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your idea of a perfect day.

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start with an early morning round of golf and then breakfast at nice friendly american style diner.


when ive finished with breakfast, take out a nice young lady to a tea garden and enjoy some intellectual convosation.


then go to the gym and get pumped up for the beach.


go to the beach and play volleyball with a group of like minded acquaintances.


cool off at a nice bar and have myself a pear cider.


then while there order some grilled cajun chicken and steak fries.


then an early evening stroll round the park with the same young lady i met after breakfast.


hot shower and get ready for an evening out.


go to a good eating place and then hit a comedy club.


head to another bar with a few acquaintaces and then roll onto a casino.


lose all my money and then walk home.



how about you?

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Get up feeling refreshed having had a good nights sleep.


Have breakfast big cup of tea and a big bowl of my cereal/dried fruit mix.


See what is happening in the world on my computer while breakfast settles.


Load my mountain bike up on the roof rack on a cold and frosty morning and head out towards the Pennine villages along familiar country lanes.


Park up in one of my favorite villages and head off up the lanes and swing right onto and ancient roman bridleway as I hit the first signs of the first snowfall of the year which came down last night.


Work my way up the fellsides along familar tracks cutting virgin tyre lines in the crisp snow passing rare breed sheep and cattle on my way.


I get to the tops and on a clear day like today can see , North Wales and Snowdonia, The Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, The Lake District sat behind Morecambe Bay and the Three Peaks over the Lancashire/Yorskshire border. I have an energy bar and press on for a couple of hours with my loop back to the car.


I stop for a pint and a massive chip butty by the fireside in an old coach house of an inn and make my way home to get cleaned up, but feel a loss when I clear the mud splatters off my face which outline the profile of my cycling glasses, hadn't realised how messy I looked. And slide into a nice hot bath and put a flannel across my face and lie back.


As for the rest of the day I simply don't care as this has been perfect enough as it is, all hell might break free but I will be content in the fact that I has further developed a relationship with a place I call home.

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I think the big thing here is am I being unambitious with regard to my perfect day?


I would say we have a different midset in that I have aligned my concepts of a perfect day with elements more or less within my control. As such I can have a number of perfect days throughout the year and get a genuine feel of satisfaction from them. I think this means tuning into whatever it is that makes you tick, for me it is my local environment be it running along a track, swimming in a lake or riding my bike, or simply going for a walk. I might like to go out for a meal but get just as much enjoyment for example yesterday making chicken and mushroom soup from scratch and baking a loaf. I find something very appealing about working flour butter and water together with your hands and kneading it into a dough. When in life we put something in to a task we get so much more back in return.


I could say crossing the finish line in Hawaii at the Ironman World Championships and seeing my partner and son there to greet me would be perfect but to be honest I suspect I would be in far to much pain for it to be a perfect day, rather just a very good one. Often I think the perfect experiences are the ones which catch you out by surprise. The way a cloud casts a shadow over a hiilside as it moves up a valley, the smell of wild garlic that hits you as you run into a wood, or a bird which flies alongside you whilst riding your bike then veers off on its own way. For me these are simple things but they are very precious, but we have to be open to them.


Perhaps we are simply different and that is a good thing.

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A Perfect day?


Going to the tramway museum, arriving as they opened and being the last to leave and not being moaned at once, that was a perfect day.


Getting the old bath and toilet out, altering all the pluming and getting the new bath and toilet in their new positions and working before bedtime, that was a perfect day.


Reassembling the engine of my old van, putting it back in and it starting at the first go, that was a perfect day.


My son coming out of school with a smile on his face, there all perfect days.

Edited by chris54

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I never have a full perfect day, and I don't think I ever have had or will have - and I think it would be pointless to wish for one because the better days just kinda happen without knowing sometimes. I think there are perfect moments though.


Last night Venus appeared to be about 8 times it's usual size and very bright in the sky - that was cool as I've never seen it that bright in my entire life and it gave a sort of perspective to it and made it seem more like a planet than the bright star that it usually looks like.


I went for a walk with someone today and as I walked through a short cut, a dirt path with shrubs and trees, two great T|TS (birds in case anyone has a dirty mind today) landed in a small tree right next to me. I'm not particularly bird enthusiast but I stopped and watched them and they watched me - they were about 3 feet away and I could see every detail - quite interesting and much better than seeing them from a distance - although that's funny cuz they seem to play a lot - there's a few that do this every day where I live.


It's funny to me the things LancsLad gave as example cuz I wrote something to do with that very kind of thing a couple of weeks ago - like simple observations and events - I wonder if this is a coincidence or just because I wrote it that I picked straight up on what LancsLad means :unsure::P


Often I think the perfect experiences are the ones which catch you out by surprise. The way a cloud casts a shadow over a hiilside as it moves up a valley, the smell of wild garlic that hits you as you run into a wood, or a bird which flies alongside you whilst riding your bike then veers off on its own way. For me these are simple things but they are very precious, but we have to be open to them.


