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Comic Relief

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I was wondering if people here supported / were interested in Comic Relief?


It's something I grew up on and have always supported. I've had my red nose on most of the day (gave up breathing a long time ago!! :lol:) and have an awesome Shakespeare with red nose T-shirt, but I am the only person I have seen today with a red nose. I was even beginning to think I had got the wrong day! :oops:


Does anyone else have a red nose (and not because you have a cold or are called Rudolf :shame:)? BTW, does Rudolf put on a brown nose for Comic Relief? :rolleyes:

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This morning I sent off to various schools:


Mr Hawaiian Shirt (with nose (DH))


Desperate Dan (with nose)


Rocky Chick Girlie (too cool for nose)


Garjuss young laydee who looked about 20 (too cool for nose)


And have just been round the home units at work, and been reassured that various kids are not coming down with anything, their noses are just still reddish from face paint!! :lol:


Bid :D

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This morning I sent off to various schools:


Mr Hawaiian Shirt (with nose (DH))


Desperate Dan (with nose)


Rocky Chick Girlie (too cool for nose)


Garjuss young laydee who looked about 20 (too cool for nose)

Well, it's very nice to read about the strange goings on in the Bid household :o but to return to my post, is anyone doing anything for Comic Relief? :P

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Does anyone else have a red nose (and not because you have a cold or are called Rudolf :shame:)? BTW, does Rudolf put on a brown nose for Comic Relief? :rolleyes:


The only time I've seen him with a brown nose was after Prancer stopped suddenly while walking in front of him.

I'll have a red nose in a couple of hours or so (along with red cheeks and a slurred voice) Ben has an official red nose (the speccy one) which he wore at skool today and they had a no uniform day which the children made donations to get.


It's not the 'event' it used to be as you walk the streets these days, but I was always a bit cynical about that (surprise surprise!) anyway



But we do always watch (these days I turn over when the filmy bits come on, 'cos I'm too much of a wimp to handle it!) and always donate. Ben's at scouts until nine, but will do his bit with his credit card later. He's also in the habit of putting any change he has in buckets and things when people are collecting outside the supermarkets, but never takes (i.e.) the poppy or daffodil /whatever, 'cos he's cynical too!


It's funny, you know, but when Ireland was much poorer they always raised more money per head than anywhere else. I think that changed when the economy over there 'boomed' with all the business investment, so I wonder if we'll see a return to form now their economy's flattened again?


Horrible that we live in a world (and country) where the divide between rich and poor is getting wider and charity 'events' are the only way of pricking people's consciences. :(


I'll be salving my conscience along with Ben later. Let's hope lots of others are too. :thumbs:





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we wore red where we work and parents donated money as kids did sponsored jumping and staff the kids had face painting most of them had there nose painted red and cheeks and parents came in watched there children play with others! they had digestive biccies one each decorated it with icing sugar and we put red food colouring in it with! ( that was over 3's end) down baby end they did sponsored bounce on trampoline i think and teddy bears pinic!



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We had a big fight with the red noses at work. Those fluffy balls that laugh when you tap them. We threw them at each other and they all started laughing, and that made us laugh. And then I watched most of the programme last night. That's all I have done for Comic Relief.


I did donate some money though.

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I spent half of last night bawling at the videos. Both kids schools did red nose day activities too so I bought t-shirts and noses. My Daughter ended up off sick with tonsilities, and L discovered his t-shirt (the one with the skull on it) on Wednesday and declared it was 'skellington pyjamas' (has a thing for pjs) and slept it in for the next two nights and because he had decided it was pjyamas he wouldn't wear it to school on Friday so went in uniform as normal haha. Staff all did have their noses painted red so he came home telling us how there were clowns in school :D


We always donate - I don't know how anyone can watch those films and not. I also let my daughter who is 9 watch a few of the videos last night, I don't think it hurts to remind them how fortunate most of our kids are.



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Oh, Ben made oi larff when we were walking back from scouts -

He said he lost his red nose at some point in the day so bought another one off of one of the other kids! He was quite chuffed that he 'only' paid face value for it. I pointed out that the boy who sold it to him had now effectively stolen from Red Nose day and potentially his parents who had bought the red nose in the first place, and that at the very least he must have been guilty of 'Indian Giving'. Ben didn't really mind - he'd done his bit and did again later with a phone pledge too. :wub: It occurred to me a couple of minutes later that he may well have bought back his own 'lost' nose too, but I kept that to myself! :lol:


He was watching The Simpson's just now and it was the episode where Ned Flanders' (diddly) wife dies. Ned was playing scrabble, alone, and was momentarily pleased when he picked up a 'Q', but then realised he hadn't got a 'U' to go with it. He sighed and said 'Just a Q with no U.' I asked Ben if he got the metaphor and he did! :thumbs: A good example, I think of the difference between 'getting' something intellectually and 'getting' something instinctively.


I wrote this when Ben was in the juniors at primary. Reading about your little boys skellington 'PJ's' reminded me of it, so i dug it out of the hard drive!





Its own clothes day today

And if we take in fifty pee

We can wear whatever we want.

Nearly all the boys wear trainers and trackies

So they can chase a football at lunch time

And pretend theyre the people on the cards they swap

When its wet play.


The others mostly wear combats or jeans

And t-shirts with bands that they like or think are cool

Or sometimes with slogans that are supposed to make you laugh

Or Bart Simpson showing his bum.


The girls wear all sorts of different things

Dresses and skirts and jeans and tops

They all try hard to stand out but blend in

To look so cool that their friends think they dont care

Spending hours and hours the night before

Getting it just right.


Year six boys look just the same

But the year six girls look scary and strange

They paint themselves with glitter and do things with their hair

And the boys who usually talk to them hide themselves away

Not sure whats going on.


Last Year, Jenny P

Wore a skirt so short it even shocked me!

I heard Mrs Finley, the dinner lady, say;

If she was my daughter Id make her wear a mac…



Ill just wear my school uniform

I dont like being the same as everyone else.







Edited by baddad

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All the films made me very sad, but it was only the celebrity chefs singing that actually made me cry. The solutions to so many of the problems they highlighted in Africa are so simple and cheap, but families just don't have access to them.

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When I was employed by a certain branch of the scientific civil service between 2001 and 2009 they always made a big deal of Comic Relief, Sports Relief, Children in Need et al. I wonder if I'll ever again be in employment on Red Nose Day?. :(

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Comic relief; nope through the belief if we really cared we would be doing all year around every day and so don't need over paid 'celebrities' to ease their guilt conscience by doing something for free and they have no business cajoling others into digging deep as charity is a personal thing.


But why do people give on this one day instead of all year round, is it because they are being entertained, does it need entertainment for people to be charitable ?


And as to the whole comic relief machine is it all free or do electricity companies and the whole mechanism of the event have to be paid or do they also provide for free and who picks up the tab eventually ?


But comics there is something else, why they get involved, for it is self promotion in their business and so hardly a selfless action and many comics in their attempts at humour leave me cold.

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