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I am looking for a card game for autismic children

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Dear All!


I am desperately looking for a card game for autistic children. I will appreciate if you could advise the name of the game or the website where I can order it.


Unfortunately, I have one small picture and hope it will be enough to identify the game.




The game is played by 3-4 children and one must collect all the cards within one particular theme: playing instruments, for example.


Thanks in advance.

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Because I'm bored and have nothing better to do with my life I did a search and the only thing I came up with was here:




It isn't an English website but I guess you could contact them with your image of the game and see if they sell it - or you could search more - it isn't easy without a name for the game - and if it is "card game A" as stated on the website - that makes it a load harder...


Anyway, hope this helps and happy hunting



Edited by darkshine

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You might do better asking a speech and language therapist because they use lots of similar type games. It may even have come from their department.

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That games looks very much like the traditional Happy Families type card game.


I have seen cheap packs of those card games in the party bag section of the supermarket.

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You are welcome - hope you are able to buy them, if not you'll have to have a look around for something similar - or ask around for suggestions for alternatives :D

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What age Children are we talking about? if they are interested in Amazing facts and stuff and want a simple game Top trumps could be a candidate, it all depends on the kids themselves.

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I looks like darkshine found the game you sought :D

Another thematic one (also useful for when they can't find the words..) Though with written words.. it's usually good to observe if they are really reading, or saying something withing context ;-) ie. /stirr/ underneath a spoon and they utter 'spoon'.. at times it's better wíth words.. sometimes without is better!!


Every kid has it's own preferences, as for stimuli.. so be aware that this game might work with one.. not the other!


I usually work with a very basic one by Dick Bruna.. all four cards are the same and with the usual simple drawing; except the color;

each set has four colours: red, yellow, white and blue! So you need a red fish, a yellow fish, a white fish and a blue fish!

Then I want them in the correct order before we can continue.. Double check ;-)

This is especially helpfull, for thís is actually a difficult game to comprehend in itself!

Besides the fact that too much colours can be overstraining to some.


Do you ever make your own games?!? For if you do.. I might know of some folk who don't mind sharing ;-)

The games without words you can send to one another ;-)

(yes.. for written words are in Dutch ;-) )


Online there are several creative folk/teachers/parents/SALTS posting materials.. like this one

Some you have to prescribe too... some not ;-), Link to a well-used Dutch site, most materials for 4-5yr old's (some 6-7), thematic page ;-)

enjoy..(and if you need any translating.. PB!)


Love. B'fly

Edited by butterfly73

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I looks like darkshine found the game you sought


Yes but I am not able to contact that Israel company.


Do you ever make your own games?!?


Yep, my mum actually does that sometimes.

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Yep, my mum actually does that sometimes.
LOL... so that's actually a nó!! ;-)

If y'mom makes games from time to time.. she or you ought to look online.. there is loads!!

just print.. and laminate and VOILA!


Does that person talk?! If so: How long are his/her sentences?!


have a nice week,


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The age is 22. The game I am looking for is not to entertain the child but to teach.


Ahh in that case scrap my idea!


from what angle are you trying to teach them? it's all interesting I must admit!

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