Totally :offtopic: PS for mods or admin - but here we are again....

Why on earth can I not use the word T|T? It's a bird!!! Jeez - what a total lack of context - I said this already about blood with a 'y' at the end - sometimes there are non vulgar and non cursing moments when these words are actually necessary!!!!!!!


I wrote it weird for that reason cuz if I hadn't previewed my post there would have just been ###### and if anyone ever started a bird topic for some reason (they might) how can anyone ever talk about that species? :angry:

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I get lots of ###### in my garden, blue ######, great ###### and long-tailed ######.


Frustrating as it is, ###### is a word that spammers search for and having the word on the forum (even when used in an ornithological sense) would attract apammers to the forum.

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Thanks for the explanation - I guess its less annoying if there is at least a purpose behind it - and you made me laugh so I guess I'm doubly happy at your reply :D

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Thanks :lol: I preferred frosties :D I can remember the ones from that vid though - I never liked them did you?


Ok - I'm gonna have another try at my perfect day in a valiant attempt to get your post back on topic since it was my fault it deviated somewhat... and because I think you mean perfect in a not necessarily real way...


I'd wake up feeling great, drag some clothes on and leave my house, I'd cycle to a place where I used to go (before I moved) and I'd watch the sun come up through the trees while I unwrapped my "breakfast" and enjoyed the solitude.


I'd cycle on to somewhere a few miles away with the sun on my back enjoying the heat. I'd take pleasure in the effort required to get up the hills and feel like a kid as I zoomed downwards after. My drink bottle would magically stay cold and the cool liquid would run down my throat and do that thing where you can sort of feel it going into your stomach (that always amuses me).


Then I'd get on to the old canal paths and I'd revel in the crunch of the tires as I made my way home, people would smile and say hello as I passed them, and I'd chat briefly to some of the guys fishing, waiting patiently while they moved their poles out of my way, I'd stop and watch a canal boat go through the locks and then with one final spurt get up the hill to home where I'd have part 2 of breakfast to get my energy levels back up.


I don't like food that much but on my perfect day I could eat any food I wanted, and it would taste, look and smell great.


I'd have a little family and I'd drive them out somewhere for the day, maybe take some other people or someone's kids and just enjoy looking around a place and chilling out in the sun. We might play something like cricket or football or if we were lazy we'd toss a frisbee around. We'd have lunch somewhere quiet and explore some ruins of a castle or old mine.


We'd then go home via a place where you can go into a series of caves and the cool, still and dark underground air would silence us as we stared at what people don't see everyday, at how there can be vivid colours in the rock, the crazy ways it changes and forms itself over millions of years. The smell of damp rock and water would fill our senses and we'd marvel at the massive underground lakes and steams, hearing the drip drip drip of water that has been finding its way through the rock for more than our lifetimes put together.


Afterwards the sun would make us squint, we'd still have lots of energy left so we'd get rid of the kids and go into the city to see a comedy show and have a few beers.


I'd get home and collapse into bed and it would feel great to drift off to sleep after an amazing day :)

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see darkshine, you arnt aways so misreble, by the way i used to pick out all the cereal pices and just have a bowl of marshmallows, but i preferd cinnamon grahams or chocolate shells, i rember liking michel owens cereal too.

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I bet your mum loved you :lol: I preferred sugar puffs and cornflakes... I only got something different as a kid when there was a cool toy in the box (those days were cool - toys made cereal so much more fun) and I'd swear I'd eat it, my dad would stand there in the supermarket going "if I buy this you are going to eat it aren't you?" and I'd nod - 9 times out of 10 I never liked it so couldn't eat it.


Last year I bought a box of sugar puffs cuz my parents were coming to visit and my dad likes them - he never opened them, and 3 months later I was getting something else out of the cupboard and noticed the box didn't rattle. I took it out and the contents had turned into a brick, it was so cool, a giant cereal box shaped brick of sugar puffs, we tried hitting each other with it to see if it hurt (it did) and 2 of us stood on it and it didn't even break at all :lol:


Pretty impressive when it hadn't even been opened - the packaging obviously let no air get in there at all :rolleyes:

Edited by darkshine

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hahahaha i rember buying cereal just for the toy inside, its so exiting when you reach into the box and surface your toy. i rember when suger puffs did a free alien toy in every box and i kept getting the same one week after week so i had to actully order the rest of the collection. the best toys came in those chuppa chups capules, those where awsome! but cereal box toys always came up a bit short.


if that was me i would of put melted white chocolate on the sugar puffs block and made a giant cereal bar.

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It was too solid - I forgot to add that I took it outside and bashed it with a hammer and it made no difference - I wonder if it could be used to build things :lol:

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