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CAMHS apointment what can i expect ?

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My daughter has a camhs appointment tomorrow as she is threatening to harm [kill] herself when she is in a rage, she was dx as autistic in late 2010 but since then there has been no input from them it was a case of diagnose then get on with it.

what kind of help are we likely to receive ? the man i spoke to initially was less than helpful told me to hide the knives and paracetamol !!! gee hadnt thought of that !

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i can personally relate to your daughter i also threaten to self-harm/suicidal mode when in meltdown outbursts so can empathise it out pure frustration and pure despair of how things lay out for us becomes overwhelming and too much pressure so let it out .... CAMHS officially diagnosed me at aged 14 CAMHS is useless in our area pathetic ... they suggested that my mum hid knives parcemetol too away from me my mum's arguement is if want to find them we will somehow do it!



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is your daughter on any meds (anti-depressants)??? again like you was common case of you've got what you wanted a official diagnosis now go on your way!!! we passed leaflets on asperger's information


i had research on net and library books find out whole meaning behind this condition as was so confused used to lash out get angry aggressive violent in my outbursts lasting hours one time police and ambulance being called! went up hospital was seen by emergency on call mental health crisis team by pyschtrist she asked me lots of different questions.... about mood state of mind mum said wasn't safe to come home they asked me if i felt i was stable balanced enough to come home i said no but still refused to keep me in for my safety! i felt so scared afraid! help knives up to my mum's throat several time smashed bowls up out of anger


has she been assessed for mental health issues such as depression,anxiety or mood disorder ( BPD Bi-Polar) etc?


CAMHS know nothing about AS & MH issues working together i had to inform pysch of what AS was he told me self-harm was 'dangerous' duh! title in the name self-harm i know it risky but helps calm me helps me soothe comfort and cope! like banging your head against brick wall probably get more sense out of wall then them!


so you not alone in trying to get through to CAMHS idiots!

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Hi Jollypig, I personally had a positive experience with CAMHS for my son, who was referred by the school for OCD behaviours. They will start off with a consultation, taking a full history, either with just yourself or the whole family together. Then they might offer your daughter some individual sessions, probably six to start with. They tried one-to-one therapy with my lad, which did help him but which he found difficult. Then they tried a more informal sort of 'play' therapy, again, six sessions. We had regular reviews with the consultant to see how he was progressing. Unfortunately, he is now 18 so they had to discharge him and we'll have to go through adult services if we need further help, which I expect we will.


Good luck with your first appointment. I hope your daughter will be open to the help and that things improve for you all.


~ Mel ~

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thanks for the replies- she does have a lot to deal with as well as the autism she has uncontrolled epilepsy and dyspraxia she is also struggling with acid reflux she is on an assortment of 8 tablets twice a day and add the stress of school issues i think she close to breaking point.

i just hope they have something helpful at offer cos i dont know where to turn next.

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i also have dyspraxia too ... adult MH services also let me down disappointed me hated psych he was horrid rude obxious man yuk! made me feel worse than better! i had CBT (cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and been on several different anti-depressants (prozac &mirtazapine) then was put on risperdal (risperdone) For anger violent outbursts /meltdowns also had family therapy sessions with family social worker discussing past issues



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Have you heard of the 'you need to know campaign'? (personally i find the campaigning side of the NAS very good and have been involved with some campaigns myself)




(there used to be a separate website but now has been incorporated into the NAS)


Anti depressants can cause me to become severely depressed. i have paradoxical reactions to medications due to my ASD. Also end up with rare side effects, in fact my meds change quite a bit (pain medication gabapentin).


In fact a (low dose for pain) type of antidepressant turned me from a mildly anxious person to a severely depressed one. I've decided that im going back on the 5htp supplements tonight as im unable to cope with my families lack of understanding for my severe depression and feel it could help with my anger. i wish risperidone was without benzoate. If anyone knows of a brand of the liquid form that is benzoate free please PM me.


There is some literature on autism and mental health


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well the appointment went as expected but they are referring her to a specialist team but they do think she is depressed and did suggest medication maybe the way to go .

blood tests via the pediatrician have shown she is lacking in vitamin D and iron , im hoping a while on supplement may help lift her mood without the need for anti depressants.

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