Hi all,


Did anyone watch Tormented Lives on BBC1 last night? It was a very dynamic and hard hitting programme, really hit home as to the crushing sense of isolation and despair that often comes about from persecution towards disabled people, one of the people on there had autism but I particularly related to the stories of Kelly and Christopher and it was very heart wrenching.


It is available on BBC iPlayer over the next 6 days, and well worth watching.

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I watched it and found it very upsetting. I'm just beginning the process of looking into appropriate housing for when I finish this year at uni - everyone feels I need some sort of supported housing (more for medical needs rather than ASD, but of course everything interacts) and I/we are finding it so difficult because there just aren't appropriate places; there's a massive gap between fully supported care homes which is far more than I need, wouldn't suit me, wouldn't give me independence and would drive me mad(der), and 'care in the community' which doesn't really seem to work. There are huge groups, including those featured on the programme, who just don't have a safe place in society. :tearful: It makes you wonder how many issues would actually be issues if each of these individuals/families was housed safely and securely and felt comfortable in their environment. :(

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i watched this as felt autism would be one of the conditions shown in this type of programme which it was i was digusted and appauled horrified how lives were destroyed ripped apart by others .... simply gave me lump in my throat couldn't stop crying just felt so sorry for the families wrecked by people's igorance if you can call that even! and also the light cautions they got for the behaviours they did made me sick as families /people affected by this affects everyday when abusers havn't got conscience just don't care attitude ... makes me so angry .... what happened to world of do campassion looks that has disappeared they should have sympathy what they have to put up in their lives anyway with difference is hard enough to cope with stress anxiety wise let alone someone adding to the pressures and strains of living to me the law very soft of treatment for holigans how is taken justify what they do and they have no consequences ain't left to pay for their behaviours ... just left .... and feels no one's really cares anymore .... until it reaches 'crisis emergency point' suicide someone ends up badly injured in hospital a life is taken then action - why bad left so long .... for something to be done ... so wrong and so emotional


i so felt bad for them all featured in the programme by heart when out to them being used abused take adavantage of .... just shows up all the 'scum' in this world gives society bad name .... i just don't understand their mentality .... their families must be so proud of their sons/daughters doing treating another 'human being' in this way! you could see especially christopher self esteem had be severely affected and crushed by the physical abuse he had to put up with! the victims are made to feel like it their fault their to blame like they provoked them for being different this could really push LD people and their families over the edge as living hell everyday nightmare day after day! the injuries from abuse christopher sustain was horrific .... and the girl did it got off again with light punishment you can't really call it that it's a joke .... looks like victims are being punished by being made to suffer for so long in abuse they recieve and no action to happen .... just makes me see how downhill the systems are going ....


i just thought about the hooligans if they in the victims shoes how tough facing it is .... and how lucky they really are to be 'normal' and how have some hardships the victims are faced with day in day out .... where is the justice hope understanding punishment for the crime



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made me scared worried for when me and my twin brother ( who's deaf blind) and wants to live independant as possible life without support being there made me assess and think of situations that may be faced with or put in ....



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Very depressing TV viewing.


It's awful to say it, but maybe we have to go back to the old system of separating people with learning disabilities from the rest of society, but instead of building hospitals, build self sufficient communities instead, where people who are different can feel safe.


Of course if I had my way I would like to lock up these tormenters up and throw away the key. The criminal system always appears to favour the criminal and not the victim. The criminals are the ones who should be removed


I have found an interesting website, about the work of the Camp Hill Trust. They provide small communities for people with mental health and/or LD issues. It's a shame that there is still a need for this type of community in this day and age but it is worth having a look. I think that if I was experiencing the same hell as the people in that documentary. I would be applying to join the the Camp Hill Trust.



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I watched it at Grans house on demand...


I can't believe just how lucky I am.... considering i have Asperger's it gets to the point where people cannot tell that i have a mental Disability with ASD/autism, we know that our disabilities are shown through social interaction and behaviours.... Which puts me in a situation where, yes I may feel scared about the situations shown in the programme happening to me, but I know that i have Less chance of that happening to me because of the way people notice my behaviours.... which is both a good and bad thing. I feel extremely sorry for the people who have had their lives ripped to shreds.


The Guy in Hastings, i think his name was Chris?? Although he hasn't got Autism or ASD the point still remains, People pick up the visuals that he may have a 'Disability' and TBH Chris was FANTASTIC! you could tell he has one great sense of humour and he is fantastically intelligent and very talented, but because sick minded individuals in society associate looks with disabilities, they call him Retard, Mong (check out Definitions 1-3 it's interesting to see societal contrasts with word use)etc, and as well as people thinging they can take advantage of him and pester him for money (basically ransom) is absolutely appaling.


Accomodation aside, where the heck is the law enforcement within the community? where is the community awareness? I'm known around my Area, Significant people within the area (Friends, Neighbours and shop owners) know about my disability and will come to my aid If I end up in a time of peril. Where is this in Hastings? Where is this where that young lady with Down's (spelling) Syndrome lives? What is the matter with the human race? It doesn't take much for a perfectly normal human being to turn around to bullying oiks and tell them to **** off. I would, even if it was Five youths, Because if I'm honest they don't scare me, they are wimps and I can put all of them in the A and E department with a few whacks in the face if they challenge me. it's attrocious, it's rediculous, this country is going backwards not forwards and it is socially degrading itself.


Also another thing i noticed was that Autistic kid whos mother took him on the boat? that kid was quite bad in my eyes. why, Because compared to what was around up until about 3-5 years ago, the true hard working support for Autistics and aspergers is non existant. If any one of you met me in person, stuck with me for a day or two see how i live, how i cope etc, many of you would say 'wow you do really well and control yourself well' that's because i had the help from Day one when that diagnosis floated through the letterbox. At the age of 4 and a half or 5 i was attending Cherryleas Assessment Centre in Leicester, which sadly is no longer existant due to the ineptness of the LEA and their budget cuts... (that was 2007 i think...) and I stayed there until i was six and then attended another primary school through year 6. anyway, at Cherryleas they shaped us and integrated us from an early age into society. They took us shopping, swimming, out to zoo trips and sometimes just to the park just to get us used to crowds, the way things work in the Big world and to generally see how we did. This made us, overall, better at coping with the world and encouraging our self control abit more. Where has all of that gone? because whenever i watch the TV thats all i see, Autistic kids/ASD's being badly behaved because they are not being treated right by their parents (that's not meant to be a harsh criticism either) because the LEA has not intervened enough or therer just isn't enough support for the child.


It's like some threads on this forum, I sympathise with the strain parents are under, because we can be difficult emotionally demanding kids, but bottom line is, parents are struggling because of the lack of support out there in some areas (if not all) and Diasbled people are suffering because of the general Ignorances of Society as well as the useless as ever police force and community not making sure the 'vulnerable' people are safe and not threatened.


rant over.... no criticisms meant to anyone if someone finds one...

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