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when LSA is off sick what happens

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I was just wondering, when the LSA is of sick what happens then. DS has a bad few days as his LSA is not there and there's been no-one to replace her. I'm so new to this. Is that what usually happens?

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If you are really lucky then you may have a school that can afford a 'supply TA' (best discription I can think of) who could release another TA to work in your childs class - meaning they at least know the TA.


Most schools are NOT, however in a position to do this. So, it is normally a case of 'coping' with things. Coping ought to mean some effort is made to offer 'other' support while your childs 1-1 TA is off sick. Not ideal but sometimes nothing can be done about it if this is a 'short term' illness.


If it is going to be a long term problem then the school should sort something out as quickly as possible.

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If it is short term its usually extremely difficult to arrange temporary cover, unless they have additional support in school they can use without affecting other childrens support/teaching then it is rare in most schools for a replacement for short term illness. It also affects the school budget severly if it is short term as they have to pay for the LSA who is off and an additional one.


Depending on which area you live in can also depend on how many 'supply' staff are available to cover such posts.


Long term illness however is different, schools should have an insurance policy which covers staff sickness, after 2 week period where cover is not provided (usually) the school can claim for the sick pay of the person who is off so they can use funding they have to pay for a replacement for the time the person is on sick leave. If they say they don't have this insurance then in part it is their own silly fault as it is recommended to every school.

Edited by lil_me

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If the LSA time is part of the provision in the statement, then surely no LSA support is a breach of the terms of the Statement - financing, insurance, supply etc should not be for parents to worry about and it goes to show how vulnerable and fragile our kids are when support is not there.


If it was me and my Utopia, I would have ensured that an alternative LSA had been appointed to cover when sickness occurs in the regular LSA - that also give the child some predicatability if they know that if doodah is sick, that oojiflip will be their TA - but no - that would be too easy - instead we have an upset child.


Is it any wonder we parents are at breaking point.


Best wishes



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If the LSA time is part of the provision in the statement, then surely no LSA support is a breach of the terms of the Statement - financing, insurance, supply etc should not be for parents to worry about and it goes to show how vulnerable and fragile our kids are when support is not there.


If it was me and my Utopia, I would have ensured that an alternative LSA had been appointed to cover when sickness occurs in the regular LSA

Helen I know exactly what you mean. I'd happily join you in your Utopia if it were possible...if only it were that easy.

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hi, thanks for you replies. I thought that was what happened. It was depressing for me to pick ds up today. He was wandering around while every-one was sitting down listening to a story. I collect him early, which I'm relieved about as it would be worse if all the other parents saw this. His trousers were wet as he was stressed. When he is like this he refuses to go to the toilet. He wanted to go home to use the loo. Normally using the toilet in the nursery is not a problem. I worry how is he ever going to cope when he starts school this Janaury.



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Sorry to hear your son is stressed this week, I hope the LSA is back soon.


It might be an idea to make detailed notes of what's been happening, how your son has been behaving and why. When you meet to discuss the proposed statement later this week it will be useful evidence that your son needs stable 1-1 support all the time.



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The LSA being off is a difficult situation.


I agree with the theory that it is the schools responsibility to provide a replacement, but it is often easier said than done.


With all the criminal records checks etc that need to be done, recruiting a new LSA, even on a short term contract to cover abscences,can take a while. And who is going to want a job that will come to an and as soon as the incumbent recovers?


Pools/agencies aren't always the answer either as frequent changes in LSA can also be problematic.


J is now in special school so he no longer has a full-time LSA, but while he was in mainstream we reached the point where we didn't send him to school if there was no LSA and no cover available.


It was letting the school off the hook in some ways, and not everyone can cope with the logistics of this, but it did less harm than leaving him at school to cope on his own.



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My son's school do support his Lsa by sending her on training courses and she has the Jewish holidays off. When this happens he has his Lsa from lunchtime to support him in the classroom who does supply Lsa at school. If his Lsa is on short term sick and absolutely no cover can be found his teacher has reassured me that she will use his class group as her focus group which is what happens from 1500-1525 every day when his Lsa is not there.


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