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We have recently replaced our 10 ft trampoline with an 8ft which has a safety enclosure. This leaves room for me to hang the washing out without having to climb on the blooming thing, this is me :sick:

problem is, what do we do when it rains ? we can't fit the rain cover without taking down the net. We tried just putting the cover inside the net, but this just created a large and heavy puddle :wacko::wacko:

Silly idea, cos how do you then get the cover out without getting soaked ?

Any ideas ?



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:lol::bounce::bounce::bounce: Trampolines are ace....I know they get a bad press because of misuse but my 3 love it.Anyway we have one with a safety net too, but don,t have a cover for it.It has spent 3 winters outside and shows no ill effects.Hope this helps :thumbs: .

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we have a 12ft trampoline with enclosure.

we only got it in may so it hasn't done a winter yet.

the cover came free with it but we haven't used it because as you said it won't fit!


i'm not too sure about leaving the sides on in the winter though........i'm a bit worried the wind might catch it?

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We have a 13ft trampoline with a safety enclosure, great for drying sheets!


When we first got the trampoline we put the cover on every night, but as you say it just collects water. After a few weeks we just left the cover off, it dries in minutes when the sun comes out and it's been through a winter uncovered without coming to any harm.



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Ours has been outside for 18 months now, and apart from a little discolouring on the edges, doesn't seem to have any ill-effects. The new ones let the rain go through, rather than sitting on top as the older ones did. I think the surround actually helps to keep most things off - apart from the odd tree-full of leaves which need to be swept off - and only needs a wipe-down before use. Also find that because the base is porous it usually pretty much dries itself out



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we leave ours out without raincover. most of the rain drains through anyhow.


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dont know what your enclosure is like, but my neighbour has an 8ft with enclosure, the enclosure simply clips off at the top, and she then covers it, still has a big bump in middle, but it is covered!!!!

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Hi wac,


We recently bought a 14 ft trampoline with net and cover. we found the same problem but if you undo the ties at the top of the net then fold it into the middle you can then tie on the cover over the top of the whole lot. This may solve your wind problem (or just stop eating the beans :lol: ) Saying that we have had bad wind over the past few days and the trampoline is still there, the net lets the wind pass through and seems fine.


As for the puddle in the middle, has your cover got holes in the middle? if not then maybe try folding it in half and useing a hole punch to make some or even try melting some with a match which will seal the edges.


Just a few ideas hope they are of use to you.



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OK, all you who own a trampoline, I have a question! :wub: LOL


Umm, won't it get nicked if you leave it out???

My son has a small one with a handle that he's outgrowing fast. He's asked for a big one but I know it wouldn't last 2 mins in my garden with the cr*p neighbourhood I live in. I have a 6ft wire fence on one side but the toher 2 sides are 4ft so ease enough to transport it over when I'm not home.


Does it fold up at all for me to bring in at night times???

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We have a 12 foot one with safety enclosure and couldn't get the cover on either and its been fine. However, please stake yours down if you haven't already coz ours blew away last night!! :o We do live in a fairly exposed area, but its very odd as none of our other toys blew away (little tykes playhouse, slide etc etc) just the huge monstrosity! It landed in our neighbours garden who thankfully found it hilarious but it got wedged between their conservatory and kitchen wall and just how it didn't smash a window is beyond me!!!


So needless to say ours is going away for winter and will be totally staked down next spring :lol:


Lynne x

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we have a tie down kit with ours but hubbie is still insisting it gets dismantled for winter.

last year our 6ft, 60 ft long fence completely came down in a bad storm and we seem to live in a windy area so wouldn't want to risk it.


as for it getting pinched.......i can't see how without it being very hard work.

they would have to unstake it and even then its quite heavy and awkward with the surround on.

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