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We're off on our Fossil hunt today

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you never found me!!




[bTW - I was hiding in Abi's tallboy - nobody's rummaged through her drawers since Celebrity Love Island ;) Am i clevor or watt??]


Hope you had a lovely day, and remembered to 'slip, slap, slop'



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We were close BD, we searched her ottaman but missed the tallboy. We'll get yer next time :lol:


We didn't find much at all really. A few bits and bobs but not much to write home about.

We did have a really good day though. You know the bit of the beach where you say to the kids, "stay away from the rocks they are dangerous" well thats the bit we were clambering over. We had to rock hop for about 3 miles. It was very tiring but Ben was a star. I thought he would hate it but he absolutely loved it. No one else for miles, just us on a tranquil rock bed.


We had to walk quite a way before we got to the right place and Ben was getting a bit fed up. He said at one pont "can we just go to an arcade and play some games?" :lol: He thought as we were at the beach there would be some sort of entertainment.


He did say a very odd thing. We were nearly there when Ben said "I can smell the seaside" I know what he means but no one else could smell it and he didn't know where we were (neither did we at the time) He proved his sense of smell is extremely acute.


Well anyway, we did slip, slap, slop and no one got burnt. All in all a really nice day and would like to do it again but maybe with someone who knows what they are doing. :whistle:

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Glad you had a great day, did you do lots of rockpooling too, I love rockpooling


I can smell the seaside too, and snow (before it snows) and "the outside". When I was a little girl my mum used to say "Oooh, you've brought the cold in with you" and I never knew what she meant but then as I grew older I realised she was talking about the smell of the cold. It's quite distinctive.


I can smell ill-health on people ... they breathe it, a sweet, sickly smell... I don't like that one at all


I wonder why we are so sensitive to smell ..... strange isn't it.

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