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ATOS assessments - ability to work

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I thought i'd post some information for any parents, carers, adults looking after a child/adult with an ASD.


I am currently on benefits and not working. Under this government it has been decided to assess everyone again, and I believe ATOS is the company being asked to do this on behalf of the DWP.


I recently had my re-assessment and am awaiting the outcome. As part of that assessment I mentioned that I had a child with an ASD, and that although I was eligible for Carers Allowance I did not claim it because I was receiving other benefits [incapacity benefit], and that you could not claim both.


The ATOS assessor told me that being a carer for someone can not be taken into consideration with completing an ability to work assessment.


I have contacted my local Disability organisation and they have told me that that is incorrect.


Apparently if you also have to care for someone, that has to be taken into consideration when deciding if a person is able to work.


I don't know the specifics of it yet, as I am awaiting the outcome of my own assessment to see what further steps I may need to make.


But if anyone is given the same advice by ATOS it is apparently wrong. So seek further advice about your eligibility to work if you have a health problem and are also a carer for someone.

Edited by Sally44

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Thanks for posting this Sally, my mum might try for ESA and shes a carer for my gran.

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Hi, My wife who is on incapacity benefit, applied for and was awarded cares allowance, but as you cant get both at the same time she doesn't actually get any payment. (She has what is known as an "Underlying entitlement" to cares allowance).(In some cases, not ours, this has the effect of increases other benefits)


Thanks for that information, she is just at the starting point of being transferred to ESA.

Edited by chris54

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I don't know yet WHAT has to be taken into account if you are a carer.


I am expecting it is going to be something like your hours you are able to work are restricted if you have to care for someone at certain times of the day. This could be very useful if you are being forced to apply for jobs that are inappropriate because they require you to work nights [as an example], when you have to be home to care for someone.


So just make sure that you get advice on that from CAB, or any independent benefits advice agency. In our city we have an organisation called Disability Direct. But I don't know if that is UK wide, or just local.


I have a number of medical conditions, and Fibromyalgia, and I cannot see how I can do any type of work. I used to work, but then lost jobs due to health issues, and now cannot do a job that involves, standing, sitting, driving, repetitive movements, lifting etc.


I did tell the ATOS assessor about my son. And I too am eligible for carers allowance, but because of IB I cannot claim both. And I feel quite strongly that I am unable to work and don't want everything blamed onto my son having an ASD.


Like you Chris, I have never found anyone or any organisation that could look after my son for any length of time even if I were capable to go to work. He could not go to your typical breakfast or after school club. And he isn't even in full time education yet!


So I'll keep you posted as to what decision I get and what advice I get about being a Carer.


I believe they will try to switch me onto Carers Allowance just because it makes the figures look good eg. xxxx people removed from IB. Sounds like we are all a load of freeloaders, but we are not.


In my experience, and I think this is the case for alot of families. If you have someone with a disability, you tend to have more than one person with disabilities within the close or wider family. I have a sister with learning disabilities, a brother and mother with mental health problems, my son with an ASD - and before Christmas my older brother had a stroke and now has permanent brain damage.


Knowing what your rights are is VERY important.

Edited by Sally44

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